Shocked, uproar.

Many immortals have a hard time calming down.

Yu Jingtian himself, even his angry eyes burst out terrifying flames. You know, he is here to Liwei this time.

He wanted to use the most humiliating and cruel way to trample Ye Fei to death and also destroy the embers of Heaven Destroying the court. But now, instead of trampling Ye Fei to death, he was injured?

“Unbearable! Ye Fei, you ants of the lower realm, you thoroughly angered me, kill, ten percent battle strength, Sun and Moon’s Splendor, kill me!”

Yu Jingtian roared, roared, shocked, killing intent boiled, and what’s more terrifying was that he didn’t use all his strength in the battle with Ye Fei before, until he was completely angered, his real power burst out.

Even this power made the Immortal King fearless, and it also made Luo Star River and the demon ruthless, and their eyes couldn’t hide their tremors.

Because of the eruption of 10% battle strength, Yujingtian is really too strong, the whole world, at this moment, seems to be shrouded in rays of light of the sun and the moon.

If the Immortal King gets involved, the flesh and bones will melt, and it will not evaporate instantly. Looking at Ye Fei again, I don’t seem to see the light.

His all around, a darkness, cold like a starry sky, horror like an abyss, endless magic flames blazing, and a terrifying Earth Demon pattern, which makes the demon pursuing a pure demonic path ruthless, All felt a trembling of soul.

After that, Ye Fei moved.

He grabbed to the sky with his bare hands, endless magic flames, impressively in his hands, condense a terrifying world-destroying magic gun, when the spear glow blooms, like a magic star, awakened from the darkness Up.


At this time, Ye Fei was holding this world-destroying magic gun, a spear thrust out, and the entire world of the ancient city was completely collapsed, leaving only endless black hole vortices, destroying everything, Destroy everything, let Ye Fei, like the demon that destroys time and space.

With a quick shot, it shattered all the rays of light, and moved towards Yu Jingtian’s body, slammed into it, Yu Jingtian’s angry eyes could not help but a shock Come, “Impossible, what is your power? Stop me, the sun and the moon… catastrophe!”


Sun-moon catastrophe is the strongest and fatal blow of the Sun-Moon tactics. Even if it was performed by Yujingtian, it was very reluctant, and it suffered a backlash on the spot.

However, it was his most confident attack. Under Ye Fei’s magic spear of destruction and destruction, it was like a piece of paper. As soon as he touched it, it was completely destroyed.

Yu Jingtian’s shocked eyes suddenly turned into deep fear, “No, that’s not true, how could this be, what power do you have?”

Yu Jingtian was afraid, dissatisfied, and more, but he was aggrieved and helpless, because all his resistance was in vain under the magic spear of destroying the world. All he could do was to retreat madly and madly. Dodge, use all one’s strength.

However, everything is in vain.

The Demon Spear finally fell down, piercing Yujingtian’s chest directly, and with inertia, instantly nailed Yujingtian directly on the ancient city wall!

However, Yu Jingtian is not dead yet, he is still struggling desperately, blood is spurting in his mouth, and the whole person is even more mad. The whole person keeps roaring, “Ye Fei, you damn devil, you I dare to humiliate me and kill you so much. I, Yu Jingtian, vowed to smash you into pieces aaaaaah… Jun Taixian, what are you dogs doing in a daze, kill him, kill him!


As a Cangtian Young Master, Yujingtian has always been aloof and remote. Ever suffered such a shame? Still in the presence of countless immortals and heavenly kings, thick smoke billowed from Yu Jingtian’s nostrils, and until this time, the four Lords and Immortals who were still kneeling on the ground reacted.

The Young Master of the sky was actually defeated by Ye Fei, and he was crucified to death on the city wall in an extremely humiliating way. Where is the establishment of Heavenly Might? Strict, it is obviously a shame See now.


The five Juntaixians who also belonged to the sky suddenly became angry, “Ye Fei, the devil, how dare you do this? Kill him!”

“Yes, Celestial Court The remnants, everyone gets punishable, there is no need to be polite with him and kill!”

boom~ boom~ boom~!

Without any hesitation, the five kings and immortals, at the same time, unlocked their Immortal King seals and killed Ye Fei, even if they fell into madness.

Looking at these five people, Ye Fei couldn’t help showing contemptuous eyes, “You keep on saying, saying that I am a remnant of the Celestial Court. As a result, you are not a fellow practitioner of the Immortal Buddha, Immortal God is the same Xiu, and even immortal demon, immortal demon fellow cultivators!”

“What, people like Jun Taixian are also cross-system cultivation!”


Ye Fei’s words shocked the entire ancient city.

“Impudent, I wait for the heavens, how can I be with you Celestial Court remnants, mention on equal terms, die!” Annoyed King Taigu died in battle, and relied on his Immortal King cultivation base.

Jun Taixian, the first one to kill Ye Fei, the terrifying palm of the hand, and the light of the fairy and the devil bloomed, fiercely patted Ye Fei’s top of the head, Ye Fei suddenly Enraged, the magical nature that was originally inspired by Luo T broke out completely.

Chapter 3850 is worthy of faith, not worthy of youth

Chapter 3850 is not worthy of faith, not worthy of youth

“trifling Immortal King, also dare Enemy with the deity!”

Ye Fei’s eyes burst with endless magic light, and it feels like he has become Luo T. At that time, the Demon Race in the sky, proud, confident, and full of endless Destruction and destruction.

Jun Taixian hearing this is furious, he is the Legendary King of the Immortal King world and the Immortal King of the heavens! It is also a fellow practitioner of the Immortal Demon. It is twice as strong as the ordinary Immortal King. “I don’t believe me, I am too immortal. With twice the power of the Immortal King, I can’t kill one of your ants. Go and die!” /p>


Jun Taixian’s palm was sturdy and blasted down, and when she saw it, she was about to touch Ye Fei’s head. At this moment, suddenly a fist, Firmly resisting the falling palm, “You hit the deity with a palm, and also take the deity’s punch!”


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