huge Buddha palm exploded on the spot, and together with the Gate of Hell below, it was completely shattered.


In that piece of shattered hell, Ye Fei also saw a tall Buddha-bone body, with extreme resentment emerging from the sockets, and mournful scream from his mouth. The whole person, Like a burning torch, it turned around and was swallowed by the little by little red lotus fire.

“Brahma, Brahma, after all, I still can’t beat you…” The bones roared sadly, and the tall white bones completely disappeared in the red lotus fire.

At the same time, in the broken hell, the magnificent Buddha’s voice resounded through the entire Sea of ​​Bitterness. Ye Fei saw that the entire Sea of ​​Bitterness suddenly blossomed.

The monk who was sitting on the Sea of ​​Bitterness and died within the body unexpectedly showed a strong soul light, and it was not only the monk, but those who had also turned into weirdness, chewing each other In the wreckage of the eating monk, a little bit of aura also appeared in the sky, condense a peculiar villain illusory shadow.

“Many thanks to the donor, help me to get out of Sea of ​​Bitterness!”

In the end, all these monks sat cross-legged and spoke the Buddha’s voice. At the same time, the top of their heads actually faintly appeared A peculiar world attracted them all.

“Could it be that what Buddhism calls the bliss world?” Ye Fei was shocked, and suddenly moved towards the direction of these monks, deeply carried out the ceremony. When he raised his head again, he had found himself, unfathomable Mystery spent the Sea of ​​Bitterness and stepped into a strange Buddhist temple.

In this Buddhist temple, there is nothing but a stone tablet without words.

Looking at the stone tablet, Ye Fei also thoughts to move, and suddenly once again injected his own thoughts into the stone tablet. The entire stone tablet began to shine. In front of his eyes, unexpectedly There are countless red lotus fires!

What’s more terrifying is that in that piece of evil fire, there is actually a terrifying existence that exudes infinite magic power, and is using these red lotus evil fires to temper her own body.

At the same time, a period of weird memories forcibly poured into Ye Fei’s mind. Ye Fei felt that he appeared in a trance in a magnificent Demon Palace.

Countless Demon King powerhouses, crawling in front of them, screamed for the heavenly demon emperor, but suddenly the picture changed, he seemed to be born in a Buddha Country, here, every household, chanting the sound of Buddha. There was only one man with a strange appearance, who did not recite the Buddha’s accusations, so he was expelled from the entire Buddha Country.

In the end, this ugly man chose to hide in the mountains and live by hunting in the mountains. Everyone in Buddha Country thought that this man who did not respect the gods and Buddha would eventually be trapped in the mountains. Time.

But no one didn’t expect that this man was in the mountains and forests, self-cultivation. Although he did not speak the name of the Buddha, he had a heart toward the Buddha. Although he did not respect the Buddha, he had a Buddha in his heart.

Relying on this kind of talent, this ugly-looking man actually suddenly enlightenment by himself, cultivated into the Dharma, became a Buddha on the ground, and called himself Brahma.

Chapter 3627 The Immortal Body

Chapter 3627 The Immortal Body

“Brahma, Brahma, since this person is Brahma, then Sea of In Bitterness, who is that weird Buddha body, and why did he say that he lost to Brahma?”

Ye Fei is puzzled again.

At the same time, before his eyes, the picture turned again, relying on self-sudden enlightenment, Brahma, who became a Buddha on the ground, began to walk in the Buddha Country, preaching what he understood, and relying on his own. With great strength, he won a large number of people and followed him.

It is just the Buddhist way of Brahma. It is fundamentally different from other Buddhist ways of Buddha Country. Other Buddha Country regards Buddha as Buddha, and it is natural to promote Buddha.

Because Brahma was formed by self-sudden enlightenment, his Buddhist way is emphasized that the Buddha was formed by acquired cultivation, so Brahma’s Buddhist way does not worship other Buddhas, but directly Being a buddha, it is proclaimed that everyone can become a buddha.

In this way, Brahma and Buddha Country broke out in a fierce conflict of ideas. In the end, many Buddha Countries even united and regarded Brahma as a different kind, suppressing and expelling.

There are countless monks who come to the Brahma Wheel Road, but Brahma seems to have an extremely profound understanding of Dao. Instead of arguing for Brahma, these monks have cultivation deviation and more people, so Falling directly into the demonic path, from a Buddha to a demon.

The news spread, and countless Buddha Country was shocked. It finally alarmed the strongest monk in these Buddha Country. This person found Brahma, and under the witness of countless Buddha Country, he started a big debate with Brahma for half a year. In the end, the high monk still couldn’t argue with Brahma. Defeated.

