The Baosha Demon Lord who
saw this scene spouted a mouthful of old blood on the spot, and then, like the bull who was thoroughly angered, roared in extreme anger, he rushed into the Buddha palace with his head down. Teleportation Formation Platform, “Ye Fei, Ye Demon, Foye is fighting with you today! moo!”

Chapter 3618, Demon Sect

Chapter 3618, Demon Sect


The roar of Baosha Demon Sovereign shakes the void. At the same time, with Ye Fei and Baosha Demon Sovereign, they used the Teleportation Formation Platform successively, and also announced Dongli Immortal King and the others. With the help of mad Demon Sect, the plan to hunt Ye Fei failed completely.

Above the Flame Demon Sea, Celestial Demon King and Earth Demon King, the eyes of the mad Demon King are completely gloomy, “Unexpectedly, this time we exerted such a large force, but in the end, even a little I can’t catch the little True Immortal, and I just offend Zhuxiandian!”

“Hehe, the three Demon Kings, it’s too early to say this, even if Ye Fei escaped us. But this immortal is almost certain that the inheritance of Lord Yan Demon Emperor is definitely in the hands of Ye Fei!” Immortal God in Shizhong is ferocious.

The three Demon Kings were all taken aback, “Shi Zhongxian, what evidence do you say so?”

After all, Ye Fei is only True Immortal, but Baosha is It is the Demon Lord. According to the powerhouse thinking of the Demon Domain, the one who is most likely to obtain the inheritance of the Yan Demon Emperor should be the Baosha Demon Lord.

“haha, of course we have evidence, please look at the three Demon Kings.” Dongli Immortal King slightly smiled, suddenly Xiannian broke through the space of Yan Demon Palace again, another hand from the sky, Directly split the volcanic crater that lost the origin of the Demon Emperor into two halves, “Please look at the three Demon Kings. Here, there are the handwritings left by the black turtle by the Ye Fei evil creature…Well, where is the handwriting here? Go?”

Dongli Immortal King’s complexion suddenly changed. When they just left, their Xian Nian clearly saw that there was a handwriting left by Dragon Tortoise here, deliberately angering Baosa Demon Lord, but now, The handwriting there was empty, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

The three Demon Kings suddenly sneered, “Dongri Immortal King, where are the handwritings you said? You want to use us to help you hunt down Ye Fei and just say, why bother to make these corners? “

“But you can rest assured that since we have taken your fairy meteorite, we will definitely help to the end. Now we will issue a reward order to the entire demon domain. As for whether you can catch this Ye Fei, It depends on your luck.”

After all, the Demon Domain is vast. Behind Ye Fei, there is a great influence like Zhuxiandian. Although Demon Sect also has a backer behind him, he is not too afraid of Zhuxiandian. But between Yan Demon Emperor inheritance and the hunt for Ye Fei.

The three Demon Kings finally chose to hunt down the Baosha Demon Lord. After all, from the current situation, it is still the most suspected of the Baosha Demon King obtaining inheritance.

The demon domain is vast, almost like a fairy domain. If there is no Teleportation Formation Platform, it is True Immortal and True Demon. It is also very difficult to go from one demon domain to another.

But after successfully teleporting out of the Demon Sect controlled by the mad Demon Sect, Ye Fei not at all continues to teleport. First, he is carrying too much treasure now, as the so-called an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.

Furthermore, after a full 100,000 years of development, Ye Fei is not at all certain about what attitude the Zhuxiandian is at this time.

The second is Immortal King and the others Dongli. Since he was ordered to chase him down, he certainly wouldn’t escape from the mad Demon Sect, so just let it go.

“These Immortal Kings, since they can use the mad Demon Sect, they will definitely be able to use the other sects of the Demon Realm. Instead of exposing them actively, they might as well make a fortune with a muffled voice and find a safe place first. Let’s talk about the breakthrough. “

Ye Fei calculated in his mind that he would soon have his own decision. He decided not to go to Zhuxiandian for the time being.

After all, Yunguo has already gone to report the letter before. If Zhuxiandian is interested, he will definitely send someone to find him. If it is unintentional, then the past is meaningless.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s thoughts move, “Xiaocao, help me feel the Spiritual Qi fluctuations around here are the strongest.”


Under Qin Feng’s shocked gaze, Xiaocao just opened the Divine Eyes, and with a small finger, he has sensed the strongest Spiritual Qi nearby.

It is not a demon domain, it is actually a huge star. Above the stars, the Spiritual Qi is strong. From time to time, you can see the powerful martial cultivator, going in and out of the stars.

In Beast Seal Space, when he saw this star, Qin Feng’s brows jumped, “Senior, it looks like Da Luo Demon Sect in front. By the way, counting the time, this year seems to be Da Luo Demon. In the days when Sect recruited the discipline, I once planned that when Qin Nan could control within the body bloodline, I would find a way to come to Daluo Demon Sect to participate in the assessment, so I might have a backer.”

Some sigh.

Ye Fei also listened to a heart move. In the end, breakthrough Xianzun can’t be achieved in a few days and months. It will take several years or even more than ten years to succeed.

At this time, instead of hiding around and worrying about being chased by the Immortal King, he might as well hide his identity and find a sect to hide away!

With this in mind, Ye Fei immediately had a good idea, “Qin Feng, do you have confidence in the evaluation of the Da Luo Demon Sect?”

“Senior , You mean, we join Da Luo Demon Sect?” Qin Feng was a little surprised.

“Yes, I breakthrough Xianzun. I need an absolutely quiet environment to retreat. It’s good for me to look at Daluo Demon Sect.” Ye Fei did not hide his intentions.

Qin Feng was shocked, said solemnly: “Senior rest assured, other Sects are hard to say, but I have been preparing for the Demon Sect assessment for a long time.”

The wind is gearing up, and Ye Fei simply exhorts. Qin Feng directly moved towards Da Luo Demon Sect and the door flew down, sensing Qin Feng’s cultivation base of imaginary demon, Da Luo Demon Sect also quickly walked out to receive Qin Feng.

Ye Fei was quietly hiding in the void, waiting for the news of Qin Feng’s assessment, while boringly took out the book of flames and read it.

I saw this book of flames. After being teleported, although it has lost its teleportation function, there are countless more magic patterns on it.

The combination of these magic patterns is a cultivation technique inheritance left by Lord Yan Demon Emperor.

“Unfortunately, this is the method of the Demon Emperor. You need Demon Soul to be able to cultivation. Unless I change to the demonic path, this thing is useless to me.”

And Ye Fei has many methods of Immortal Emperor. Naturally, this method of Demon Emperor is dispensable. “Forget it, let’s throw it to Little Qin Nan.”

Thinking of this, Ye When Fei’s mind moved, he would throw the book of flames into the beast seal space, but when the mind entered, Ye Fei was taken aback.

Except for the black egg lying on the ground like a water tank, Xiaocao’s hand, without knowing when, is holding a shiny white bead and rolling happily on the ground. Get out.

And from the white bead, Ye Fei clearly felt a wave of energy that scared him. Even under the suppression of the white bead, the lively black egg didn’t dare to move. Chaos.

Swipe, Ye Fei’s forehead, cold sweat rolled out.

“What is this thing, Xiaocao, where did you find this pearl?”

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