But before he had a seizure, Ye Fei, who was walking in front, suddenly remembered something, turned and walked back, and said to the two bureaucrats: “I remember you arrested me and put me in jail. It was this person. Suspect that I am an enemy spy?”

“This, it is true, but after one month of investigation, we found that Young Master Ye is actually wronged.” The two government officials are cautiously to Ye Fei at this time, afraid to wait. Ye Fei is not thoughtful. The nose of the bull on the side of the look was crooked.

After all, this is still a world where strength is respected. As long as Ye Fei is strong and has a strong fist, the emperor will bow to him.

Nodded, who was very satisfied, also glanced at Niu Meng, Ye Fei coldly said: “Since you have proved that I am innocent, then this person has framed me. Tianwang City is a place where laws and regulations are I would like to ask you, framing others, do you want to go to jail?”

“This…” The two government officials inwardly complained, how could I think that Ye Fei still hides this move, but Ye Fei said it is true, indeed It was Niu Meng who framed Ye Fei first.

The two government officials can only brace oneself nodded and said: “Fraising others, of course also arresting Heavenly Prison!”

“Then what are you waiting for, don’t catch him soon Go in, I don’t want you to detain him for a year. In short, as long as you detain me, you will detain him for as long. Old Master, as for this young Master, after entering, I’ll trouble you and help me take good care of him.”

Ye Fei moved towards Niu Meng reveals a touch of white teeth, but looking in Niu Meng’s eyes, it feels that Ye Fei is not a thing. Ignoring that their Niu Family is not enough, they actually want to frame him in jail.

When the cow is stupid, he will give up the life of pampering and superiority. He ran into the Heavenly Prison and went to jail. He immediately roared without waiting for the servants to approach, and said, “Reverse, reverse, do you know who I am? , Do you know that my Niu Family is doing and so on? Any one of you dare to catch me?”

“Niu Young Master, this…” Both government officials were hesitant, but Long Ying, the Old Master It is eyes shined. Others are afraid of Niu Family. He is not afraid. Besides, Long Ying also feels that this is a good opportunity for Long Family and Ye Fei to deepen their friendship.

Suddenly, the dragon Old Master walked over quickly, ignoring the fierce struggle of the cow, first with a big mouth, and then shouted in a deep voice: “Meng Niu, don’t call out in front of the old man, tell you, Heavenly Prison is a place where fists are more important. Take Niu Family less to scare the old man. As long as your fist is harder than the old man a day, you will be in the cell. You are responsible for helping us hold the urinal and flush the toilet. If the old man finds something dirty on it , You can eat them yourself.”

“What, did you call this Young Master give you urinals and flush toilets? No, this Young Master would rather die than follow!” Niu struggled again. Frightened, he refused to go into the cell to death. The dragon that pulled Old Master was angry, and his backhand was a big mouth. The bull was drawn like a leaf from the autumn wind, spinning and falling to the ground. The whole person was dazed and was dragged in. Inside Heavenly Prison.

Looking at Ye Fei who left Heavenly Prison, the two government officials also silently cast a sympathetic look at Niu Meng: “This time Niu Meng has kicked the iron plate. He is such an expensive Young Master. In Heavenly Prison, I still have to take shit and pee every day. That taste, tut.”

Chapter 458 Niu Zhen

Chapter 458 Niu Zhen

In the end, Niu Family is not an ordinary family. The two Yamen cannot offend Ye Fei, but they secretly send a letter to Niu Family to tell Niu Meng’s experience.

Niu Family of Tianwangcheng.

Niu Family Patriarch Niu Zhen just took off his shirt and returned home from the North Heavenly King Mansion. Before he had a bite of the meal, there was already a servant of the Niu Family, crying and rushing in to report: “Lord, It’s a disaster, First Young Master has caused a disaster.”


When Niu Meng went out to make trouble again, Niu True Qi’s eyes widened into copper bells, and he shouted, “That unfilial son, what trouble did he cause?”

“Lord, I am not quite clear either, but it is true that First Young Master was caught in Heavenly Prison. The servants of Heavenly Prison came to deliver the letter in person.” The servant said.

