Ye Fei was a completely shocked expression, “Here, it looks like a treasure house…”

“Ye Uncle, look, besides Brahma Relic, there are many demonic weapons here! “Qin Nan didn’t know when, holding a huge battle halberd hard, and staggering back to Ye Fei.

A closer look, the formidable power emitted by the demonic weapon is actually comparable to the fairy King Armament! And this kind of demonic weapon is not just one, but dozens of them!

At the same time on these demonic weapons, Ye Fei also saw the unified magic pattern symbol, “These magic patterns seem to be the mark of Da Luo Demon Sect. So, we are now in Da Luo Demon. In the treasure house of Sect?”

Ye Fei was shocked.

He clearly remembered that he was in the starry sky and was pulled into the Sea of ​​Bitterness by Brahma Relic. Could it be that after that, Brahma Relic was also obtained by Da Luo Demon Sect?

“It’s just that, where did Qin Feng go?”

Ye Fei was a little confused, but since he entered the treasure house of Daluo Demon Sect inexplicably, he didn’t take anything. I always feel a little sorry.

So Ye Fei also got a little bit interesting, and took away all the dozens of most precious magic King Armament in the treasure house. Of course, all the shiny things that the grass looks at, absolutely cannot Sloppy, still taken away by Ye Fei.

Finally, until the space belt and the beast seal space were filled, Ye Fei was satisfied and immediately asked Dragon Tortoise to dig a tunnel along the treasure house, and dig directly from the treasure house to the Da Luo Demon Inside the Sect, Ye Fei walked out of the hole alone and directly found a Demon Sect Disciple passing by.

“Cultivation base in the late stage of the virtual demon, not bad, brother, please go slowly, I will ask you someone.” Ye Fei said with a slight smile on his face.

“Elder has something to do, just ask.” The virtual demon recipe was very frightened, because from Ye Fei, he felt a breath stronger than his True Demon Master, so even though he had never seen it Ye Fei, this person does not dare to neglect.

Ye Fei slightly nodded, “Don’t be nervous, the person this Elder asked about is called Qin Feng, don’t you know if you know?”

“Qin Feng? Elder That said, but the traitor Qin Feng who has to betray the sect door and is about to be put to death?” The imaginary master asked with some doubts, Ye Fei started, “What, Qin Feng is going to be put to death? For what reason is he betraying? the sect door?”

Chapter 3631 I am Elder

Chapter 3631 I am Elder

“Elder, don’t you know?” Then Demon Sect Disciple Suddenly, Ye Fei was slightly smiled and said indifferently: “This Elder has been in retreat for ten years. It has only come out recently. How to know, now, tell me what you know.”


I don’t even look at it, just throw a bottle of medicine pill out.

“Oh my God, this is actually my purple jade pill from Demon Sect!”

Usually this medicine pill, even Elder, can only receive one every ten years. And Ye Fei is a bottle as soon as he shoots, which is obviously not what ordinary Elder can do.

“disciple have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai, also ask Elder to forgive him.” This Demon Sect Disciple, kneeling in front of Ye Fei in shock, became extremely respectful.

Ye Fei’s face was twitching, and then I realized that the purple jade pill is definitely a very precious medicine pill.

But in the beast seal space, Dragon Tortoise and Kunpeng Spirit are eating goods, and they actually eat this stuff as a meal, so he thought it was just a normal medicine pill.

However, once Ziyudan made a move, not only did it perfectly cover Ye Fei’s identity problem, this Demon Sect Disciple also became inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

“Reporting back to Elder, the reason why Qin Feng betraying the sect door is said to be that Qin Feng secretly tried to steal the treasure house and steal the treasure repeatedly. Sect Master was angry and decided to Qin Feng asked about guilt and murder.”

“However, the discipline heard the gossip that the reason why Qin Feng stole into the treasury was actually forced to desperate. Because Qin Feng has shown himself since joining the sect. He has a strong talent and potential, and there has been news recently that Qin Feng joined the sect because he stole the inheritance of Lord Yan Demon Emperor and joined Da Luo Demon Sect in order to avoid disaster.”

“Disciple estimates that it was also the news that caused Qin Feng to panic. He actually ran to steal the treasure house, trying to escape, but was caught by the Elders, so he was determined to be a traitor. Put to death another day.” After the disciple said, he took a peek at Ye Fei’s expression.

Ye Fei’s face became a little dignified. You know, it has been almost ten years since he and Qin Feng entered the Flame Demon Sea.

In the past ten years, Qin Feng has not had an accident, and there is no rumors of Yan Demon Emperor. But ten years later, it suddenly came out that Qin Feng might have received Yan Demon Emperor. This Among them, there must be a reason!

“But before that, I still have to rescue Qin Feng.”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei once again solemnly asked: “Where is Qin Fengguan, do you know?” Bring this Elder forward quickly.”

“Elder, you and Qin Feng are…”

“hmph, this Elder has some origins with Qin Family, but now Qin Feng’s betrayal is strange , This Elder, I have to ask!” Ye Fei said with a cold face, and at the same time a bottle of Purple Jade Pill, threw it out again: “If you want to get down in Da Luo Demon Sect, then lead the way.”

“Yes, the discipline will lead the way. By the way, Elder, the name of the discipline is Zhang Lang, and I will ask Elder to take care of it in the future.” Seeing Ye Fei threw out two bottles of purple jade pill, it was just Zhang Lang, who was just a ghost, was overjoyed. It was instantly determined that Ye Fei had a huge backing in the sect and a lofty status, and that it was simply not something he could touch with such an illusion.

So even though he has never seen Ye Fei, Zhang Lang is the identity of Ye Fei at this time. He is convinced that he is immediately courteous and respectful, and leads the way.

Although there was a disciple passing by and looking at Ye Fei’s face unfamiliar, but seeing Zhang Lang following Ye Fei’s respectful appearance, not only did he not dare to doubt, he quickly saluted subconsciously.

So just like that, Ye Fei was unimpeded and was taken directly by Zhang Lang to the Heavenly Prison where Da Luo Demon Sect held the discipline.

“Elder, this is the place where Qin Feng is imprisoned.” Zhang Lang was very respectful. The one after another saluted of many disciplines along the way made Zhang Lang believe that Ye Fei is definitely the heavyweight of the sect. Elder.

“Hey, aren’t you Zhang Lang? Why don’t you go to Heavenly Prison instead of Inner Sect cultivation? Also, who is this person?”

Heavenly Prison Naturally, there is the elite discipline guard of Da Luo Demon Sect. Fortunately, Zhang Lang’s realm is low, but his face is very wide. One of the elite disciplines immediately recognized Zhang Lang.

Zhang Lang is also arrogant and arrogant. He pointed to Ye Fei and introduced: “Senior Brother, I am ordered to take Elder Ye and come to see Qin Feng.”

“What, you guys Want to visit harbor my Sect’s rebel Qin Feng?”

“Elder Ye, our sect, when did we have an Elder Ye?”

These elite disciplines are very confused, but Since Zhang Lang always stood behind Ye Fei respectfully, they did not dare to neglect.

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