being nourished, the curled and stalked green leaves in the flowerpot suddenly all unfolded and exudes a faint fragrance. Seeing this scene, Hua Fairy and Du Third Young Lady’s faces suddenly became ugly.

Long Gang couldn’t help turning his head, staring at Hua Lao with some fear: “Dense spiritual qi, this old man deserves to be Mount Tai Big Dipper in the Flower Fighting world. Maybe, our spiritual flower hasn’t bloomed yet. His spiritual flower has matured.”

“It’s miserable. Then we are not sure to lose!”

“Hurry up, and we will spray Spiritual Qi!”

Qin Bing, Cheng Ming, Zhang Dazhuang, while bulging their cheeks, desperately spit Spiritual Qi at the spirit flower, but the battle of flowers is not the strength or the realm, but the cultivation skills of the spirit flower.

Although the four of Long Gang are extremely talented, they are simply thrown away ten streets compared to Hua Lao’s amazing spiritual flower cultivation skills.

The flower on the opposite side just took a breath and let all the green leaves of the stalked flower stretch out, while Qin Bing and the others sprayed more than 20 breaths before barely letting the green leaves of the stalked flower. All stretched out.

Martial artists around, also stopped paying attention to Long Gang’s side, they were all looking towards Hualao, and many people still cheered loudly.

“Hua Lao, come on, hahaha, if the flower is cracked and the flower is broken, Fairy will also fall into the world. At that time, we all have a chance to kiss Fangze.”

“Hehe, it’s more than just a Fairy flower. As long as it is cracked with the flower of Ti Ling, the other 14 spirit flowers of Immortal Palace will certainly be inevitable.”

With the martial artist’s Come on. The face of Du Third Young Lady of Fairy became more and more ugly. They found that Hualao’s method of cultivating spiritual flowers was more sophisticated than three years ago. It was only one hour short and cultivated by Hualao’s dense spiritual qi. The flowers have grown rapidly from seedlings, and are even about to condense flower bones.

Proceed at this speed, maybe, it’s known as the most difficult flower of Immortal Palace. I really have to be easily cracked by this old man. It is definitely a game for Immortal Palace. disaster.

Looking at Long Gang’s side, the four Qin Bing teamed up, and now they are barely able to get the flower out of the seedling state. The comparison between the two sides is simply the gap between the Grandmaster and the apprentice.

Long Gang and the four are completely desperate, but they haven’t given up yet. They don’t lose if they lose. These four young Young Masters just sighed, knowing that they were about to hit their heads and bleed. Nor admit defeat.

Ye Fei is also anxious. Although Long Gang and the four have worked very hard, they will undoubtedly lose at this speed of cultivation.

“Forget it, do it!” Ye Fei didn’t care whether he was a layman, he still learned the basic technique of cultivating spirit flowers after watching one hour.

took a deep breath.

Ye Fei immediately blasted the true essence, preparing to move towards the spirit flower jet, feeling the true essence of Ye Fei, the spirit flower that was still growing vigorously, suddenly seemed like an eggplant beaten by frost, and it shrank quickly.

This is the true essence of Ye Fei Demon Sovereign Sutra is too strong. This is martial arts created for battle. Where can these weak spirit flowers resist.

Just a light breath, it scared the Linghua, if it is really sprayed, it is estimated that the Linghua may die immediately.

“Brother Ye, don’t do it!”

“It’s miserable, forgot to tell him that to activate Spiritual Qi, you don’t need to activate the overbearing martial arts.” Qin Bing He Long Gang both cried and gave up the continued cultivation of Linghua.

Cheng Ming and Zhang Dazhuang also have dark faces, and they are ready to climb out of the Immortal Palace. Ye Fei is the most depressed. He knew that this spirit flower was so delicate that it would fall when blown. No shot.


Suddenly the little girl hiding in the mark of the beast, sighed and exposed her little head, and saw Ye Fei “destroying” the spirit flower, the little girl’s In his eyes, it was clear that he couldn’t bear to look directly, and he also looked at a big stupid pig.

Immediately, without waiting for Ye Fei’s Spiritual Qi to blow on the spirit flower, the little girl hurriedly stood up, and spit out a sip of Spiritual Qi at the spirit flower first.

Chapter 480 The second chapter is a surprise

Chapter 480 The second chapter is a surprise

At the same time, Ye Fei’s move finally caused the day to become a reality. The idea of ​​the others, but seeing that Ye Fei actually spurred offensive martial arts to cultivate spiritual flowers, Tian Cheng couldn’t help laughing.

“hahaha, look at the turtle, it really came from the North Sea, and I don’t even know how to cultivate the spiritual flower.”

Hua Lao seems to be showing off, but also to give the flower Immortal again Palace increased the pressure, and it was obvious that he could continue to cultivate spiritual flowers. He just didn’t do it, but turned his head. It is a Grandmaster style, hate iron for not becoming steel, commenting on Ye Fei’s “rude” technique.

“hmph, it’s utter stupidity. You are cultivating spiritual flowers, you are simply destroying spiritual flowers! I can’t think of the old man I’s famous name, and one day I will meet a layman who does not understand flowers. Humiliating Fengya!”

Hua Lao looked distressed. It seemed that fighting with Ye Fei was an insult to him. However, many martial artists still nodded and agreed with Hualao’s words.

Said with a sneer during the day: “The sneer out of the North Sea, old Hua you still expect him to know the elegant ikebana? You don’t care about the few sneer, although it’s important to let the stalk bloom.”

Seeing the demeanor of the old people, and seeing Ye Fei’s rude tactics like a farmer pulling weeds, many martial artists onlookers couldn’t help laughing.

“haha, this person is really a soft-shelled turtle. He doesn’t even know the basic taboos of cultivating spiritual flowers, so he is embarrassed to take action.”

“Don’t look at them, how delicate are spiritual flowers, A little bit of wind and grass may make it wither, even more how it is such a big mouthful of Spiritual Qi pouring in.”

“Next, there will be a good show. It doesn’t matter if this turtle loses, Qin Bing and Long Gang are here. A few people, but they have to climb out of the Immortal Palace together.”

martial artists discuss spiritedly, Qin Bing and Long Gang, Cheng Ming, and Zhang Dazhuang are already crying, they don’t have Blame Ye Fei, but I hate the plot against Tiancheng Cheng.

“Ye Fei, don’t take it to heart. Anyway, we can’t win the match anyway. Sooner or later, it will be a climb.” Qin Bing comforted Ye Fei.

“Yes, I lost this time. When we return to the rankings, we can win it back.” Long Gang and the three have already realized their consciousness.

Ye Fei did not speak, but stared closely at the dying spiritual flower that he “tossed”. If he feels right, when he blows out Spiritual Qi, the Spirit Mushroom doll seems to be too Following him, moved towards Linghua and took a breath.

He is a layman, and he has made trouble, but I don’t know why, the little girl hidden in the mark of the beast, suddenly let him have an unfathomable mystery confidence.

“Perhaps, relying on the Spirit Mushroom doll, I still have a chance to turn defeat into victory.” Ye Fei had such a weird thought in his heart, keeping his eyes fixed on the spirit flower in the flowerpot.

“haha, the turtle, you just stare at it for ten thousand years, and you don’t want to catch up with Hua Lao’s finger and waste less time there. You guys, hurry up from Immortal Palace. Climb out!”

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