“Purple face, what thing are you, dare to hit me?” Being abused by Ye Demon in Xianyu, Dongli Ye endured, and in the end, he was beaten by Purple Face Demon. Dongriye was furious with anger.

Just didn’t wait for Dong Liye to attack.

Celestial Demon King saw that Dongriye who was beaten out had a handkerchief falling out of his body, which happened to be his favorite but lost thing from his beloved concubine.

Remembering what the Purple-faced Demon King said, Celestial Demon King seemed to see a group of green clouds floating towards him, and then angry roar, resounding throughout the starry sky.

“Evil creature, how dare you, Dongliye, this king is going to kill you, roar!”

The wrath of Demon King shakes the world, just the angry roar, just Zhen Dongriye’s mind turned, his eardrums burst, and he screamed again. He felt an invisible Demon King power. He vomited blood again on the spot and made a vague voice, “Sir Father, what am I doing wrong?” What, do you want to treat me like this?”

“Beast, dare you say it! If you weren’t shameless secretly, trying to insult Master’s favorite concubine, Junior Sister Li, how could you be heartbroken? , Ran away from home?” The purple-faced demon became more and more angry, and rushed over on the spot, punching and kicking at Dongliye.

Dongriye was so embarrassed that he was beaten and screamed unconvincedly: “Misunderstanding, Sir Father, there must be some misunderstanding in this. I am true to the princess, and I am also true to my father-in-law. A piece of filial piety, how could I do such a thing?”

“Evil creature, I still can’t stop talking! The king at a loss thought that you were an individual, so he betrothed his daughter to you, but you, a beast, actually The filial piety to this king, the filial piety to this king’s concubine, today this king killed you!”

pa pa pa!

The Celestial Demon King, who became more and more angry, did not hesitate to take action on the spot, slapped Dongriye dozens of times, and almost stopped Dongriye, vomiting blood, crying and shouting. “I’m wronged, who did I offend? You want to frame me like this, dad, save me…”


The words are not finished, but another one The slap in the face almost knocked out Dongliye’s mouthful teeth, and a horrible to see blood appeared in the air.

Chapter 3650 Frustration and Ashes

Chapter 3650 Frustration and Ashes

“Father, save me…”

Dong Rino had no choice but to rush to his own father, Dongli Immortal King for help, and at the same time an Immortal King illusory shadow quickly rushed out of Dongriye within the body.

Then Dongli Immortal King saw in disbelief that a man who was beaten with blood spurting and his face was swollen like a pig’s head was actually his most proud son Dongriye.

The one who beat Dongliye was actually his own family, Celestial Demon King.

The projection of Immortal King in Dongli, trembling all over the place, shouted at the Celestial Demon King: “Celestial Demon King, what are you doing? Why do you abuse this king’s son so much?”

“Abusive, you ask this evil creature, what did he do? He actually seduce the king’s favorite concubine on the day of his wedding, and he also angered the king’s daughter, Ben If the king didn’t kill this evil creature, it’s already giving you the Immortal King’s face.”

Celestial Demon King gets more and more angry, “Also, from now on, this evil creature will be the same as my daughter. The marriage contract is officially cancelled, and the cooperation between this king and your evil temple is also cancelled!”

Dongli Immortal King, his face was dumbfounded.

You should know that working with Crazy Demon Sect, but he worked so hard to make it happen. As a result, Dongriye destroyed it in an instant.

Immortal King Dongli, that anger, almost not even think, the same backhand slapped Dongliye’s face, “beast, how dare you do such a beast!”

“Father, child, I am wronged…”

Dongriye screamed loudly, Dongri Immortal King this slap, almost smashed his handsome face, showing Dongri Immortal How angry is King, and how much grievance Dong Liye has in his heart, of course he couldn’t hold back, and he just spit out old blood, how far away ten meters he was, and said in a vague voice: “I can swear, I I really haven’t done this, and this handkerchief is also a token of love given to me by the princess…”

That humiliation in Dongli’s ambition.

I thought that he had attached to the Demon King. In the future, he would surely set foot on the Peak of life, and stepped on Ye Demon head completely. As a result, he was suddenly framed so viciously and even framed him. No one knows.

Dongriye is so angry.

“What, this handkerchief was given to you by the princess, child, what is going on in this process? Hurry up and tell everyone from beginning to end.” It’s your own son, even though you are angry , Dongli Immortal King still leans towards Dongliye.

“How is it possible, big brother, isn’t this handkerchief a token of love for your favorite concubine? How come it was given to Dongriye by Liuli again? Is there any misunderstanding in this?”

At this time, King Earth Demon and King Demon also rushed over after hearing the news. They were all shocked and hurried to persuade them together.

The furious Celestial Demon King calmed down a bit. At the same time, he felt that something was a little wrong. He immediately glared at Dongriye and said, “Evil creature, you can quickly follow things through. , Without omission and in detail, tell this king!”

“Sir Father, my son-in-law is really wronged… I don’t know which killed a thousand knives and killed me like this…” Dong Liye There is no way, I can only shed tears of grievance, without omission and in detail, telling all about Daluo Demon Sect and Princess Liuli.

Ghost Demon Lord was also pulled over to testify.

Three Great Demon Kings, also looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Big brother, how do I feel about this is a bit weird, that Da Luo Demon Sect Sect Master Tian Da, but the famous cheapskate, and short-sighted. He would think of using Dong Rino , Return to our mad Demon Sect, and generously give away half of the Emperor Artifact?” Earth Demon said again.

Celestial Demon King is said with a sneer: “This is not simple. This evil creature said true or false. Just call Great Elder and Xiao Hong to confront him. Purple noodles, you speed Go to the Liuli Palace and bring them here!”


Zimian didn’t dare to neglect, so he hurried to arrest people, and because of the trouble, Gradually, even Zhankong Immortal King, Li Dongji, and Shi Zhongxian rushed over.

When I saw the immortal Dongriye, the three Immortal Kings, I was shocked.

At this time, Zimian also rushed back, “Master, I have found it, Junior Sister’s bedroom, not only the Great Elder of Demon Sect, but also the close maid Xiaohong is gone.”

“What, it’s gone, could it be that I escaped because of sin?” Immortal King said coldly, and the purple-faced demon immediately shook his head, “impossible, I have interrogated carefully, then Demon Sect Elder and Xiao Hong , I have never gone out after entering the Demon Palace, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.”

The Purple Faced Demon Lord looked suspicious.

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