makes Ye Fei speechless is that Yuan Ancient Dragon tortoise is so old but still lecherous, actually pulling Princess Liuli into the door of Celestial Court, Ye Fei is depressed.

Si Kongqing, who got away at the same time, did not dare to continue impudent in front of the ancient Dragon Turtle. Instead, a vicious cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he refused to enter the Celestial Court gate, even more indifferent. Moved towards Ye Fei’s back yelled: “Ye Fei, don’t think that you have defeated me, you can sit firmly in the position of Young Master, you wait, I will return to Zhuxiandian, please stronger genius, come and defeat You!”

“damned bastard, in front of the Holy Lord, Si Kongqing, what are you talking nonsense, don’t hurry in, break the tortoise, move your butt away, and let this king go out!”

Behind the gate of Celestial Court, the Demon King named Sikongmo roared furiously. He even tried to avoid the ancient dragon turtle and rushed out of the Celestial Court gate several times, but what was helpless was the ancient dragon turtle. Just stuck at the door, as long as Sikongmo dared to dash forward, away from the Ancient Dragon turtle, he immediately lifted the tortoise and aimed directly at Sikongmo’s door.

Sikongmo’s entire Demon Soul trembling.

The expression in Si Kongqing’s eyes was even more spiteful. Simply ignoring Si Kongmo’s words, he turned and turned around, and with his own men, he rushed into the starry sky full of spite.

It seems that Sikongqing is unwilling to be defeated and really wants to return to Zhuxiandian to rescue soldiers. Even Sikongqing’s group of True Demon men once thought so.

Until they discovered that Si Kongqing, who rushed into the starry sky, was heading not in the direction of Zhu Xiandian, but in the direction of Demon Sect. These True Demon subordinates were stared wide- eyed.

“Young Master Sikong, could it be you…”

“What am I, the seventh holy emperor is confused, I believe that Old Tortoise said on the other side, should we, also follow along in confusion Is it?”

“And Ye Fei, what kind of thing, far from Ancient Celestial Court, what kind of thing, what qualifications does he have, let us bow down?”

Chapter 3654 Questioning the Holy Lord

Chapter 3654 Questioning the Holy Lord

“Ye Fei, you tell this Princess clearly, when will I become your little lover, you If you take advantage of me like this, this Princess will take Dragon Tortoise and be perish together with you!”

Princess Liuli’s face is red, and she has a sense of collapse. Must Ye Fei, who was reluctant on the spot, explained clearly.

Also after Princess Liuli made such a fuss, Ye Fei simply didn’t notice Si Kongqing’s small movements. He was almost entangled by Princess Liuli and ran into the Celestial Court gate.

At the same time as he passed the gate of Celestial Court, Ye Fei felt that he had stepped directly into a gorgeous Demon Palace from the edge of the demon realm.

I saw that above the Demon Palace, there was a big sun and a bright moon at the same time.

There is also a majestic Dark Demon Dragon, which actually pulls the big sun and the bright moon, and constantly alternates in the void.

There is more endless starlight, swaying the earth, forming one after another gorgeous waterfall torrent. All around the torrent is countless exotic flowers and rare herbs.

There are all kinds of rare birds and animals that have never been seen before, accompanied by starlight, dancing lightly and gracefully.

Here is Qingyun Demon Palace!

The palace where the Qingyun Demon Emperor is located!

Compared with this Demon Palace, the Yan Demon Emperor Demon Palace that Ye Fei has ever seen is too rough and crude.

“Yes, this is the palace of Emperor Qingyun! It is also your land of burial! Ye Fei, you wicked obstacle, my son kindly came to meet you, you want to kill my son, you really Thinking that you were lucky enough to get the Holy Emperor’s Order, this king wouldn’t dare to kill you?”

A sudden anger interrupted Ye Fei’s appreciation of the beautiful scenery. But within the Qingyun Demon Palace, besides the ancient Dragon turtle, there is also a middle-aged Demon King.

This Demon King looks similar to Si Kongqing, but is more dignified and elegant. This person should be Sikongqing’s father, Demon King Sikongmo.

The same person just now, from the sneak attack inside the Celestial Court, tried to attack himself.

Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly showed a touch of anger and cold light, “old fogey, is it who kill who, don’t you know it in your heart? Also, since you know the emperor’s order, you should know What is my identity, such a bold dog slave, do you want to bully the weak and deceive the Lord with a slave?”


Ye Fei’s words are like thunder, Shocked everyone present, even Yuan Ancient Dragon Turtle was frightened by Ye Fei this remark.

Where is this place, Qingyun Demon Palace, not only has the Qingyun Demon Emperor, but also has the seventh holy emperor, two emperors are paying attention here.

It was the far-off Ancient Dragon turtle who didn’t dare to speak loudly, but Ye Fei turned out to be better, facing the Demon King directly, which was just a curse.

Sikongmo is even more of Qi’s own Demon Soul, burning with anger, “evil creature, what do you say, do you dare to remark this remark in front of the Holy Lord, say it again?” “

Holy Lord, not only the seventh holy emperor, but also the only Immortal Emperor in the Demon Realm, he is also the ruler of Zhuxian Hall!

When facing such a powerhouse, that is, Immortal King, we must give up the acknowledge allegiance.

However, thinking of the hardships that she had been through all the way, and being forced to carry a drag oil bottle like Princess Liuli, Ye Fei was unhappy.

As a result, he finally came to Qingyun Demon Palace, but he was first killed by Sagong Qing, and then this Sagong Mo reversed the black and white, referring to the deer as the horse.

Ye Fei was completely angry. Immediately shouted angrily: “I why not dare, I said you are an old dog, is it wrong, you are not a dog, then why do you father and son, you bark when you see me?”

” Yes, it’s been a full 100,000 years! If it’s not Yuan Ancient Celestial Court, if it’s not the Holy Emperor of the Nine Prisons, he would sacrifice himself, or even the entire nine prisons, to protect your ancestors, Zhuxian Temple, and survive the destruction of Celestial Court. Demon Realm, such a cultivation to settle down?”

“It’s better now, Celestial Court is completely destroyed for you. Not only do you not know how to be grateful, but you still have such an attitude toward me, the descendant of the Holy Emperor, you say, you are not To forget favors and violate justice the old dog, what are you? Or 100,000 years in the past, in your hearts, there has been no Celestial Court, and no emperor!”

“I understand, for sure It’s you who want to stand on your own and dominate the Jade Dynasty! You father and son are afraid that I will come and grab your place. You have long stopped putting Celestial Court and the Holy Emperor in your eyes, so Sikongqing was ordered to accept it under the guise of In the name, secretly want to kill me!”

“You said, is it so? Is it because you want to fight for power and usurp the throne? Oh, so you want to be the eighth emperor!”


Ye Fei suddenly realized.

Si Kongmo was furious, and his hair stood up. “Evil creature, the devil is simply talk nonsense, and it is silly! This king will kill you now!”

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