little girl finally got down and stared at Ye Fei tearfully. If she could speak, she would have to point to Ye Fei’s nose and curse.

Looking at the puffed little girl, Ye Fei knew that the teasing was almost done, and if she kept teasing, the little girl might turn her face. Ye Fei suddenly asked seriously: “You are not called Xiaocao. You are not called Xiaohua, what is your name?”

“Eh…” The little girl opened her mouth to talk, suddenly A little reacted, actually looking at Ye Fei very vigilantly.

Ye Fei is very depressed. This is really a spiritual Mushroom doll in the form of vegetation. Isn’t it said that such a spiritual object is easy to deceive? Why is this little girl shrewd like a monkey?

Knowing that the plan to take the opportunity to inquire about the little girl’s origins has failed, Ye Fei stopped going in circles, forcibly gave the little girl the name of a little grass and said: “Little grass, you should know the other side of the flower path. What is the seed, can you help me condense the spirit seed?”

“Eh, oh, oh?” Do you want to condense the spirit? The little girl gestured to Ye Fei. She looked sideways and she didn’t see that Ye Fei had the potential to learn ikebana, but she was a good hand at destroying Linghua.

“Do you really know the spirit seed? How can I condense the spirit seed?” Ye Fei saw that the little girl looked like this, she knew there was a play.

The little girl thought about it for a while, and she was nodded, saying that she really knew the spirit seed, and then she stretched out her little hand as it should be by rights, and made a standard gesture of asking for benefits.

Ye Fei secretly wondered if this little girl has become accustomed to this action, but now that he is asking for a little girl, he will not be too stingy.

“Go ahead, what do you want this time?” Ye Fei said.


The little girl made more gestures this time, and it was more complicated. Ye Fei didn’t understand after watching for a long time. In the end, the little girl I didn’t bother to continue communicating with the big stupid pig in front of me.

I simply put my head on Ye Fei’s space ring, and just sucked it lightly, Ye Fei was shocked to discover that in his space ring, several millions Spirit Crystal had actually been sucked by the little girl Thoroughly out.

The thing that Ye Fei can’t bear the most is that this little girl ruined such a Spirit Crystal like him. After a full hiccup, she whizzed and got into the mark of the beast again, lest Ye Fei would take her Get it out.

Ye Fei, that anger, that is the Spirit Crystal of several millions, and all the belongings on my body, the result is gone in the blink of an eye.

“Xiaocao, you come out for me, today I must treat you as spiritual medicine for refining.” Ye Fei’s angry roar came from the entire study.

But the answer to him was only the slight sound of sleep from the little girl in the beast seal space, and she threw a green leaf on the ground.

Several millions of Spirit Crystal were exchanged for a green leaf on the little girl… Ye Fei looked at the green leaf on the ground, and the whole face became extremely dark.

“What does this green leaf have to do with my condensed spirit seed?” Ye Fei picked up the green leaf on the ground very uncomfortably.


At this time, the green leaf touched Ye Fei’s body, turned into a green light, and poured into Ye Fei’s palm.

Ye Fei was surprised to see that a green leaf pattern clearly appeared on the palm of his hand, which was clearly a sign of the successful condensing of the spirit seed.

“How easy is it to condense the spirit seeds? But the price is too expensive.” There are several millions Spirit Crystal.

Ye Fei feels very painful.

In the next few days, Du Third Young Lady suddenly received Ye Fei’s request for a large number of low-level spiritual flowers. In the end, it was the request of the “flower saint”. Immortal Palace did not dare to neglect.

A large number of Linghua seedlings were sent to Ye Fei’s closed study in the shortest time. Then, there were continuous explosions or roars in the study.

The spirit flower sent in can not exceed one hour at most, and the flowerpot will be blown into pieces with the spirit flower, and then thrown out by Ye Fei.

“What’s the matter, isn’t Young Master Ye a flower saint? How did you cultivate these low-level spirit flowers, and you didn’t succeed at all?” Hua Fairy looked at the devastated spirit flowers with distress. It was Ye Fei who did this. If it was someone else, the Immortal Palace was determined to get that person out, and he was not allowed to step into the Immortal Palace for life.

I have to say that Ye Fei is very talented in cultivation Martial Dao, but in cultivation ikebana, Ye Fei is no longer clumsy, it’s just rough.


Ye Fei also studies the passage of crash-bang in ikebana.

Soon it was the day when the rankings began.

Ye Fei opened the door, with red eyes and a black face, looking at the spirit flowers and grasses on the ground or withering or bursting. He finally had to accept that he was indeed too talented for ikebana.

“This time I lost a lot of money, several millions of Spirit Crystal were exchanged for a useless skill. If I knew this, I might as well not learn it. Anyway, there is a flower saint like a little girl. I am still afraid that there is no spiritual medicine?”

Ye Fei is very depressed.

The four Qin soldiers who also came out, all of them were full of red light. Obviously, they enjoyed it very much during the time spent in Immortal Palace.

Seeing Ye Fei walking out haggardly, Long Gang leaned forward and said with a smile in a low voice: “Brother Ye, it seems that you are very tired during this time.”

In the word “work hard”, Long Gang especially emphasized his tone. Cheng Ming and Zhang Dazhuang both laughed at him, Ye Fei suddenly depressed and wanted to hit someone.

You guys enjoyed it. My loss is heavy.

So ignoring the teasing made by the three of Long Gang, Ye Fei walked to Qin Bing and said: “The time for the ranking has come, where should we go now?”

“Go to Imperial Palace! Every time the rankings are held in the Imperial Palace.” Qin Bingdao.

“We have to go there quickly. We are late. It is a disadvantage to be behind,” Long Gang also said.

“Young Master Ye, Qin Young Master, Long Aozi, Cheng Young Master, Young Master Zhang, your servant wish you good results in the local rankings in advance.” Du Third Young Lady walked over with a smile Blessed, the flower Fairy standing next to him also moved towards everyone, but finally his eyes couldn’t help but fall on Ye Fei.

It’s a pity that Ye Fei rushed to the list. By the way, I saw Tai Xuan Holy Land’s friends, not at all. Attention, this could not help but make Fairy’s eyes a little sad.

Chapter 492nd Heaven’s Chosen Gathering

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