“Idiot, what do you care about right now? It’s important to catch Ye Fei first!”

People who can be sent out to capture Ye Fei, this Immortal King of evil temple is naturally not ordinary Senior, he was tied up before, because he was afraid of hurting the black egg.

But now, facing the arrival of many unknown Immortal Kings, the Immortal King of the evil hall can’t worry about that many, “No matter what forces you are, you never want to get ahead of my evil hall! Ye Fei , Savor the anger of my evil temple! Kill!”

hong long long!

The Immortal King of the evil hall, as well as all the immortals of the evil hall, finally desperately took action at the same time. This time, even Ye Fei’s use of the black egg as a shield is useless.

Because of these sudden appearances of Immortal Kings, they have forced the evil temple, and there is no possibility of retreat.

In Ye Fei’s heart, there is a sudden urge to vomit blood, “Is it difficult to stay in the fairyland? Fairy soul, explode for me!”

Despite the depression in his heart, Ye Fei did not dare to take the slightest carelessness. Instead, all the battle strength and even the fairy soul burst into divine light and burned raging.

Relying on this too, this time the Primal Chaos Divine Chart of Ye Fei’s condense became more terrifying and directly blocked the most terrifying attack of the Immortal King of the evil hall.


Ye Fei can block the Immortal King of the evil hall, which is already the limit. The remaining Immortal Venerable attacks, he simply cannot continue to block.

Only heard a loud noise from the world, the attack of the dozens, the Primal Chaos Divine Chart instantly shattered.

And then.

There are dozens of light of killing and killing again, fiercely’s blast to Ye Fei’s body, Ye Fei’s eyes, completely solemn, and I have hesitated in my heart whether to use Brahma Relic.


The whole between Heaven and Earth resounded with a high-pitched terrifying song, “ang!”


The moment Dragon Tortoise heard this song, Dragon Tortoise vomited on the spot. Ye Fei almost didn’t vomit blood. He had seen a lot of sonic attacks, but he also mastered this. Heavenly Dragon’s Octave, but he has never seen such terrifying sound waves hard to hear.

And just as the sound wave reverberated throughout the world, Ye Fei was even more shocked to discover that on the bright stars, there are actually 18 Immortal Kings at the same time. They shot at the same time and joined hands to form one The starlight protective cover suddenly enveloped himself.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!

The dozens Xianzun’s killing light attacked, and it was completely bounced away by the protective cover. Ye Fei was a little dazed on the spot.

“What’s the matter, these Immortal Kings, not only are they not hostile to me, but also come to help me? Are they…”

Suddenly, Ye Fei remembered something, he thought like The torrent swept towards the falling star, but on the star, he not at all saw what he wanted to see.

Only eighteen Immortal Kings are surrounded by a strange young man. The young man, wearing a peculiar shirt, has a very long face and looks a little strange.

But the imposing manner of youth is extremely powerful.

When he felt Ye Fei’s immortal thoughts swept, the young man, still smiling, moved towards Ye Fei nodded, and then suddenly left the stars and walked towards Ye Fei.

“Wait, stop! This Ye Fei is the one that my evil hall must arrest. What kind of power are you and why are you fighting against my evil hall?”

Immortal King, roared furiously.

Originally, the arrest of Ye Fei this time should have been a tenacious one, but the successive accidents finally wiped out the last trace of patience of Immortal King in the evil hall.

Just hearing the roar of Immortal King of the evil hall, the long-faced young man suddenly turned gloomy, and suddenly opened his mouth, which was the same terrifying roar, “ang!”

That voice is definitely world shacking, weeping Ghost God, everyone is scared, ghosts are sad. Just roared like that, the immortal statues present, except for Ye Fei who was protected by the starlight, all the other immortal statues burst their eardrums, and vomited uncomfortably on the spot.

This scene also angered the eighteen mysterious Immortal Kings who followed on the spot, and one of them roared in anger, “roar!”

It’s animal language, Ye Fei couldn’t understand half of the sentence, so he could only look towards Dragon Tortoise. Dragon Tortoise foamed at the mouth while translating extremely nervously: “A group of act recklessly things are so wonderful to face adults. Sing, dare to vomit, you all deserve to die!”

Roar roar roar!

tone barely fell.

Ye Fei was shocked to see that the eighteen Immortal Kings that were originally still in human form suddenly shook their bodies and turned into eighteen terrifying ominous beasts.

And these ominous beasts, all of them are monster qi monstrous, murderous aura boiling, even before Ye Fei can react, these Immortal King ominous beasts have already violently killed all the vomiting gods , Including the Immortal King of the evil hall.

Ye Fei’s face suddenly became weird. He looked at the ominous beast Immortal King and the only young man who had not turned into an ominous beast. Suddenly a boldness appeared in his heart. Thought, “Are you, the devil king?”


Another familiar and piercing cry came into Ye Fei’s ears, but behind the young man, a terrifying donkey suddenly appeared, the monster qi surging. , And suddenly smiled at Ye Fei, saying hello.

Ye Fei’s heart is to set off overflowing heaven stormy seas, “Devil Donkey King! This young man is Wang Bai’s mount, Devil Donkey King!”

After all, Heaven and Earth, Only the cry of the Devil Ass King can make Immortal King wish one were dead.

As for the eighteen ominous beast Immortal Kings that are transformed, they are killing them on the spot at this moment. Instead of killing the immortal gods of the evil hall, they will be eaten alive. Shows an extremely bloody fighting style. Ye Fei was surprised again.

“If this young man is the Demon Ass King, where did these ominous beast Immortal Kings come from? Also, isn’t the Demon Ass King with Wang Bai and Human Demon? He is again When did the transformed into gong and breakthrough reach the Immortal King?”

What puzzles Ye Fei most is that the Devil King, obviously just broke through the Immortal King not long ago, so how can he, command ten Eight powerful ominous beast Immortal Kings?

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