The one waiting for it may be the end of the soul flew away and scattered.


The king of dragon sharks who discovered this point finally collapsed completely. Not only did he dare not continue to resist, but for the first time he looked towards Ye Fei with fear and pleading eyes,” Please, let me go…”

Ye Fei was very surprised, “You can speak human words?”


“roar roar?”


Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise, and Kunpeng respectively expressed their surprises. Only the black egg, can’t speak, can only be anxious Jumped around in place, and once jumped in front of the Dragon Shark King.

If you dare to jump around when you see an egg before being beaten by Xiaocao, the King of Dragon Shark will definitely swallow it without saying a word.

Only now, feeling the curious gaze of Xiaocao on his back, the king of dragon sharks, on his original vicious face, magically showed a flattering smile, “Master, don’t fight Now, don’t you just want to go to Lord Luo T’s Cave Mansion, I will take you there.”

Speaking of this, the king of dragon sharks is inexplicably humiliating.

Ye Fei is even more shocked. Generally speaking, dragon sharks have only instincts and little wisdom, but the king of dragon sharks in front of them is very intelligent.

“Also, what is Na Luo T? How do you know so much?” Ye Fei solemnly asked, the king of dragon sharks was very surprised, “Humans, you didn’t come to Luo T. Cave Mansion?”

“Xiaocao, continue to fight, kill the matter.” Ye Fei said much lazily, just casually commanding, the king of dragon sharks screamed directly. “You can’t fight, ancestors, let me go, what do you want at most, what will this king give…”


When speaking, the king of dragon sharks finally Unable to hold back, tears of humiliation fell.

Chapter 3776, please me to leave

Chapter 3776, please me to leave

“Humans, please tell me, what do you want to let us go “The king of dragon sharks kept wailing. In this magic mountain, dragon sharks have always eaten people. When the heavenly king-level immortals come in, they must be cautiously worried that they might fall here.

Only this group of people in front of them, one by one, is more terrifying, the King of Dragon Shark, who is also terrified and can only beg for mercy completely.

Ye Fei also wants this kind of effect. If you don’t defeat the king of dragon sharks, if you are afraid, then face the attacks of thousands of dragon sharks in the magic mountain, let alone He is the Immortal Venerable, and even the Immortal King must drink hate.

“If you want me to let you go, yes, you now, let all the dragon sharks under your hand, spit out the rule stone within the body!” Ye Fei said solemnly.

The stone of rule is the crystallization of the avenue, and it only exists in the rivers of time and space, and such rivers can only be entered by dragon sharks that are naturally regular.

So in the Immortal King world, Dragon Shark is the most important and only source of obtaining the rule stone!

Just after hearing this, the king of Dragon Shark’s eyes changed drastically, “What, do you want our rule stones? No, these rule stones are the basis for our survival in Luo T space. , Once all is given to you, then we can only be reduced to Luo T’s ration!”

Hearing this, the king of dragon sharks shook his head flatly and spoke more and more sharply, Ye Fei said I feel very curious, “Are you really a dragon shark? Isn’t it said that the natural body of the dragon shark is too strong and it is extremely difficult to give birth to wisdom? But how do I feel that you are like a person?”

” Huh, huh.”

Xiao Cao was also nodded, touched the chin, and seemed to observe the dragon shark very seriously, with curiosity and surprise in his eyes.

But it was this look that scared the king of dragon sharks, his soul trembled slightly, and he did not dare to tell lies: “I don’t know what’s going on, I Originally it was just an ordinary king of dragon sharks in the river of time and space. Later, he was accidentally attracted to this piece of Luo T space by a mysterious power. Suddenly, his spiritual wisdom was opened up, and he seemed to know a lot of things.”

“By the way, I remembered that we, Dragon Shark, exist in Magic Mountain. We have two missions. The first mission is for Luo T to become his ration when he wakes up. The second mission is to When Lord Luo T is sleeping, help protect Cave Mansion! As a reward, every time Lord Luo T wakes up, it will not only attract a large number of dragon sharks into the magic mountain, supplement our number, but also select potential ones among us. Point spirit transformation!”

Ye Fei’s questioning seemed to inspire the deepest memories of the Dragon Shark King. These memories were originally sealed in the mind of the Dragon Shark King.

It is a subconscious thing.

Only after being beaten by Divine Beating Whip, Ye Fei was surprised to find that the soul of the king of dragon sharks has not only cracks, but also the memory seal hidden in the deepest part of the soul. There are signs of loosening.

As for memory, no one has more say in memory than Ye Fei, because the witchcraft he masters is the memory witchcraft. At the same time, under his memory witchcraft, this king of dragon sharks, simply There is no possibility of lying.

“So, everything about this magic mountain is related to Na Luo T? Then who is Luo T?” Ye Fei was shocked, and even more involuntarily, thinking of entering the magic mountain for the first time, it was countless A huge face penetrated by a chain.

Could it be that the face is Luo T?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei moved in his heart and looked towards the king of dragon sharks: “The king of dragon sharks, I don’t make it difficult for you. Let’s let each dragon shark give me a piece of rule Shi! Then take me to this TCave Mansion, I will let you go, but if you dare to play tricks…”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare, I beg you to leave before it’s too late, how dare you What a trick? Roar! “The king of dragon sharks first smiled flatteringly at Ye Fei, and then roared extremely violently.

This roar also made the demonic energy all around roll up again, and at the same time, the fierce dragon sharks all gathered instinctively.

The king’s order, cannot be disobeyed!

This is the dragon shark family. The instinct hidden in the bloodline is also the key to Ye Fei dare to step into this magic mountain. As long as you capture the leader of the dragon shark, no matter how many dragon sharks, Not to worry.

It’s just all of this. Speaking of which is simple, but it’s still very difficult to do. Ye Fei did it at a huge risk.

At the same time, the king of dragon sharks began to make a series of weird sounds to the group of sharks that gathered. This sound was actually very similar to the last sound made by the huge face.

“Xiaocao, what does it say?” Ye Fei curiously asked.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) In order to survive the race, we wicked people must spit out a stone of rules to save their lives…chap, this king is not a bandit, what are you afraid of?”

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