In addition to the six front houses of course.

There is also the Jinyuan, as the name suggests, this is Saint Court, which is known for Formation, and even if the Formation is set up by the Jinyuan discipline, it will be nothing difficult with one enemy and one hundred.

There is also the Danyuan, which is the Saint Court based on pill concocting. Various powerful medicine pills make many Immortal Emperors coveted.

Finally, the Immortal Grade where Wan Qing is located, the refined Immortal Grade is very scary, such as the nine Saint Court, many powerful Immortal Grades are all from the hands of the Academy.

Also let these three Saint Courts form the Lower Third Court, and because of the Upper Third Court and the Middle Third Court, many of them need Magic Pill medicine and weapons, which also makes the Lower Third Court The hospital has always maintained a neutral position.

“…These are basically the mainstream forces of Holy War. Of course, in addition to these, there are also some Immortal Emperor descendants, and even after their meritorious service to Saint Court, even though they cannot enter Saint Court’s request, but you can also enter the Immortal King world cultivation through relationships.”

Although these people have different strengths, the backers and relationships behind them are very tough and can’t easily provoke them. People like Wu Du, for example.

Of course, this is not impossible to change.

After all, everything can happen in the Immortal King world.

There is a powerful Saint Court disciple, unable to withstand the competition in the Immortal King world, and eventually degenerate into the lower-level fairy, everywhere.

There are also people with mediocre strengths who, through their own efforts, soar into the sky and change their identity and destiny. This happens often.

“In short, if you want to be a powerhouse, come to the Holy War station. If you want to change your destiny, come to the Holy War station. If you want to get ahead, come to the Holy War station!”

On the Holy War stage, everything can happen!

It’s only the Holy War stage. You can’t go on it if you want to. You need to pay a certain number of rule stones to be eligible to fight.

And the one responsible for the Holy War station is not the nine Saint Court, but a group of special immortals who call themselves Guardian.

“These immortals are all native Immortal King martial artists. They will not obey the orders of the nine great Saint Courts, but obey the orders of the oldest Saint Court!” Wan Qing said again. , Even pointing to a group of Guardians wearing special armors outside the Holy War station not far away.

Ye Fei felt very surprised, “Wanqing, didn’t you say that the martial artist in the Immortal King world, breakthrough True Immortal, is already the limit?”

“Indeed, the native martial artists in the Immortal King world are actually the descendants left by different immortals in different ages. These offspring continue to multiply and form the basis of the native martial artists in the Immortal King world. Above the rivers of time and space, they cannot touch the real Great Thousand Worlds and feel Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. Normally, they can’t break through Xianzun.”

“But there are exceptions, that is, they become Guardian. At the time, they will get a kind of armor, the Guardian armor they wear. This armor allows them to obtain the same battle strength as the Immortal Venerable. Even the ordinary Immortal Powerhouse is not their opponent! And I heard ……”

Speaking of this, Wan Qing suddenly lowered his voice and was about to tell Ye Fei some secret news. Suddenly not far away, among a group of immortals passing by, someone made a surprised voice, “Hey, I thought I was dazzled, isn’t this Wanqing?”

“How could it be you?” See Wan Qing also brushed the vocal Immortal Venerable, his face became angry and there was a hint of subconsciously panic.

Ye Fei just froze, “Why, Wanqing, do you know these people?”

“I don’t know, this brother, what I should tell you, I will tell you everything No, I don’t want your driving expenses either. If nothing else, I’ll go.”

After saying that, Wan Qing turned around and left. He was on the spot, clearing away Ye Fei’s In any relationship, it is as if the two are strangers coming together by chance, and Wanqing only talks with Ye Fei out of profit.

Ye Fei was taken aback again.

Chapter 3759 The Story of Wanqing

Chapter 3759 The Story of Wanqing

“Stop, Wanqing, who allowed you to go?”

Just when Ye Fei was stunned, the group of immortal powerhouses had already walked over. It’s a coincidence that these people are all disciplines of the Tianyuan.

Only one exception is the costume of the dresser school discipline, which is exactly the same as Wan Qing. He was also the same person just now. After meeting Wan Qing, his tone instantly became eccentric.

Wan Qing’s face became more and more ugly, looking at this humanity: “Wanfeng, I am only entrusted by others to come and lead the way. Also, why are you here?”


Wan Qing is also very confused about the emergence of Wanfeng.

Ye Fei was even more surprised to find that Wanqing and Wanfeng are somewhat similar in appearance. Could these two people come from the same family?

“hahaha, why am I here? Wanqing, you can only count as bad luck. Just recently, Master Huang Young asked me to help him build the Immortal King and hunt dragon sharks. , We just finished hunting, and are planning to take Huang Young Master to see the Holy War station. Didn’t expect unexpectedly ran into you. It seems to be a god’s will.”

Wanfeng laughed heartily.

Also let the group of immortal demon be curious, and saw the headed one, wearing a Chinese dress, obviously different from the other immortal demon youth, quite curiously asked: “Master, this Who is this person, do you have a festival with you?”

“Haha, after all, Master Huang has good eyesight. This Wanqing and I are indeed of the same race, and were born at the same time! It’s just a pity! This person, Wanqing, acted arrogantly, arrogantly and unreasonably. Relying on his own talent for refining tools, he was arrogant and brutalized the same sect. Therefore, Ou Senior Brother Yang specially ordered this Wanqing, this life can only be forbidden to nine. Wait for the ancient city, don’t take a step!”

“But you didn’t expect, Wanqing, you are so courageous. You actually dared to violate the order given by Senior Brother Yang himself, even sneaking in People come to this Holy War station!”

Speaking of this, Wanfeng’s eyes suddenly showed a trace of teasing, a touch of irony, said solemnly: “But Wanqing, for the sake of the same clan , I don’t make it difficult for you, as long as you hand over all the rule stones on your body obediently, and then kneel down to give me three beeps, I will treat it as if I have come, I haven’t seen you today, let alone tell what happened today To Ou Senior Brother Yang!”

“What, Ou Senior Brother Yang? Wanfeng, the Ou Senior Brother Yang you mentioned, but Ouyang Invincible?” Huang Young Master startled.

Wanfeng also proudly nodded and said: “Exactly! Wanqing, angering Ou Senior Brother Yang, is your biggest mistake, and so are you, kid, it’s okay to be with Wanqing, if you don’t want Ou Senior Brother Yang blames it, it’s better to make amends quickly, otherwise…”

It doesn’t count if Wanqing is blocked in public, even if Wanqing has “dissected” the relationship with Ye Fei, Wanfeng also Refused to let it go.

One is Wanqing’s desolation, who can be with Wanqing is definitely not a powerful immortal, maybe he is a newcomer to the Immortal King world, this kind of person is generally the best bully of.

The second is Ye Tian’s body token, which actually exudes the atmosphere of the Demon Academy, and the relationship between Tianyuan and Demon Academy is not friendly. Wanfeng also took the opportunity to beat Ye Fei. .

Ye Fei is very speechless.

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