As the saying
goes, the road is one foot high, and the demonic path is one foot!

Despite the mysterious means of Buddhism, in the final analysis, the Buddha is also the Tao. Although the means of Buddhism can suppress the demonic path, but the demonic path is too strong, it can also suppress the Tao!

This is also the reason. The thing in front of you can create everything. The only thing that cannot be created is the Book of Fire!

At this time, Ye Fei opened his clothes even more in front of this thing, and saw that the book of flames originally placed in Ye Fei’s arms disappeared out of thin air, as if it never existed Too average.

When Qin Feng on the opposite side saw this, he couldn’t help but let out a tyrannical roar, “Roar, the damn book of flames, the damn Demon Emperor! If it wasn’t for this book, we would definitely be able to escape Sea of ​​Bitterness, become a Buddha and be your ancestor! roar! “

Chapter 3621 Black Egg

Chapter 3621 Black Egg


Following Qin Feng’s roar, all monks who gnawed at each other roared up in the entire Abi Hell. They stared at hollow eyes, or ferocious-looking, or face looks sinister, or showed a strange grin.

Above the red lotus vortex, Qin Feng constantly waved his ghost claws, trying to drag Ye Fei into the hell behind him, “Devil Ye, you can’t escape. Sooner or later, you will become a member of this hell like us, hehe, hehehehe!”

The laughter of this thing seems to have a strange magic power that can affect people’s minds, even in Ye In front of Fei, the place where the Sea of ​​Bitterness was originally used was terrifying red lotus fire.

But Ye Fei knows that, in fact, all of this is caused by this thing in front of him, and he did not have any politeness. Under his anger, he burst out his strongest sword dao, Taiji Sword!

The huge and magnificent picture of Tai Chi suddenly resembled the world, moved towards the red lotus vortex to suppress it. Qin Feng’s outstretched ghost claws exploded in an instant, and the whole person also let out a vicious and hideous roar, “Devil Ye, you can kill me now, but unfortunately we can’t kill! When your immortal strength is exhausted, you can’t resist it. At that time, we will definitely come again.”

“When the time comes, we must eat your meat piece by piece!”

“Meat, I really want to eat Meat, it’s been a long time since I had eaten fresh human flesh…” In the Hell of Abi, the evil murmurs of those terrifying monks continued to be heard.

Even these voices formed a kind of curse, which kept lingering in Ye Fei’s heart, lingering no matter how, Ye Fei’s face became gloomy.

The weirdness of the Buddha Emperor Relic surpassed his imagination.

“I had known this a long time ago, I shouldn’t be curious, and use the fairy mind to explore the Relic, the man who is abandoned in the sky, it is really bad luck. When others encounter treasure, it is easy to get, only I got the treasure, but I was almost killed by this treasure.”

Ye Fei was very depressed, and then I understood why I got the Buddha’s Relic, the treasure of the devil, but directly sealed it with magical thoughts , I even dared not take it with me when I was killed, that is, Dragon Tortoise’s ramming goods, without seeing clearly, I brought this terrible thing into the beast seal space, but it was discovered by Xiaocao… “Yes, Grass!”

A layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on Ye Fei’s forehead, and his thoughts sank into the beast seal space again, and then Ye Fei’s heart sank to the bottom.

I saw the animal print space, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, disappearing at the same time, Kunpeng Spirit and Little Qin Nan, also disappeared, which made Ye Fei suddenly become flustered, Dragon Tortoise and Kunpeng Spirit But that’s all, they all have the ability to protect themselves. On the contrary, they are small grass. Because they are still young, they have no ability to protect themselves.

Ye Fei cannot imagine that if Xiaocao is in danger, he will never forgive himself for the rest of his life!

“No, you must find a way to get out of this weird Sea of ​​Bitterness as soon as possible!” Ye Fei said solemnly. About to exit the animal print space.

Suddenly, not counting the black eggs in the bird’s nest, they actually rolled out hopping, and they exuded very frightening mood swings, as if they were afraid of being forgotten by Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s complexion suddenly became extremely gloomy, staring at the black egg and yelling: “Fuck you, you lied to me once, thinking I would believe you the second time? Don’t give me the original size appear!”


Ye Fei’s fairy thoughts, directly turned into a sword light, you have to blast this confusing thing out of the beast print space , The originally jumping black egg also miraculously showed a big drop of cold sweat, and then on the black egg, an evil whirlpool appeared unexpectedly, and at the same time a tyrannical flame of light suddenly radiated from the black egg. Directly shattered the sword light condensed by Ye Fei.

“No, you are not those things, you are really a black egg!”

Ye Fei looked at the black egg in shock, at first, he thought it was created by those things. It succeeded, but Ye Fei realized that it was really a black egg when he saw the light of the flame demon spitting out from the black egg!

After all, in this piece of Sea of ​​Bitterness, there are only two treasures that cannot be created by that thing, one is the book of flames, and the other is the light of flames.

At the same time, these two distinct things are the treasures of Yan Demon Emperor, the Demon Emperor!

But it is precisely because of this that Ye Fei feels the weirdness of Buddha Emperor Relic even more, “You are really a black egg, how did you get in? Where is the grass, Dragon Tortoise?”


The black egg is motionless, but on the black egg, black lines suddenly appeared, and Ye Fei’s face suddenly became dark.

He then remembered that despite the spirituality of the black egg, it hasn’t hatched yet. It is even more impossible to speak and change to another person. Faced with this situation, he will definitely not be able to continue communicating with the black egg.

But fortunately, since Xiaocao has not grown up yet and can’t speak, Ye Fei has long been accustomed to non-verbal communication.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Fei said to the black egg again: “Black egg, now I ask you one sentence, if I am right, you will play it, if I am wrong, you will roll Circle, now I ask you, is Xiaocao safe now?”

The black egg did not answer, but just bounced like a ball.

Ye Fei is just relaxed. Since the grass is safe, don’t ask, Dragon Tortoise, Kunpeng Spirit and Little Qin South are also absolutely safe.

“Let me ask you again, am I now the Fleshy body coming in, or is it just the fairy soul trapped here?” Ye Fei solemnly asked.

The black egg bounced again.

Ye Fei’s heart sank. The Buddha Emperor Relic was even more terrifying than he expected. He was just a probe of the immortal mind, and the whole person, unconsciously, was pulled in.

It’s just that Ye Fei still has a question, “Since I am the whole person being pulled in, why can I only see the black egg, where did the other people in the beast print space go?”


Hearing Ye Fei’s question, the black egg continued to bounce high, and directly into the bird’s nest, then bounced out, and then continued to bounce back several times.

Ye Fei at first didn’t understand it, but after the black egg jumped a few times, Ye Fei suddenly reacted. The black egg jumped continuously at different positions in the beast print space. Those locations are where Xiaocao and the others usually stay.

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