speaking, a strange power suddenly appeared on the book sage. It was not any power known to the Taoists . Only the book sage knew that the power that appeared to him was He has been cultivating hundreds of thousands of years without success. The awe-inspiring spirit is also called the power of Wen Dao!

And through this awe-inspiring atmosphere, the book sage seems to have seen a magical world. In that world, Scholar, who seems to have no power to bind a chicken, can also use his pen to kill the enemy, verbally criticize the enemy, ten thousand man but without a match.

Ye Fei, who left, didn’t know how much the Tao Te Ching he spoke casually had had a strong impact on the book sages and the Taoists of the Tianyuan.

After stepping out of the Tianyuan, he once again descended into the starry sky outside the fairy palace. The starry sky at this time has completely calmed down, and the battlefield has also been swept clean.

Only the fairy hall is still gold and jade in glorious splendor, which is a symbol of the overlord of the fairyland, that is, Ye Fei has the support of the magic courtyard and the book saint, and it can’t be completely destroyed.

“But even if it can’t be destroyed, it’s the same if it’s demolished! Come here, take this fairy hall down and take it away.”

Just to rebuild the nine prisons, a lot of s material.


At the same time, following Ye Fei’s order, the hundred thousand sword repairs who had been waiting outside, the army of the nine prisons, cheered immediately, carrying weapons, A grandiose destruction was done to the fairy palace.

As long as they can be carried away, they will be taken away. Anything that cannot be carried away is okay. Dragon Tortoise and Kunpeng Spirit have personally come forward to give instructions.

The large group of ominous beasts immediately regained their huge real body, using their own bodies to carry away all those that could not be carried away.

Just when everyone thought that this was all right. Keeping in mind the spirit of diligence and thrift, Dragon Tortoise once again gathered all the Dragon Tortoises in the Suicide Squad captivity, and set an example, ploughing the ground of the entire fairy hall one by one.

Three Great Demon Kings, can’t help but suck in a breath of cold air.

The eighteen Monster Kings were also trembling with fear and panic, so much so that when the Emperor Feng was so excited and brought a group of newly recruited subordinates, when he came to the fairy hall to take office, they looked bald and almost The fairy palace that had been plowed into farmland was dark in front of Fengdi’s eyes, and he burst into blood on the spot.

Of course, it doesn’t matter what Ye Fei does. Even the reconstruction of the nine prisons, there are also Li Dongji, Zhankong Immortal King and the others. Ye Fei does not need much attention.

The only thing that worries Ye Fei, there is only one place, and that is Jiancheng!

Although Tianyuan suffered a big loss, he was forced to admit Ye Fei’s occupation of Jiu Prison, Dongjitian, and Dahetian.

But for the Blue Mysterious Immortal domain with the first heavenly demon sword, Tianyuan will never let go, and it is even more impossible to let Ye Fei, especially after seeing Martial Ancestor use the power of the Destiny Sky Disk.

The Heavenly Court, even more decided, must firmly control the Mysterious Immortal domain in his hands.

“Ye Fei, this is the situation. The Blue Mysterious Immortal Domain will still belong to the Immortal Domain, and from now on, the Dao Master of the Heavenly Academy will leave immortal thoughts in the sword city and thoroughly monitor us !” Dugu Jian demon, pointed to a statue that was being erected outside the sword city.

The statue looks like the Taoist Hongyun. Once the statue is completed, the Taoist Xiannian will come to thoroughly monitor the actions of the Dead Sword City and the Dugu Family.

This is also the reason. Many sword repairmen in Sword City decided to leave Sword City and enter the Nine Prisons. Only the Dugu Family, because of their own sword slave status, knew that the future situation would be very difficult. But simply couldn’t leave.

What’s more dangerous is that the current Dugu Jian Demon, Dugu Aoxue, has already broken through to the realm of Immortal Venerable, and Dugu is also on the edge of the upcoming breakthrough.

At this moment, the first heavenly demon swords have also begun to notice them, and even faintly, Dugu Jian and the others, have begun to feel the mysterious summon of the first heavenly demon swords.

“Once the heavenly demon sword summon us first, we cannot resist at all. We can only become the nourishment for the growth of Demon Sword like our ancestors! So, we can’t accompany you on the next road, We will stay in Jiancheng and shoulder the destiny of my Dugu Family.”

Dugu Jian’s voice is sad. Dugu Aoxue and Dugu Negative also have unwilling and helpless expressions, but there is no way.

“Maybe, this is our fate.” Dugu Aoxue sighed rather depressed.

Chapter 3734 Mysterious Force

Chapter 3734 Mysterious Force

“Fate? Sorry, I never believe in fate! No one is born noble, and No one is born lowly! No one is born to be a sword slave!”

“If I believe in fate, I am still the ruined waste of the dantian in Blackstone City! So I believe more than in fate , Defying heaven changing fate, man will conquer the sky!”

“So, Dugu Aoxue, please pull yourself together! I also promise you that before you break through Immortal King, I will definitely find a way to solve this first The hidden danger of the heavenly demon sword!”

This is not only because Dugu Jian Mo and Dugu Aoxue are his friends, but also because Dugu Family, and the entire Jiancheng, gave him selfless help .

Without the support of the Dugu Family, he might have been chased by King Mysterious Immortal when he first set foot in Mysterious Immortal.

Without the support of the Dugu Family, he would be impossible, and instantly launch a hundred thousand sword repairs, killing the fairy hall a completely unprepared!

More importantly, if there were no sword idiot Elder, he would simply not step into the sword dao, and rely on the sword dao to stand at the current height.

The Demon Dugu Jian who heard this also showed a gratified smile. Suddenly he extended the hand and touched the space belt, “Good brother, we will not accompany you on the next road, but today , But we are either drunk or not!”

“Yes, not drunk or not!”

Rarely, Dugu Aoxue, who has always been icy and indifferent, would actually have a sense of drinking Interest, and don’t know if this is the final parting.

Unexpectedly, even Dugu, let go of certain “prejudices” towards Ye Fei, and while drinking, talking and laughing with Ye Fei. Gradually, after hearing the movement of the Dugu Family, many people also gathered and joined the drink.

Only Dugu has regrets, standing alone on the heavenly demon sword, that Demon Sword, has already deprived him of everything, his body, and his fairy soul.

Like a chain, he was firmly trapped.

“However, this kind of shackles can trap the old man, but it will never trap the future of my Dugu Family!” When he spoke, Dugu felt regretful and looked at Jianchengzhi with profound meaning. Besides, the statue of Taoist Lord slowly erected.

The statue was built very quickly. It is estimated that it will be completed in three days at most. In other words, the entire Dugu Family will be completed in three days. Will completely become a caged bird, trapped in the sword city.

In the beast seal space, maybe the black egg is not there. Dragon Tortoise and Kunpeng Spirit are busy pointing out a group of ominous beast juniors how to be a powerful ominous beast with ideals and aspirations.

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