Niu Meng’s face was full of disdain, gritted his teeth, and again took out two larger and more bulging space bags. The two yamen smiled and said with a smile: “Good talk, good talk, Niu The Young Master’s business is our business. After all, this kid is a Martial King expert. It is a bit difficult to kill him, but he should be taught appropriately so that he should not be opposed to the Young Master. We can still do it.”

“Haha, then I will wait for good news from both of you.” Niu Meng said happily.

For that stone, he is determined to get it. If it is the ominous beast inner core of Martial Monarch Level, take it back and the entire Niu Family will look at him with admiration.

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty-third Annoyance

Chapter 453rd Annoyance

Not to mention that Niu Meng is dreaming outside.

In a separate cell, Ye Fei was shackled, and when the servants holding him had left, Ye Fei had a sneer on his face.

With a few clicks of ka-cha, the special shackles for banning true yuan were torn apart, and they were randomly thrown aside. Pick up the strange stone in his hand and start studying.

One hour passed.

Ye Fei has not studied any effect. Although he has a flexible mind and amazing perception, these all are for martial arts.

Speaking of knowledge of the treasures of the world, Ye Fei is too lack of knowledge, no wonder Ye Fei, after all, he is still young, and now he is only 20 years old.

In later generations, 20 years old is considered an adult, but in lifespan, Heavenly Martial Continent, which is generally very long, 20 years old, is equivalent to a teenager.

“This broken stone is really weird. I hold it and the chill within the body won’t occur. This is undoubtedly a treasure, but why can’t I feel that there is any Spiritual Qi in this stone? The fluctuation of spirit?”

Everything is anim, and treasure is even more so. The more powerful the Treasure Item, the stronger the resonance with Spiritual Qi. Like this stone, it is obviously treasure, but there is no Spiritual Qi at all. This is the first time Ye Fei has met.

“Why don’t you ask some Old Senior in Heavenly Prison?”

This is another reason why Ye Fei is willing to enter Heavenly Prison. The so-called number of people is powerful. In Heavenly Prison, there are many martial artists imprisoned, and many of them are powerhouses of Martial King Realm. These people are old, experienced, and knowledgeable. Someone should be able to recognize the origin of this stone.

Touch! bump! bump!

Just as Ye Fei was thinking about it, there was the sound of yamen banging on the iron door with a fire stick. Ye Fei discovered that he had studied the stone in his hand for a day.

It was already noon on the 2nd day, and it was time for Heavenly Prison to have dinner. Before the government officials came, Ye Fei hurriedly took the shackles back.

To tell the truth, these shackles are useful for ordinary martial artists. For Ye Fei, they are of no use. He wears them when he is happy. If he is unhappy, just tear them off and throw them aside.

“Boy, did you think carefully about what I told you yesterday?” The two officials walked out of Ye Fei’s cell, meaning something.

“No need to think about it, sir, I live here well and sleep soundly, and there is free lunch to eat, which is very comfortable.” Ye Fei ignored the two government officials, turned and followed The crowd, walking towards the dining place.

The two government officials turned pale when they were angry. In Heavenly Prison, they are the uncles. If a prisoner doesn’t agree with them, even if he still plays uncles in front of them?

“hmph, it seems that this person doesn’t hit his head, he doesn’t know the lesson.”

“Forget it, it’s inevitable to be a Martial King at such a young age. I am arrogant, isn’t he going to eat? Today we will let him eat a big meal.”

Two government officials winked, and smirked Ye Fei and a group of prisoners to the dining place. As soon as Ye Fei walked in, he attracted the attention of many prisoners.

“Hey, the powerhouse of Martial King Realm. He is still so young. What did he commit and he was also imprisoned in Heavenly Prison?”

“What else could be, Offend Young Master, let’s step back and wait for a while to watch a good show.”

Those who can be locked up in Heavenly Prison are not good things. On the contrary, Ye Fei has seen a lot The martial artist who cultivates magic power, looks gloomy, and stares at him with eyes showing the ominous light.

“These people had better not provoke me, otherwise, huh…” Ye Fei coldly snorted, ignoring these people’s comments, went to a free position to sit down and start eating.

His principle is like this, people don’t offend me, i will not offend others, as long as these people don’t provoke Ye Fei, Ye Fei will not bother to cause trouble.

It’s just Heavenly Prison. Sometimes, it’s not Ye Fei who doesn’t want to cause trouble, especially the two government officials, who also received a lot of benefits.

When Ye Fei sat down, the two yamen could not show any traces, moved towards nodded in the distance, and turned their lips to Ye Fei.

In the corner of the dining hall, the crowds gathered with fierce faces, like martial artists who looked like Jiang Yang robbers, all of them grinning.

“Fuck, the guy from there, he has soft skin and tender meat, Xiaosan, you go over, let the guy come over and knock his head and rub my shoulders by the way.” The one who said The bald robust man has thicker arms than the thighs of other martial artists, and the whole person is as majestic as a demon bear.

That person called Xiaosan is very skinny, but don’t look at this person as skinny, that is also the powerhouse of Martial King 1st Layer, but in front of the robust man, nodded bowed and kept flattering: “Yes, magic Brother Xiong, where is the blessing of that kid, it’s really enviable to be able to massage your shoulders for Brother Devil Bear.”

After the flattery was filmed, this person turned to Ye Fei again with a cold eye. , Strode over, patted Ye Fei’s shoulder: “Boy, Shao Te, pretend to be deaf and dumb! Brother Moxiong asked you to go over and massage his shoulders. What are you doing while sitting stupidly? By the way, before going over, by the way Wiped my shoes clean.”


Relying on the invitation from the devil bear, Xiao San is very arrogant, so he has to put his feet on the table where Ye Fei eats. Ye Fei disinclined to pay attention to this kind of person.

Suddenly he raised his hand, pretending to stretch his waist, and swept his arm against the person’s thin legs, touching it. The former was already unstable and fell face up to the sky, attracting impudent laughter from a group of martial artists.

But after laughing, these people have the guts to secretly shock Ye Fei. You know, this magic bear is an expert of Martial King 7th Layer, and was once a General of Heavenly King Mansion. Because of killing innocent people , Was infuriated by North Heavenly King and broke into Heavenly Prison.

This is also the reason why the devil bear is in Heavenly Prison no one dares provoke. Now this newcomer is better. On the first day he came out, he even kicked the iron plate.

Many martial artists who have eaten have stopped eating, and at the same time, they left Ye Fei at the fastest speed. Ye Fei still has a calm expression. You should eat, drink and eat. With keen interest pleasure, many martial artists who also watched are sweating coldly.

“The stunned green from here and there, death is approaching, and he still has leisure to eat there.”

“Look, the devil bear has passed.”

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