But this time, the Destiny Sky Disk did not exert any formidable power. With a touch, the vague Taoist projection has raised his hand and steadily blocked the impact of the fate of the sky.

At the same time flicks with the finger, Martial Ancestor and Destiny Sky Disk were flicked upside down?

Chapter 3711 Strong Dao Master

Chapter 3711 Strong Dao Master

Martial Ancestor is definitely the strongest Immortal Emperor known in the immortal domain at present , Even if the Ming Emperor Yudi teamed up, they were not Martial Ancestor’s opponents.

The Destiny Sky Disk is a soldier of the ancients, terrifying even more than Emperor Artifact.

It is no exaggeration to say that Martial Ancestor and Destiny Sky Disk are the strongest combination, but it was such a combination that was actually shot out under the finger of the courtyard master that day?

All the fairy powerhouse present were all shocked.

But this is also the power of Tianyuan.

On the surface, Immortal Emperor is the strongest in Immortal Domain, but above Immortal Emperor, there are Dao Masters! The strangest thing is that the Taoist this realm does not have any spread in the immortal realm, and even the Immortal Emperor doesn’t know how to become a Taoist.

This is also the reason. Any Taoist is synonymous with powerful and mysterious, and it is the entire Great Thousand Worlds, the top existence.

At this moment, this projection once again demonstrated the power of the Dao Master, and with one finger, it repelled the strongest Martial Ancestor.

The entire starry sky also resounded for the first time the angry roar of Martial Ancestor.

Even if it was repelled, Martial Ancestor didn’t mean to give up at all. Instead, when the silhouette stabilized, Martial Ancestor once again raised the wheel of fate and slammed forward.


This time, the fate of the sky disk is more terrifying, it contains the anger of Martial Ancestor, and it is also full of terrifying power to destroy everything.

Even this force is more terrifying than the world-destroying stars created by Emperor Ming’s killing of the common people. Only in the face of Martial Ancestor’s blow, the Lord’s projection coldly raised a finger again. Poke forward slightly!

Boom ka!

The starry sky trembled, and the whistling fate of the sky was stopped directly by that finger, and then violently rebounded.


In the mouth of Martial Ancestor, the first time spits out blood, but the whole person was not shot out, but forcibly, standing on the starry sky like a giant rooted on the ground.

At the same time, endless fighting intents, such as the Star Explosion explosion, burst out from Martial Ancestor’s body. The destiny disc in his hand, continuously blasted out, like a stream of light, smashing forward frantically.

If it doesn’t work once, it’s twice, if it doesn’t work twice, it’s ten times, if it’s not ten times, then it’s a hundred times!

boom~ boom~ boom~!

Then the entire starry sky resounded through the fierce collision between the Destiny Sky Disk and the Dao Master’s fingers. Seeing that collision, I don’t know why, Ye Fei actually felt a kind of enthusiasm in his heart.

strictly speaking, he and Martial Ancestor are actually the same kind of people.

So the battle of Martial Ancestor is also the biggest touch for Ye Fei.

Boom ka!

Finally, Ye Fei’s ears heard a loud noise, and I saw that under the continuous attack of the fate of the sky, even though it was the light of the Taoist master , Couldn’t bear it, and burst into pieces.

“Qin Wu, you are courting death!”

The dim Taoist projection suddenly roared in anger. The original finger suddenly turned into nine The fingers form nine holy lights of terror, continuously, bombarding them.


Martial Ancestor, the whole person, like a kite with a broken wire, retreats continuously, and even knocks out the black hole-like gully of the starry sky along the way.

This is the power of the Taoist Lord!

In front of the Taoist Lord, Immortal Emperor, simply unable to withstand a single blow!

In the face of Taoist masters, such as Martial Ancestor, can they only fail miserably?

“I just want to rescue Zhao Yu. I just want my relatives, my friends, and my family. Is it that difficult to have a home in the fairyland?”

Ye Fei is depressed.

Will be the soul of the army.

Just as the defeat of Ming Emperor, the blow to the Immortal Palace, the defeat of Martial Ancestor, the blow to the nine prisons was equally huge.

On the other hand, the army of the fairy palace, which was still slumped just now, suddenly cheered up like a rainbow, and the Emperor Ming, who had just been embarrassed for help, had a hideous rays of light in his eyes, “Qin Wu, today This place is your death date! This emperor wants your life! Light God fist!”

“The sword of the storm!”

Mingdi Yudi, simultaneously shot, in the two armies Battle, the sacred moment of the top-level battle strength duel, these two fairyland overlords, unexpectedly took the lead in not following the rules, shameless to sneak attack Martial Ancestor?

“This is the so-called Xiandian, this is the so-called Tianyuan? You are more shameless, more vicious, and more to have no shame than demonic path!”

Ye Fei, I was completely angry. The world often said that the devil is a badass, but in Ye Fei’s eyes, these people who are on the surface and secretly vicious are the real devil in human skin!

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