“What, my son was caught in the Heavenly Prison?” Niu Zhen was really surprised at this moment. You must know that in North Heavenly King City, Niu Family is also considered as Great Family, who doesn’t give Niu Family so. Face, actually got his son into Heavenly Prison?

Niu really couldn’t sit still, feeling that the matter was serious. He rushed to Heavenly Prison as quickly as possible, and then he looked at his son dumbfounded, with bloody nose and swollen. The face is flushing the toilet there. He couldn’t even look into his own eyes.

“Niu Meng, what are you…”

“Father, I…”

“I, I, is the toilet clean? The urinal on the side, please take it in and wash it too.” Long Ying stood aside and said in a whisper.

Niu Meng was ashamed and wanted to find a place to get in. Niu Zhen’s angry face turned black. Helplessly, this is Heavenly Prison. No matter how powerful the Niu Family is, they dare not make trouble in Heavenly Prison.

He had no choice but to shed some blood, and he had a chance to meet with Niu Meng alone by doing a little bit of Heavenly Prison’s servants.

As soon as we met, Niu Meng’s tears couldn’t help but shed, “Father, you have to call me the shots. I was so miserable by that kid, they actually wanted me to fuck for a month. The toilet is not clean. They want me to eat it.”

“Son, calm down and tell me first, what the hell is going on, who did you offend? “

In the end, Niu Zhen is the head of the Niu Family. Despite the heartache of his son’s experience, Niu Zhen still remained calm, and immediately asked Niu Meng to tell the story.

When I heard that Niu Meng was unable to seize treasure, I fell to this point. Niu was so angry that he simply drew a big mouth.

“You idiot, Martial Monarch Level ominous beast inner core, why don’t you come back and talk about such a big thing, but do it in private?” Niu True Qi said.

“Father, I didn’t want to give you a surprise, who knew that kid would be so difficult to mess with. Father, you must help me get revenge.” Niu Meng covered his face, and suddenly remembered something. , Horrified: “Also, hurry up and get me out of here. I don’t want to carry the urinal, I don’t want to flush the toilet.”

“Hey, son, this is in Heavenly Prison. Now, this time it’s a trial. You are always getting into trouble, so I won’t dare to pass on the position of Patriarch to you in the future!” Niu Zhen sighed.

In the end, North Heavenly King is no better than other places, and the forces of the Niu Family are not so powerful that Heavenly Prison can save people casually.

Niu Zhen could only be cruel, walked out under Niu Meng’s desperate eyes, walked to the door, after thinking about it, he couldn’t bear it, and turned around and said: “Son, don’t worry, this time You won’t suffer in vain. No matter who that person is, if you dare to harm my son like this, then you must never let it go!”

When I said this, the cow really had a face , It’s not anger, but an expression of greed, “Ominous beast inner core of Martial Monarch Level, if I get it, my Niu Family might also have a Martial King ten powerhouse.” /p>

“You guys, immediately inquire about the whereabouts of that kid. He came from Taixuan Holy Land and should be easy to identify.” Niu Zhen instructed the servants beside him with a gloomy expression.

The servants were nodded and rushed to the streets everywhere.

Ye Fei left Heavenly Prison and was not in a hurry to leave the city. He unexpectedly got the sweetness of the earth fire inner core. Ye Fei suddenly became very interested in the martial artist market in Uranus. Counting on whether I can pick up the leak again and find a few treasures.

He kept wandering around the market, and he found a lot of treasures, and the price made Ye Fei discouraged. At this time, Ye Fei knew that he could only rely on missing things. Luck, not luck.

Touching the tens of thousands of Spirit Crystal left in his pocket, and looking at the hundreds of thousands and millions of Spirit Crystal treasures in the market, Ye Fei decisively decided to stop the treasure hunt, or rush first Go to Imperial Capital in Beiyang Country, and let’s talk about it after participating in this competition.

So Ye Fei went through the city, planning to leave the city and continue on his way.

“How about, is this kid?”

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