certain corpse, who is obviously a female Taoist master, touched his dry body in dissatisfaction. In this scene, let alone Xiaocao scared not to utter a sound, just Mengzun ’s face, tolerated Fiercely convulsed fiercely, and the other mummy trembled. No one dared to say a word, even if there was a divine sense exchange.

In this way, the entire Earth Palace quieted strangely.

Until a day later, Ye Fei suddenly opened his eyes. In fact, the technique of surrogate is not difficult, it is the same as the condensation void projection or Avatar.

The really difficult thing is to condense this Avatar material!

“This material must not only be able to withstand my battle strength, but also my breath, and everything else. Where can I find this material?”

After understanding the technique of substitution , Ye Fei was very depressed.

“haha, we have prepared such materials for you a long time ago. All you need to do is to use the technique of avatar to make an Avatar.”

Suddenly, the mummy in that seat is stiff. He laughed and waved his hand. A piece of squirming flesh and blood appeared in front of Ye Fei. The flesh and blood even exuded an astonishing and regular aura.

“This, is…” Ye Fei was shocked when he noticed the breath of flesh and blood, because in Xianshan, the bloody heart was exactly the same as the breath of flesh and blood.

“This is the flesh and blood of Luo T! We traded with Luo T, and we finally exchanged it. It is also the best material for the cultivation technique. Now, Ye Fei, you perform the technique of the substitute, we help You, condense the body of Luo T!”


Suddenly these corpses shot together and began to sacrifice this flesh, otherwise Ye Fei himself comprehended a day’s substitute technique , Simply impossible success.

And at the same time Ye Fei refines the double.

Above the endless river of time and space, there have been six silhouettes, five of which are followers, and the front is a stern young man wearing a godly robe.

“This is the Immortal King world? It is said that the entire Great Thousand Worlds gathered here, the strongest immortals of all ages, but I don’t know how many of them can be my opponent?” Yu Jingtian Some expectations.

Side Jun Taixian hurriedly patted the horse and said: “Young Master is too worried. Immortal King world’s immortal can only claim kings in their respective areas. In front of Young Master, it is the ants and ants. The difference between the mountains is different.”

“Is that so? So, in this so-called Immortal King world, the gathering is not the elite, but a group of wastes?” Yu Jingtian was very disappointed.

This remark immediately made Jun Taixian’s face very ugly. You know, once, he was also the king of the Immortal King world, a waste in the Heavenly Eye of the royal scene.

Helpless, under the deterrence of the heavens, none of the nine Saint Courts could resist, even more how a little Jun Taixian, all he can do is to transfer all his anger to Ye Fei on.

“This damned remnant of Celestial Court, if it weren’t for you, how could Taikoo die? How can I be humiliated by this, too immortal?”


With such anger, Mr. Taixian took the lead in launching the teleportation to the Immortal King realm. After the death of Celestial Court, the sky that had been silent for a long time appeared before the world again.

And as soon as he appeared, Jun Taixian once used the convenience of being a heavenly king, and with the help of the heaven treasure, directly issued orders and said: “I am the Jun Taixian! Today the heaven is coming, the Jiuyuan disciple, come to welcome!


The words of Mr. Taixian, like a hurricane, echoed throughout the Immortal King world, and shocked countless Saint Court Immortals.

What, Jun Taixian is back?

Chapter 3844 Domineering Yujingtian

Chapter 3844 Domineering Yujingtian

Is that the strongest king in the Immortal King world?

As the strongest king in the history of the temple?

The former Tianyuan was under the command of King Taixian, overwhelming the other eight houses, and established the Immortal King world, the unshakable position of the Tianyuan.

It even cultivated Jun Taigu, Murong Yan, these two heavenly kings, and even Luo Star River, in front of Jun Taixian, were a generation lower.

It’s just that, Mr. Taixian, as early as a thousand years ago, he condensed the body of rules and left the Immortal King world. How could he return again?

Could it be that the power of the heavens is really terrifying so that even the rules of the Immortal King world can be ignored?

I have to say that the reappearance of Emperor Taixian caused a strong sensation in the entire Immortal King world, and whether it was out of curiosity or awe of the sky.

In short, following the command of Mr. Taixian.

Countless Celestial Academy, Buddhist Academy, Divine Academy, Hades Academy, and other Saint Court powerful powerhouses all went to the first-class ancient city to gather!

Yes, as an angel of the sky, this time I was fortunate enough to follow the Sedum Young Master and once again descend into the Immortal King realm. The King Taixian is also high-spirited and vigorous.

Furthermore, not only Jun Taixian, but the four other people who followed have also been in the world of Immortal King and made great reputations. He was quickly recognized.

“Heaven, that’s a heavenly king in my Buddhist academy! Thousands of years ago, second only to the character of Emperor Taixian!”

“There is also the heavenly king of the temple, the heavenly king of the instrument, Heavenly Kings of the Underworld, thousands of years ago, they all used to rebuke Heaven and Earth, and now they all have come?”

“My God, who is that young man, why are you so immortal? They all followed behind, and didn’t dare to go beyond half a step?” More people noticed Yujingtian.

A robes of gods, and the king of a thousand years ago, who follow like servants, just this pomp is enough to scare many Saint Court disciple.

“I am the Heavenly King Sedum. This time I was ordered to come to this world. I heard that the strongest Immortal Venerable here is called the King of Heaven. Among you, who is the King of Heaven?”


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