But how should the warship outside the Immortal King be explained? What happened to the bones of the powerhouse all over the place? There is also the Immortal King world, is it really just to stop the dragon shark from destroying all ages?

“The secrets of the Immortal King world are getting more and more!” Ye Fei sighed, but did not board the battleship, because even though the battleship sank, it still gave him an extremely dangerous aura.


At the same time, Xiaocao discovered something. Riding on the back of the dragon shark, the little hand pointed again. This time without Kunpeng reminding him, Ye Fei immediately rushed to Xiaocao’s point at the fastest speed. The place.

“Oh my god, this is…”

There is no warship here, but there is a huge star that fell directly into the long river of time and space, and there are broken meteors all over the place. Under the characteristics of the long river of time and space, it flows continuously.

“Ye Xiaozi, look quickly, there is a palm print on the star!” Kun Peng’s eyes were sharp, and suddenly he noticed something.

Ye Fei was shocked to see. In the middle of the stars, there was a palm print, covering most of the stars, and a strange picture appeared in his mind.

One day, on this long river of time and space, an unprecedented fierce battle broke out, and Supreme powerhouse, summon stars fell, and wanted to kill the opponent.

But that opponent was too strong, with bare hands, crushing the real stars. What a terrifying ability is this, even if it is Immortal King, it is difficult to do so.

“Could it be that this is the secret of the Immortal King world? There is a battlefield hidden in this long river of time and space, and the Immortal King world is the barracks where this battle is fought?”

In Ye Fei’s mind, various ancient cities in the Immortal King world appeared inexplicably. If these ancient cities were reduced by thousands of times, they would unite with each other.

It’s as if they are like military tents.

“However, this is just my guess; the Immortal King world was established by the ancient Saint Court, and the ancient Saint Court is the only overlord of the Great Thousand Worlds nine domains. What power does it have? , Can fight fiercely with such an overlord in the long river of time and space?”

Ye Fei shook his head, feeling that it was a bit absurd. Carefully bypassing this broken star, Ye Fei continued on, along the way, occasionally The ferocious dragon shark was attracted by the grass.

But under the power of the Dragon Shark King, these dragon sharks with only killing instinct and no wisdom can only acknowledge allegiance, and they were ordered by the Dragon Shark King to guard all around.

Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise, also simply sit on a dragon shark, and continue to move up against the current, moving towards the end of the river of time and space.

Along the way, he saw countless magical scenes, with broken bones, glowing with flowing light, constantly ups and downs in the river.

There is a huge city of Emperor Artifact, which collapsed like a mountain, slanted on a river. Here, simply is a battlefield.

Even in it, Ye Tian saw a huge rolling blade war knife, such as Blade Mountain, inserted in the river. Endless iceberg, frozen Marital Immortal Practitioner with countless faces of pain, let them forever, frozen in the iceberg, drifting slowly along with the long river.

Finally, just after crossing the end of the endless iceberg, Ye Fei found something even more shocking under the influence of Xiaocao.

That is a palace exuding endless golden light. Not only is it well-preserved, but the steps are all made of regular stones.


Seeing someone wasting such a waste, Xiaocao couldn’t help being stared wide-eyed. Dragon Tortoise also had a sudden look in his eyes. He looked at the bulge of the steps, and said nothing. First, it was a black mouth. Nibbled over.

Ye Fei sweated on the spot, but then, he was sweating all over.

Chapter 3818 Mysterious Palace

Chapter 3818 Mysterious Palace

I saw where Dragon Tortoise had bitten, there was clearly a huge pit, but it was very Quickly, this deep pit, like a wound, healed quickly.


Dragon Tortoise’s eyes are round.

“What is the situation, this thing can grow out after eating it? If you take it back, you will have as much as you want to eat as the rule stone?” Kunpeng Spirit was also shocked.

At the same time, such a magical step makes the big eyes of the grassy, ​​curious stars appear. After that, Xiaocao also followed the look of Dragon Tortoise, holding the raised part of the steps, and taking a bite from the silver teeth, but he spit out again soon.

The face looks ugly.

The stones on this step are not tasty at all, and not only the grass, but also the Dragon Tortoise. I took a bite, but I was not interested in taking a second bite.

Ye Fei was very puzzled. He also used his hands to break a step and picked it up. As a result, he found that the step was made of a stone of rules. But in these stones, there is no rule power at all.

This is quite meaty, but it tastes no taste. No wonder Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are not interested.

“However, in this long river of time and space, there are broken warships and bones everywhere. Only this palace is well preserved. Could it be that this is what Mengzun said?”


Ye Fei’s thoughts swept past, but it disappeared into the palace like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.


Dragon Tortoise does not believe in evil, and also spouts a fiery flame, igniting the void, but the raging fire suddenly suffers when it approaches the palace Up the rebound!

The raging fire hiding the sky and covering the earth bounced back almost at a speed that Ye Fei couldn’t respond, and burned Ye Fei’s clothes to ashes on the spot, exposing his naked upper body.

“This king is burned to death…” Kunpeng Spirit is even more miserable. In order to protect the grass from being damaged by the flames, huge wings are enclosed to block the fire, but many of its own feathers are burned. Scorched.

The worst thing was Dragon Tortoise, who was directly burned into a reddish black pot by himself. The dragon and shark king’s tail just accidentally rubbed the shell.

A puff of white smoke from chi chi.

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