void is full of flames, and above the flames, there is a huge illusory shadow, standing arrogantly in the heavens and the earth. There is no trace of flame aura on his body. , But no matter how the fire all around burns, it cannot destroy the stalwart illusory shadow.

“Could this Dao Void shadow be Yan Demon Emperor? This Demon Emperor was born in the fire sea, and after his fall, he returned to the fire sea…”

In Ye Fei’s heart, I remembered what Qin Feng had told him about the legend of Lord Yan Demon Emperor, but Lord Yan Demon Emperor was not a Human Race, but a Flame Spirit born in the entire Flame Demon Realm and endless fire sea!

Later, this Flame Spirit, through constant insights into Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, finally built a generation of Demon Emperor. It also turned the Flame Demon Region from a restricted area of ​​life full of volcanoes into a prosperous population. Huge magic domain.

Only in the end, Mr. Yan Demon Emperor suddenly disappeared without knowing why. It was just that there were countless legends about Mr. Yan Demon Emperor spreading in the Yan Demon domain.

Of course, Ye Fei is not interested in these legends, and he is not even interested in the inheritance of Lord Yan Demon Emperor. Ye Fei really cares about the huge illusory shadow in the palm of his hand. A mountain of flames!

The mountain is like a volcanic crater, but at the mountain pass, it shines with dazzling brilliance.

“These brilliance are most likely to be the light of the flame demon!”

Ye Fei thought secretly in his heart, and at the same time his footsteps, step by step, toward the continuous blooming rays A huge volcano of light.

But from the outside, it looks like Ye Fei’s body, shrinking continuously until it shrinks into the open palm of Lord Yan Demon Emperor.

Then, it narrowed down to the huge volcanic crater, where Ye Fei felt an amazing energy fluctuation.

That kind of fluctuation is actually the origin fluctuation of a Demon Emperor!

“so that’s how it is, the so-called light of the flame demon is actually the origin of the Demon Emperor of the Demon Emperor, and it is also this origin, which allows martial artists, because True Demon steps into the demon, Let the Demon King step into the Demon King level!”

Ye Fei was shocked. This was the first time he had come into contact with the true origin of the Demon Emperor, and he felt this origin, not only Ye Fei, within the beast seal space, Black Egg, and Little Qin Nan, all of them were actually excited.

The entire surface of the black egg is blooming with a peculiar black light. It seems to wish that I can’t charge ahead and absorb those origins. Little Qin South is the bloodline within the body, which makes Qin Nan small. His face showed pain and desire, “Ye Fei big brother, what’s wrong with me?”

“Don’t be afraid of Little Qin, this is a good thing, it should be left by Lord Yan Demon Emperor The origin, it has a promoting effect on your bloodline, maybe your bloodline can be improved!”

“This way, everyone will come out!”

See all around no Dangerous, Ye Fei simply released everyone outside Xiaocao. The reason why he didn’t release the grass was that Xiaocao simply had no interest in these Demon Emperor origins.

At this time, Qin Feng was also in a coma, and Dragon Tortoise used a jet of water to wake up again. Qin Feng opened his eyes blankly, and exclaimed on the spot, “Senior, here is… “

“Yes, this is the Inheritance Land of Lord Yan Demon Emperor. If I am not mistaken, as long as you understand the illusory shadow of Lord Yan Demon Emperor, you should be able to understand Lord Yan Demon Emperor. The inheritance of, now you can enlighten yourself, as for me, as long as the origin of the Demon Emperor is enough.”


After that, Ye Fei took the lead in jumping into Yan Demon. The volcanic crater in the palm of Emperor Emperor.

Chapter 3612 The Hand of a Thousand Buddhas

Chapter 3612 The Hand of a Thousand Buddhas


Finally, this Yan Demon Palace The barrier still failed to block the joint attack of the seven Immortal King Demon Kings, and it was broken. At the same time, Celestial Demon King, Earth Demon King, Crazy Demon King, and Dongli Immortal King, Zhankong Immortal King, Li Dongji, Shizhongxian , And stepped into Yan Demon Palace at the same time.

This also caused the hearts of the three Demon Kings to beat wildly. After all, in terms of numbers, the number of Immortal Kings now exceeds that of Demon Kings.

“Dongli Immortal King, let’s say in advance that the inheritance of Lord Yan Demon Emperor must be ours!” Celestial Demon King opened the mouth and said in a deep voice.

“haha, this nature, we only need Ye Fei, as the inheritance of here, we are not interested.” Immortal King laughed in Dongli, Shi Zhongxian did not gnaw even more, just kept observing this inflammation Regarding Demon Palace, no one knew what they were thinking.

The three Demon Kings glanced at each other and stopped talking. The seven Immortal King Demon Kings suddenly accelerated at the same time, and the steps moved towards the Yan Demon Palace rushed up.

Moreover, after dozens of breaths, they rushed past Ye Fei and Baosha Demon Venerable. It took a few hours to pass the steps, but it was at the end of the steps.

Suddenly 359 Venerable Mani, blooming terrifying Buddha’s radiance at the same time, like a wall of people, blocking the path of Celestial Demon King and the others.

“Baosha Demon Lord, you are so daring, as a subordinate, I even dare to conceal such things as the inheritance of Yan Demon Emperor!”


Seeing these Venerable Mani, Celestial Demon King, Earth Demon King, and Crazy Demon King were furious at the same time. But these Venerable Mani, still Motionless As Mountains, all look like fierce, blocking them.


The martial artist of the demon realm, the battle is very straightforward. Seeing that the Baosha Demon Lord didn’t reply, Celestial Demon King directly moved his hands, a terrifying demon palm, and patted the Mani Lords.

These venerables also chanted Mani one after another, wrapped in Buddha’s radiance, forming a peculiar Buddha Sect’s Vajra array, actually blocking the palm of the Celestial Demon King, and the Celestial Demon King was suddenly shocked. , The King of Side Earth Demon, the King of Crazy Demon, also roared, “Kill!”

Three Demon King giant palms fall at the same time. Such an attack is enough to take any Demon King into a photo. It’s too hot.

But the 359 Venerable Mani, like an unbreakable Buddhist Golden Body, still stood steadily on the spot, chanting wonderful scriptures.

The three Demon Kings were shocked again.

Even them didn’t expect that the Baosha Demon Sovereign would have such a means. No wonder Baosha Demon Sovereign dared to be rebellious.

“This way of Buddhism is really mysterious, the Immortal King of Battle Air, it seems that you can only do it.” Shi Zhongxian and Immortal King Dongli said together.

The three Demon Kings also looked forward to it.

After all, here, only Zhankong Immortal King is the most proficient in Buddhism. Zhankong Immortal King also did not refuse, but smiled with Li Dongji, said solemnly: “I can help, but we will not release the fifty thousand celestial meteorite we promised before!”

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