Qin Feng is leading Qin Nan into a huge dilapidated house, “Senior, please see, this is the place where my Qin Family once was!”

” Zun, it’s here to kill my Qin Family whole family. You think you can kill me. If I’m not proficient in magic lines and get the protection of the blood book on my body, I guess my Qin Family is really over!”

Qin Feng walked into the ruins with a sorrowful face. Looking at the exquisitely carved ruin buildings even though the walls were broken, Ye Fei could imagine how brilliant the Qin Family back then was.

“But no matter how brilliant the family is, it can’t resist the crush of strength! It’s just that I’m curious, why did you bring me here, Qin Feng?”

You need to know, He helped Qin Feng. On the one hand, he saw that Little Qin Nan was innocent and innocent. On the other hand, he just wanted to get the Demon Realm rune from Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng shook his head, and suddenly said solemnly: “Senior, I know you look down on my little Little Qin’s house, and I also know that you want to cultivation the magic pattern, just to cover up your original Identity, but to conceal one’s identity, it’s not enough to learn magic patterns!”

“Senior, do you know why Baosha Demon Lord refused to let me go for so many years, because he opened that ruin, It was secretly opened with Demon Sect on his back!” Qin Feng said astonishing.

Ye Fei also has a clear mind, “You mean, this treasure temple demon, who wants to eat alone, deliberately concealed the existence of that ruin from Demon Sect?”

“That’s right, that ruin is no trivial thing. I didn’t know until I entered the ruins and got the blood book by chance. There was actually the place where I was the strongest Demon Emperor and Lord Yan Demon Emperor! Inside, it not only records the essence of Yan Demon Emperor, but also records in this blood book that if you can pass the test of Yan Demon Emperor, you will not only get the inheritance of Yan Demon Emperor, but you can also get the fire of Yan Demon Emperor. The baptism!”

“The fire of the Balrog is the most mysterious power in the Fire of the Balrog. It is said that for those who have experienced baptism from the fire of the Balrog, True Demon can break through the demon, the demon, It can even break through Demon King!”

Qin Feng is serious.

He truly trusted Ye Fei, so he could tell all the secrets he knew, even though he had known for a long time that Qin Feng could kill people for so many years without giving up, Qin Feng Certainly know a lot of secrets.

But the secret of Lord Yan Demon Emperor is to let Ye Fei startled.

The so-called Yan Demon Emperor inheritance, he has no interest, after all, his cultivation is the fairy soul, not the Demon Soul, but the light of the flame demon is too magical.

As long as you accept baptism, you can break through the realm. If such magic light is also useful to the fairy soul, doesn’t it mean that he will be able to break through to the realm of the fairy soon?

Sure enough, this trip to the Demon Realm, he came right.

But… “Qin Feng, you tell me this, shouldn’t it be unconditional?” After all, the martial cultivator not only emphasizes the supremacy of personal strength, but also the supremacy of interests!

Chapter 3606 Flame Demon Sea

Chapter 3606 Flame Demon Sea

In Demon Realm, there is no chance for no reason. Even if there is, there is a price. Ye Fei’s eyes also looked at Qin Feng coldly.

This look made Qin Feng sweat profusely, but he still gritted his teeth and said: “Senior, I don’t ask for anything else, I only ask for Senior. After getting the inheritance of Yan Demon Emperor, I can Share part of it with Qin Nan.”

Ye Fei understood why the Qin Family would rather perish and protect Little Qin Nan. There are actually reasons. Obviously, Qin Nan is within the body. That bloodline is very unusual, and it must be related to Lord Yan Demon Emperor.

“Okay, I promise you! I am not interested in the inheritance of Lord Yan Demon Emperor. All I want is the light of the Fire Demon, but the key is, how do we get there?”

Now the Immortal King and Immortal King of the Immortal Temple are colluding with Demon Sect, and they are searching for him in inescapable net. Even when entering the city, Ye Fei Xiannian also sensed his own portrait in the city.

Obviously, the mad Demon Sect’s tracking of him has begun to penetrate deep into the Balrog realm. At this time, any act blindly without thinking may reveal his identity and attract the Immortal King to chase him down.

“Senior, don’t worry, I have a way to make Senior not reveal my identity at all! Back then, I also used this method to lead Qin Nan to escape the pursuit of Baosha Demon Lord.”


While speaking, Qin Feng had already inspired the power of the blood book. As the blood book was inspired, the air all around suddenly showed a strong space fluctuation. This fluctuation is very strong, and it is clearly exactly the same as that of the Teleportation Formation Platform.

Ye Fei was surprised.

“Could it be that this book of blood is the key to go to the remains of the Flame Demon? If so, why have you never used it before?”

And as long as you get the inheritance of Lord Yan Demon Emperor, Qin Feng and Qin Nan were not always chased by the Baocha Demon Venerable. Qin Feng only smiled bitterly when he heard this.

“Two reasons, one, the emperor’s test is too strong, I am alone, not sure to pass, two, this blood book can only teleport us outside the ruins, and outside, the treasure Zun, there are various traps and heavy soldiers. I have no way to break through.”

“So, you want to borrow my power to help you break through the defense of Baosha Demon Lord, and then enter the real ruins . Understand, I can help you with this matter.” Ye Fei secretly nodded, finally figuring out the whole sequence of events.

Seeing Ye Fei nodded, Qin Feng also became happy, “Thanks Senior, then I settled Qin Nan, we will do it.”

Qin Feng said To hide Qin Nan in the ruins of the Qin Family, Ye Fei frowned when he saw it, “Wait a minute, Qin Nan is still young, and there is no cultivation base. How can I be safe to hide here?”

“Senior, don’t worry, although my Qin clan is destroyed, the secret room is still there. Back then, Qin Nan and I were hiding in the secret room. Even Baosha Demon Venerable didn’t hide it.” Qin Feng said to himself.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but sneered, and suddenly pointed to the northwest corner of the ruins and said: “You mean the secret room under the ruins? Even I can find out that the Baosha Demon Venerable back then was just a moment of care. He wants to search it seriously, do you think you can hide it?”

“How is it possible…” Qin Feng broke out in a cold sweat, he didn’t expect in his dreams. Back then, Baosha Demon Lord searched for a long time. Ye Fei didn’t even ask about the magic pattern secret room that he didn’t find.

Ye Fei’s mysterious, Qin Feng’s soul frightened instantly was not possessed.

In the animal print space, the grass is elated eating sugar bottle gourd, while slowly retracting Divine Eyes from heaven and earth.

“Before…Senior, what should we do?” Ye Fei found the most confident secret room easily, and Qin Feng had to believe that he was able to escape by luck back then and was definitely Baosha Demon Lord. It was careless for a while. ,

Ye Fei wants this effect.

After all, the defensive heart is indispensable. He and Qin Feng are strangers coming together by chance. Even if they join hands for profit, he must also be on guard.

“Let’s do this, Qin Nan stay by my side. As long as I don’t have an accident, Qin Nan will definitely be fine.”


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