“Ye Fei, did you feel it too?” Dugu regretted, but he didn’t know when he came to Ye Tian’s side. He didn’t make a move, and he didn’t need to make a move.

All the soldiers and horses of the Immortal Palace, including the entire Yudi’s Palace, were directly and completely captured by the angry and murderous Nine Prison Army and the Jiancheng Swordsman.

Anyone who belonged to the Yudi’s palace was even beheaded without leaving.

Of course, this group of Yudi’s men did a lot of evil and deserved their sins, but there was also a heavenly demon sword that helped fuel the flames.

“I regret Senior, how does this Demon Sword make me feel as if I have my own consciousness?” Ye Fei finally couldn’t help but ask.

The fairy sword has spirit, he can understand, for example, without Destruction Sword order, there will be a very strong Sword Spirit, but the fairy sword has consciousness, it is very terrifying.

“hehe, it’s not like, but this Demon Sword really has its own consciousness! It’s just that it rarely reveals itself. Even Yudi doesn’t even know it! It’s the old man, It was also because the fairy soul was about to be swallowed by the first heavenly demon sword, I discovered this by accident.”

Dugu’s regretful eyes, revealing a solemn and deep doubt, “and old man I can discover that the heavenly demon sword has its own consciousness, but it is actually related to you.”

“It is related to me?” Ye Fei hearing this was shocked.

“Yes, it’s related to you, because the old man discovered that whenever you step into the sword city, you will have a violent reaction with the heavenly demon sword first. You enter the sword city twice, first with the heavenly demon sword Consciousness appeared twice! You know, in the past 100,000 years, no one can awaken the consciousness of the heavenly demon sword first. Even the Immortal Emperor, and even the people of the Tianyuan, could not do it, but you did it!”

Speaking of this, Dugu has regrets, and even looked at Ye Fei with weird eyes, “If it’s not that you are only in the realm of Immortal Venerable, the old man would even doubt whether you are what the ancestor said, that transcendence People of immortal dao.”

“I, someone who surpasses immortal dao, how is it possible?” Ye Fei almost didn’t vomit blood. If he could surpass immortal dao, he would still be chased by the evil hall of the immortal hall. , I tried my best and sang an empty city strategy?

If Dugu has regrets, let Ye Fei be vigilant.

He entered the sword city twice and awakened the consciousness hidden by the heavenly demon sword twice. Why on earth?

Ye Fei was puzzled.

He raised his head again and looked towards the huge Demon Sword that seemed to penetrate the starry sky, but was stunned to find that at this moment, the heavenly demon sword seemed to be silent again. Can’t feel its uniqueness.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Keep watching curiously.

Then, Xiaocao was attracted by the actions of Dragon Tortoise and Kunpeng Spirit. I don’t know when, Dragon Tortoise and Kunpeng Spirit have already taken up a big black pot and excited. moved towards I ran outside, followed by a black egg behind him, jumping around, very excited.

In the sky, there was a loud roar of excitement from Dugu Jian and the others, “The Palace of the Rain Emperor has been captured by us, Ye Fei, what should we do next?”

“What else? I have to tear down this Yudi’s palace, and I can’t leave a piece of floor tiles for the Yudi! By the way, I have something to say if I call for sword repairs across the city!” Ye Fei said in a deep voice.

Although it is still unclear whether the existence of this first heavenly demon sword is good or bad, for now, this first heavenly demon sword is not only harmless, but also has a very powerful appeal.

When I saw Ye Fei standing directly on the first heavenly demon sword and giving orders, the entire sword city, nearly hundreds of martial artists, gathered under the first heavenly demon sword and looked up towards Ye Fei.

Chapter 3689 Hundred thousand sword repair!

Chapter 3689 Hundred thousand sword repair!

If the heavenly demon sword is the symbol of the sword city, then Ye Fei is the idol of all sword repairs, one person one sword, alone against the fairy palace.

Not only did it take away the immortal city and the Nine Prisons, it also exposed the Yu Emperor’s hidden conspiracy against Jiancheng and the Dugu Family for many years.

Even Ye Fei doesn’t even know how lofty he is in the mind of many young swordsmen.

So, when he stood on the first heavenly demon sword, he didn’t speak yet.

Sword City hundreds of sword repairs, ten thousand army of nine prisons, all Immortal King Demon Kings, Immortal Venerable Demon Kings, all quieted down, everyone’s eyes were fixed on Ye Fei.

At this moment, Ye Fei is the Lord of Sword City, more like the Lord of Heavenly Demon Sword.

“Senior, brother sisters! I won’t say any more. Today, I’ll ask you, do you wish to kneel down and endure the oppression of the Immortal Palace and Emperor Yu forever, or Willing, like me, take up the sword in your hand and do a real sword repair?”


Ye Fei raised the sword in his hand, the infinite sword light, let The entire heavenly demon sword seemed to be infected, suddenly bursting out infinite divine light, that divine light, breakthrough clouds, seemed to be responding to Ye Fei.

The sword repairers in Sword City were all shocked.

Dugu has regrets and was shocked. He has dealt with the first heavenly demon sword all his life, but he has never seen such an amazing reaction from the first heavenly demon sword.

You must know that it is the Emperor Yu. With the Immortal Emperor, every effort has been made to make this first heavenly demon sword give in a little bit, let alone a response.

Ye Fei was also taken aback by the reaction of Heavenly Demon Sword first.

He has a feeling that this sword of heavenly demon is not as simple as a response. It is more like a temptation to test everything about him!

It’s just this feeling, very hazy, almost fleeting. But first, the natural phenomenon exhibited by the heavenly demon sword still deeply shocked the hearts of Jian Xiu present.

No one speaks.

Just suddenly.

In the entire sword city, countless sword lights of varying strength suddenly burst out. That sword light, like one after another bright beam of light, illuminates the entire sky.

Swipe it!

There were nearly hundreds of sword repairmen present, and all raised their swords. Those who were able to come to the sword city were the real swordsmen of Great Thousand Worlds and the best swordsmen.

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