Chapter 480, Chapter 8 Helpless

Chapter 480, Chapter 8 Helpless

Seeing that Ye Fei really wants to leave the Immortal Palace. The four Qin Bing were all taken aback. Could it be that they misunderstood that Ye Fei simply isn’t interested in Fairy?

Looking at Ye Fei’s appearance, they really couldn’t believe that Ye Fei would be a layman in ikebana, and Hua Fairy and Du Third Young Lady were even more completely confused.

“Third Young Lady, what should we do?”

“What else can I do, no matter if this person really doesn’t understand or has another picture, he has a flower saint The strength is certain. If such a person is offended, it will be a disaster for our entire Immortal Palace.” Du Third Young Lady gritted her teeth, and suddenly strode to catch up, looking at Ye Fei pleadingly.

“Young Master Ye, I would also like to ask you a lot of adults, let us spend Immortal Palace, as long as you promise, don’t use the flower arrangement, you can spend Immortal Palace with us, the conditions are whatever you want! Even if you want to spend Fairy is your concubine, and I agree too!” Du Third Young Lady, like Fairy, both showed a sad expression.

For the flower fairy Holy Sect, they can not be afraid of the anger of Martial Saint, but they are only afraid of the flower saint. Of course, Du Third Young Lady dare not let Ye Fei leave “furiously”.

Even took the initiative to change the condition from the bedtimer to the concubine. Hua Fairy did not object to it, but with a determined face, even if he jumped into the fire pit, so that the other sisters would not be affected by Ye Fei She has decided to sacrifice herself.

In this scene, the four Qin Bing who watched again were stunned. In addition to Qin Bing, Long Gang, Cheng Ming and Zhang Dazhuang have already admired Ye Fei’s prostrate oneself in admiration.

“It’s a good way to get caught up and retreat! Brother Ye is worthy of an veteran of the flowers, so I can do everything about animals and animals.” Long Gang was very envious.

Zhang Dazhuang and Cheng Ming are also envious, these Young Masters of Imperial Capital, which one does not want to marry a Fairy home, but no one has succeeded.

Brother Ye still has the means to do nothing. With just one move, Immortal Palace can take the initiative to give Brother Ye the most beautiful Fairy as a concubine.


Ye Fei looked at the Du Third Young Lady who stopped him in front of him and begged and felt very depressed. I said that I am not a master of ikebana, these Why don’t people believe it.

It’s all caused by the little girl in the seal of the beast!

It is himself who cleans up the mess silently. Ye Fei is depressed. He glanced at Fairy, but found that Fairy looked at him nervously, with a blush on his face.

Ye Fei is even more speechless, and can only continue to pretend to be a flower saint, shook his head and said: “Du Third Young Lady, don’t worry, I swear, I won’t take action against Fairy He who spends Immortal Palace. Right.”

Long Gang and the four were taken aback again, Brother Ye, what does this mean? He didn’t even eat the fat that has been delivered to his mouth?

Hua Fairy was surprised and delighted: “Young Master Ye, what you said is true. You really want to swear that you don’t need to spend any time on the flower path, to deal with any sisters of Immortal Palace?”


“I swear that people will not offend others, I will not offend others!” Besides, I also simply don’t understand ikebana, and I don’t have the ability to shoot.

Seeing Ye Fei really swear, Hua Fairy’s face is full of surprises, and then I know that Ye Fei is not the kind of bad person she thought, but a big good person.

So it is, can enter the way of the flower saint, and can also make the flowers bloom so perfect, how can such a Young Master have a bad heart?

Hua Fairy’s face suddenly showed a blush, and it became more and more beautiful against the background of the stalk flower. All the three of Long Gang looked straight, and Qin Bing also flashed a stunning expression.

When Ye Fei swears to be completed, Hua Fairy also looks serious, looks at Ye Fei seriously, and begins to swear: “I spend Fairy also swear, as long as Young Master Ye doesn’t hurt me and spends Immortal Palace. My sister, as long as Young Master Ye is willing, my body and mind can be given to you at any time!”

When I had to say such shameful words, Hua Fairy was already ashamed to face Ye Fei , Stomped his feet, glanced at Du Third Young Lady again, and ran back to his own palace quickly, never coming out again.

“Fuck, that’s okay!”

“It’s worthy of being a flower saint, so fast, I conquered Fairy’s body and mind. This method is too cruel.”


“It’s like a beast!”

Long Gang, Cheng Ming and Zhang Dazhuang looked at the flower Fairy who left shyly, all with envy, jealousy and hatred, and Qin Bing was also very angry I sighed, “Brother Ye, you are not a flower saint like this. The four of us are ashamed and unable to show one’s face. Brother Ye, please enlighten me when it is convenient.”

For Fairy, this is suddenly Ye Fei was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. He looked at the four Qin Bing and at the Third Young Lady Du. He sighed very helplessly and earnestly: “Everyone, I am really not a flower saint, neither do I Understand the flower path! Why don’t you believe me?”

“Brother Ye, don’t be humble, we all know that your flower saint’s way is introverted and reserved, and captures the heart of beauty in the invisible In.” Long Gang walked over.

“Young Master Ye, don’t be kidding! But Young Master Ye said, I can’t be stingy when I spend Immortal Palace. We have many classics about ikebana, and there is a flower saint. Experience, Young Master is interested, you can stay here to watch. Of course, in the future, whenever Young Master brings friends over, I will spend the Immortal Palace, everything is free.” Du Third Young Lady also relaxed.

Even if Ye Fei has vowed not to use ikebana to deal with the Immortal Palace, Du Third Young Lady does not dare to neglect Ye Fei, a dangerous “flower saint”. She has already decided in her heart, no matter what, Ye Fei must also be handed in, and it is best to provide Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is completely helpless, knowing that I don’t agree, Hua Immortal Palace will not rest assured, she can only barely nodded and said: “Okay, the flower sacred book is there, take me to see .”

I found that the ikebana is not as unbearable as I thought. In my heart, Ye Fei still has a little research interest in ikebana.

Immediately left Qin Bing and they continued to play in Hua Immortal Palace. Ye Fei followed Du Third Young Lady to the deepest room of Hua Immortal Palace.

I saw that it was full of ancient books. Du Third Young Lady said: “Young Master Ye, this is the former residence of the flower saint, and it records all his ikebana books, you can read it casually. “

After speaking, Du Third Young Lady retired respectfully, treating Ye Fei as the most distinguished guest. Ye Fei was a bit uncomfortable, and it was difficult to refuse. When I left this study room, I picked up one of the classics on it and found that it happened to be a book that recorded the origin of ikebana.

“Flowers also have Tao! Wu has Martial Dao, Dan has Pill Dao, Flower Tao was born in Martial Dao and formed in Pill Dao, but it is very different from Dan Dao of Martial. This is a literati The way, the way of mortals, the way of longevity…”

The scriptures of this flower sage are exquisite, not boring to read, but also very fascinating. Ye Fei wanted to take a casual look. But after looking at it for a while, he couldn’t move his eyes.

“It turns out that I was wrong. The Flower Path is not an arty unorthodox way. In ancient times, it was actually a strange Martial Dao like Pill Dao and the Array Dao.”

Since it is a Martial Dao, there must be no fights, no special methods, and the same is true for ikebana. Usually, martial artists who cultivate ikebana seem to be out of business, but in fact, this is also a peculiar cultivation, cultivation. To Profound Realm, you can actually achieve the goal of longevity.

Chapter 480 The Ninth Imperial Capital Situation

Chapter 480 The Ninth Imperial Capital Situation

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