If the sound is like a thunderbolt, many Buddhist school disciplines are also shocked, either timid or angry, but no matter whether it is afraid of anger or anger, no one dares to enter this battle stage easily.

It also relieved many of the magic courtyard and Monster Court’s disciplines.

You must know that since the Buddhist Academy forced the Demon Academy to become the Third Academy, and even formed an alliance with the Heaven Academy, many Buddhist Academy disciplines, opened mouth, closed mouth are subdue monsters and defeat demons.

This makes many weak Demon Gardens and Monster Court disciple daring to speak.

So Ye Fei suddenly made such an explosive move, and immediately made many Demon Academy and Monster Court disciple feel exuberant.

“Finally, a Great Demon of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth has been released in my magic courtyard!”

“Hey, I’m afraid I’m afraid, this Ye Fei is so high-profile, maybe It has attracted the full encirclement and suppression of the powerhouse of the Buddhist academy!” Some people expressed concern.

At the same time, there is also the discipline, immediately, of the Buddhist academy, which transmitted what happened on the Holy War stage back to the Buddha City, which is in the Buddha City at this time.

As a holy immortal deity, he himself is the confidant of Kumarajiva, Kuta is still enjoying the blessing in the Buddha city, when receiving the report from his subordinates, Kuta can hardly believe what he heard. “What, Ye Fei really said that. If the deity doesn’t appear, he will fight against the discipline of the Buddhist academy, and see one fight one?”

“Kuta Senior Brother, it’s true, then Ye Fei still Having said that, if you don’t give him that Wanqing intact, he will let our Buddhist academy discipline, keep kneeling in the corner of the wall, shamelessly, Senior Brother, this is because of you, you can’t leave it alone. , Otherwise, in case Kuma Senior Brother Luo is to blame…”

After all, the disciplines of the Buddhist academies now represent the face of the Buddhist academies, and this incident is caused by himself. , Even Kutua, did not dare to imagine, knowing this, Kumarajiva might be angry.

“This damn devil, it’s a good way to make use of it. If this deity doesn’t show up, it won’t work. Not only must it come forward, it must also be done quickly and well. Otherwise, the deity is The status of the Buddha City is not guaranteed…come here, let’s pass on Yuantong, Yuan’an, Yuanjing to see me!”

Kutuo didn’t dare to neglect, he did the subdue monsters and defeat demons. It’s not a lot, but Kutuo also feels a bit tricky for the type of hob meat like Ye Fei, which is fried at the touch of a touch. Now he only hopes that Yuantong and the others will not torture Wanqing too much.

After a while, Yuantong, who heard the news, hurried over, “Kuta Senior Brother, it’s a disaster. The Ye Fei nine years ago not only got out of the magic mountain, but also made trouble on the Holy War station. Heaven and Earth turning upside down ……”


Yuan’s call is not finished, the furious Kutuo has already slapped his hand in anger on the spot. Guo Dao: “It’s not because of you, subdue monsters and defeat demons, but the demons return to the mountain. If Senior Brother Luo is to blame for this incident, it will all be your fault!”

” Also, what happened to Wanqing, did you guys die?” Ku Tuo said nervously again. Yuantong covered his face in humiliation and said: “No, we just threw him into Five Fingers Mountain and let him be a coolie.”

“Fortunately! Now, take Wanqing with us right away. Just rush to the Holy War station! This damn Ye Fei didn’t kill you nine years ago. Even if you go dogshit luck, nine years later, you still dare to give Buddha me this hand!” Kutuo’s eyes appeared. Deeply angry.

At the same time.

Already in the Buddha city, I have been doing coolies for nine years. I simply didn’t know what was going on, so I was once again escorted by Yuanjingyuanan, evil fiercely, and brought out of the Buddha city. Qing’s face suddenly turned pale, “It’s over, these monks, because I am friends with Brother Ye, angered me, secretly received the benefits of Ouyang Wudi, and humiliated me everywhere. Could it be that they finally couldn’t help it. Do you want to take action against me?”

Chapter 3783 The Buddha’s Finger

Chapter 3783 The Buddha’s Finger

What Wan Qing is worried about, not at all occur.

Yuan Jing and Yuan An, not only dismissed his coolie duties uncharacteristically, they also changed him into a clean shirt, and finally, under the leadership of Ku Tuo, went to the Holy War stage together.

“Holy War station? Yuantong and the others are not killing me, why did you bring me to the Holy War station?” Wan Qing was stunned.

Kutuo’s eyes are spewing out angry flames at this moment.

Not long after he came to the Holy War station, he saw that the battle stage on the thirty-fifth day was actually uniform, with no fewer than ten immortals squatting.

And all of them are Buddhist immortals!

At the same time, this is also a shame that has never happened since the Buddhist academy became the third academy. The dignified Buddhist academy’s discipline, not only failed to subdue monsters and defeat demons, but was actually forced by a demon to force everything. Crouched in the corner.

If this incident were to reach Kumarah’s ears, Kutuo could not imagine what punishment he would suffer. It was also this panic that made Kutua roar the greatest in his life, “Ye Fei, You wicked demon, it’s so miserable for the Buddha!”


It’s okay for Kutuo not to say this. Hearing this, Wan Qing was completely blinded. : “Ye Fei, it’s brother Ye, for nine years, he is still alive! He hasn’t forgotten me, he is here to save me!”

Wan Qing is not a fool.

Ye Fei made such a big battle to provoke the Buddhist academy. Isn’t this a sigh of evil for him?

“Brother Ye, that’s great, just for this battle, Wanqing won’t cross your friend!” Wanqing was passionate.

Before, he was just a little fairy, who had an honest duty, but was completely oppressed. But since meeting Ye Fei, Wan Qing suddenly discovered that he is not an honest person, so he will definitely be bullied.

Sometimes, honest people can also do a vigorous major event industry! Sometimes, honest people can’t be deceived by heaven and earth, and they kill people when they are angry.

Sometimes honest people can also be like Ye Fei, able to support both heaven and earth, and look down upon the heroes!


At this moment, Wanqing suddenly abandoned his humbleness for nine years. He became proud, confident, and able to support both heaven. and earth!

Because he is an honest man, but an honest man who doesn’t want to be bullied.

“Strange, how come this Wanqing’s imposing manner suddenly makes us feel scared?” Yuan Jing and Yuan An are escorting Wanqing at this moment. If you say, the previous Wanqing, like a Weak sheep, now Wanqing, is a powerful tiger.

On the stage of Holy War, Ye Fei also witnessed Wan Qing’s entire temperament change process with his own eyes. He was only slightly nodded.

Just as Wanqing did not misunderstand him, he did not misunderstand him either.

“Brother Wan, you have worked hard for the past nine years! Kutuo, you caught Wanqing, but you were trying to force me to appear. Now I have appeared, you let Wanqing go, and I will be you Opponent!”

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