Ye Fei asked suddenly, “Wanqing, this king chap , how do you usually treat you? You were demoted to the ninth class ancient city. Has he ever visited you?”

“Brother Ye, do you suspect that Wang Cha will expose us? Impossible, my relationship with Wang Cha is very good in the Academy of Instruments. I offended Ouyang Wudi and was driven to the ninth class ancient city, although Wang Cha did not come. Look at me, but every year, I will be asked to give me the Stone of Rules and ask me about my status in the ninth-class ancient city.”

Wan Qing is very grateful to mention this.

On hearing this, Ye Fei’s brows suddenly raised, “I send someone to inquire every year? Wanqing, I ask you, this king is bad, but every year, at a fixed time , Send someone to inquire about your situation, and the number of rule stones he brings to you every year is also fixed?”

“Brother Ye, how do you know? Yes, Wang Chai every year When I come to see me at the end of the year, I will still bring me a rule stone!”

Wan Qing was a little surprised and didn’t understand what Ye Fei asked about. Ye Fei didn’t explain either. He knew that there were some things he said Wanqing would not believe. Now he only hopes that the guess in his heart is wrong.

“However, Wushuang Junior Brother, who is not an impulsive person, would conflict with Ouyang Wudi?” Ye Fei also had a doubt in his mind.

Chapter 3788 kills you, like killing a dog

Chapter 3788 kills you, like killing a dog

In Wang Cha’s other courtyard, Ye Fei An Quietly cultivation.

“Since the return of the magic mountain, my platinum magic knife is a Great Accomplishment, but the sword of reincarnation has not made any progress. However, the stone of rules has another characteristic, that is, the rules of understanding. The higher the level, the greater the number of Rule Stones consumed.”

For example, when Ye Fei first entered the Immortal King world, he only needed a few thousand Rule Stones to improve himself. Rule Power.

However, as his understanding of the rules became more and more profound, thousands of rule stones could no longer make his rules continue to improve.

The rules are the foundation of immortal dao. The stronger the rules, the higher the Dao of Martial and the higher the battle strength.

If you want to improve your battle strength, you must understand more and stronger rules. The demand for the number of rule stones is also increasing.

Not to mention, to break through Immortal King, in addition to the number of rules you have to master, the most important thing is that you must condense the rules!

This, the consumption of the rule stone is another amount of terrifying matchless.

“Now I finally understand why the talent of Luo Star River, who has entered the Immortal King world for thousands of years, is still the Immortal Venerable, not the Immortal King, and why Wanqing cultivated for thousands of years is still just Bottom Immortal Venerable.”

The Stone of Rules is the foundation of this Immortal Martial World!

It is not as easy as imagined to break through Immortal King.

“It seems that it is necessary. I really want to go to the Tianyuan Temple and the Buddhist Temple. It’s a mess!” Ye Fei secretly thought that his sword of reincarnation is the way of Celestial Immortal, so To practice, apart from the huge amount of rule stones, the fastest way is to enter the city of heaven and find the Celestial Immortal light that is like a magic mountain!

This Celestial Immortal is the best way for his sword dao to improve quickly. Otherwise, just collecting rule stones, it really has to wait until the year of the monkey.

“Secondly, it’s the Inextinguishable Body of the Buddha. I don’t have the special talents of the Dragon Tortoise clan. I can easily become the Inextinguishable Body of the Buddha. Therefore, I want to become an Inextinguishable Body. , We must also rely on the power of the innate Buddha’s radiance. Of course, to do this, we still have to find Qin Wushuang.”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei suddenly opened his eyes and looked again. Towards Wanqing of the same cultivation said: “Wanqing, when is it?”

“This, it’s not time to hold the lamp, strange, why hasn’t Wang Chai come back? Isn’t it…” Not stupid, he is just too honest.

But no matter how honestly it is, Wan Qing has clearly noticed something is wrong.

Wang has been out for too long.

“No, it won’t. I have been with Wang Chai for a long time. It must be impossible. I must be too worried.” Wan Qing’s face was slightly pale.

But at this moment, a mess of footsteps suddenly came from outside.

“Quickly, surround this house, Wang Cha, are you sure that Wanqing and Qin Wushuang’s Senior Brother are all inside?”

“hahaha, Senior Brother Niu, don’t worry, this house itself is carefully refined by me. Copper Wall Iron Bastion is normal. They stay in it and that’s all. If it’s not honest, the various institutions in the house will break through. .”

That was Wang Chai’s voice.

At the same time, this house is actually a soldier of the Immortal King. I have to say that the abilities of these disciples are really terrifying, directly refining weapons.

This is hard to imagine in Xianyu and Moyu, but it is commonplace in Qiyuan.

In the room, Wan Qing’s expression became shocked and ugly. Then, the whole person became even more like an angry lion, roaring in anger, “Wang Cha, why, in the courtyard, We are the best friends. I think you are friends, brother, why are you betraying us?”

Wan Qing rushed out of the house angrily, but saw the outside of the house. A large number of academic disciplines.

At this time, Wang Cha, standing respectfully, stood by a person, and when he saw this person, Wan Qing’s face was even more ashen, “Niu Tong, I didn’t think it was you!”

“Yes, I haven’t seen you for thousands of years. I don’t think Wanqing, you still remember Lao Tzu, have you forgotten the instructions of Senior Sister Liu, she doesn’t want to see you in this life, and if you dare to step into the 9th class Ancient city half a step, you have to break your dog’s leg, two steps, cut your two dog’s legs, three steps, directly blow your dog’s head!” Niu Tong looked indifferent, and a killing intent appeared on his body.

Before changing, Wan Qing would definitely be scared, after all, he had been honest for thousands of years, he had been used to being bullied and kept silent.

But it’s different now. Behind him, Ye Fei stood. Although Ye Fei didn’t say anything, it was like a mountain that made Wanqing feel infinite power.

“Niutong, close your dog’s mouth!”

Unexpectedly, Wan Qing yelled at Niu Tong Senior Brother Niu, even Wang Chai took a step back in fright, but it was this step that made Wang Cha’s angry face distorted. “Am I stupid? I was actually scared by Wan Qing who couldn’t beat me with these three sentences. .”

“Wanqing, in the past few thousand years, you have not been flattened and sharp. It is also rare. It is a pity that you offend, but the invincible Senior Brother! By the way, almost. I forgot to tell you, Senior Sister Liu, I actually introduced her to Ouyang Wudi, and every time they have a tryst, I will deliberately invite you out for a drink, and I send someone to see you every year, I just want to see you How pitiful it is, how, Wanqing, you didn’t expect it, hahahaha……”

The Wang Chai’s gaze suddenly became hideous, even more so. The pride that has existed for a long time is thoroughly expressed.

Of course, Wang Cha did this to further stimulate Wan Qing, because he couldn’t see, Wan Qing became better than him.

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