But just in Brahma, he thought that the storm was over and he could feel at ease when preaching in Buddha Country, but he didn’t want to know that the monk, because he lost the debate and held a grudge, he secretly gathered All monks who lost to Brahma besiege Brahma at the same time.

For those Buddha Country, they just ignored it, and cooperated with the monks. They killed Brahma’s discipline and wanton killing. Brahma himself was also accused of evil monks and pursued by countless Buddha Country. kill.

Also in this pursuit, Brahma finally awakened the memory of his previous Demon Emperor. Only then did Brahma know that he is a generation of Demon Emperor. Because of the end of life essence, compelled by circumstances, only Be able to reincarnate, hope to be able to reincarnate and recultivate, become the Demon Emperor again, and even breakthrough higher realm.

The only thing that made the heavenly demon emperor didn’t expect is that the method of reincarnation he obtained was actually the method of Buddhism, which also caused a huge deviation in the place of his reincarnation, and he failed to reincarnate. The Demon Realm, on the contrary, turned to the Demon Realm’s dead opponent, the Buddha Realm.

At the same time, relying on the almost instinct of the Demon Emperor and the understanding of the great avenue, a generation of Brahma heavenly demon emperors also accidentally cultivated into the Brahma Buddha Emperor.

The emperor Brahma Heavenly Demon, who had awakened, suddenly decided to blaze a trail and return to the Demon Realm, but didn’t want to accidentally encounter that monk on the way back, bringing the strongest ambush of all the experts of Buddha Country. , So the two sides launched a tragic fight at the junction of the Buddha domain and the demon domain.

In this battle, Brahma also showed his amazing talents. He completely transformed the original antithetical way of the Buddha, Full Mastery, into the unprecedented Inextinguishable Body of the Buddha, relying on this With such a powerful body, the monks who ambushed him once killed by Brahma were wiped out.

But Brahma didn’t expect. Because of his jealousy of him, the monk of Buddha Country unexpectedly invited ten Buddha emperors to besiege Brahma together.

Finally, after a fierce bloody battle, Brahma, who had just awakened from the memories of the Demon Emperor, was outnumbered and eventually perished with ten Buddha emperors. However, after death, due to the super comprehension of the Buddha, Brahma actually stayed A Buddha Emperor Relic is left only if the eminent monk passes away.

It was also this Relic that made the surviving monk even more jealous. At the same time, the terrifying battle strength of Brahma’s fellow practitioners of Buddha and Demon also made the monk involuntarily greedy.

So, according to the original agreement, he should completely destroy the monk of Brahma Relic. Not only did he not destroy the Brahma Relic, but also when the other Buddha Country suffered heavy casualties, this monk slammed his hands and killed him. After several Buddha Country Lords died, they successfully grabbed Brahma Relic and fled to a secret place, hoping to find the secrets of fellow practitioners of Buddha and Demon through the Relic left by Brahma.

It’s just that the monk king didn’t know that Brahma, who was both the Buddha emperor and the Demon Emperor, actually had the awakening to the death of war a long time ago. For this reason, he was in his own Buddha Sea ahead of time. Set up the Buddhist path, the scariest red lotus evil fire, Abi hell!

The monk who caught off guard, just like Ye Fei at the beginning, was directly pulled into this piece of Sea of ​​Bitterness. Not only did he suffer severe injuries, he was eventually swallowed by Sea of ​​Bitterness and fell into A nose in hell.

But even so, the monk still did not stop doing evil, but with a monstrous resentment, continued to make Brahma Relic appear in the Buddha Country, which attracted countless monks. In order to explore the secret of Buddha Relic, he fell into the Sea of ​​Bitterness trap arranged by Brahma.

Finally, the harm of this Brahma Relic even alarmed the Dao Realm powerhouse in the Pure Land of the Buddhist Academy. A powerful Buddha King was sent on the spot to come to Buddha Country and prepare to bring this Brahma Relic back. The Buddhist academy was purified, but didn’t expect that the Buddha King from the Buddhist academy, although he blocked the terror of Brahma Relic, the Buddha and the Devil.

But the Lord Buddha’s mount failed to stop this temptation. Even more, when the Lord Buddha was cultivating, the mount suddenly got into trouble. Not only did the Lord Sneak attack the Lord Buddha, then use Brahma Relic’s weird power directly swallowed the Buddha King into the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

At the same time, the mount who knew the troubles did not dare to stay in the Buddha domain, and simply defected from the Buddha domain and fled into the demon domain.

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