“Beiyang will win, the sovereign is mighty!”

“Go in, I want to become stronger, we are not weak!”

Kill! kill! kill!

Countless martial artists roared, whether it was Martial King or Martial Venerable, they roared, and then rushed toward the millions of troops ahead.

“It’s just a group of mobs, soldiers, let these little boys know what the real murderous aura is and what is the invincible soul of the army!” General Martial King, carrying the flag, raised his hand.

The silent millions of male soldiers stepped forward at the same time, the swords and guns were unsheathed, and the bows and arrows were wound. It was a scene of bloody battles.

No soldiers spoke, they just clenched their swords and guns, and marched silently and iron-blooded forward. The terrifying pressure and bloody killing intent had formed a violent hurricane that swept the inside and outside of the Imperial Palace.

Tens of thousands of young people who rushed to Heaven’s Chosen, half of them couldn’t bear this murderous aura, or they retreated with fright, or they retreated embarrassed by the murderous aura, and they were all The young girl burst into tears on the spot.

No way, the murderous aura condensed by millions of army souls is too strong, there is no firm will, the Heart of Martial Dao without a rock, even the Martial King expert, can’t get this terrifying murderous aura storm .

Almost every step the army advances, there are hundreds, thousands of young Heaven’s Chosen, screaming, roaring, and fearing being rushed back by this murderous aura.

There are also more Martial Kings, Martial Venerables, unwilling to be mediocre, young martial artists who are determined to become stronger, roaring, blood-red eyes, and rushing forward desperately, trying to break through the murderous aura of the souls of millions of soldiers. Blocked and rushed into the Imperial Palace.

This is not a battle, but it makes many martial artists feel the horror and cruelty of fighting on the battlefield.

Ye Fei slowly retracted his gaze, and couldn’t help but sigh that the power of Beiyang Kingdom really opened his eyes. Also inspired his fighting spirit.

“Senior Brother Jing, Luo Xing, do you have any confidence, let’s kill them together?” Ye Fei licked his lips, and suddenly released a tragic fierce light.


Jing Wushou roared, without saying anything, he rushed forward,

hong long long!

There was another sound of The earth shook and the mountain quivered. Zhang Dazhuang’s body soared, like a huge little giant. The second one rushed up. His body was under tremendous pressure, unexpectedly The surging killing intents of millions of troops squeezed to one side.

“haha, big and strong are bulls. With such a good shield, what are we waiting for, rush forward!” Long Gang and the three greeted Ye Fei, hiding tightly in Zhang Dazhuang Behind this meat shield, he approached the Imperial Palace with ease.

“This is obviously a trick!” Tenth Imperial Prince and the others looked dumbfounded.

“Hehe, sometimes trickery is also a kind of strength!” Seeing Zhang Dazhuang’s movements, Luo Xing suddenly realized something, he roared, and suddenly released the spirit eagle on his shoulder.

The eagle grows up in the wind, and quickly becomes the size of a small hill. Luo Xing jumped up first and shouted at Ye Fei: “Brother Fei, Tenth Imperial Prince, you all Come up, I’ll take you to fly over.”

Chapter 494 Scaling Heaven Stairs

Chapter 494 Scaling Heaven Stairs

“Okay! “

Seeing Luo Xing so confident, Ye Fei was also very happy. He was the first to jump on the huge back of Lingying, then Tenth Imperial Prince, Shi Feng, Qi Chuchu and the others, All jumped up.

If you can enter the Imperial Palace by chance, why should everyone waste your true energy? Under Luo Xing’s control, the huge spirit eagle flaps its wings, like a warship, flying to the sky and charging Millions of soldiers to the front.


Suddenly saw such a big fierce bird flying over, millions of male soldiers did not have a trace of fear. They condensed the murderous aura into an invisible storm and swept the spirit eagle, but the spirit eagle was born by Spiritual Qi was born, and it is very sensitive to airflow.

Inspired by Zhang Dazhuang, Luo Xing was very proficient in controlling the spirit eagle, and magically avoided all the murderous aura storms ahead and rushed into the Imperial Palace first.

“This is all right? Is there any reason?”

“Why did we didn’t expect, the lord just told us to rush into the Imperial Palace, but did not say that we are not allowed to use External force.”

“Which brother is with me, we will team up to kill.”

The murderous aura of millions of heroes, even the Martial Monarch Level expert must be afraid of The martial artists present quickly reacted and found that their power alone could not withstand the impact of the murderous aura. Soon, a large number of martial artists began to unite, or form teams, or use powerful treasures to break away from the military. Rushed into the Imperial Palace.

In spite of this, there are still a large number of Martial King martial artists and Martial Venerable martial artists. Due to their late awakening or their weak will, they cannot withstand the murderous aura released by a million soldiers and simply cannot enter the Imperial Palace. .

An hour later.

The first round assessment of the local rankings is completely over. The total number of martial artists participating in the assessment exceeds hundreds of thousands, but those who can really enter the Imperial Palace and participate in the second round assessment are only in their early ten thousand.

In other words, there are more than 90,000 martial artists who have lost the qualification to continue the assessment. The truth is cruel, and the face of the Northern Kingdom Lord has become very ugly. Even if it had been expected, the North Heavenly King could not help but let out a disappointed roar.

“You guys, I’m so disappointed with Your Majesty.” Deep in the Imperial Palace, an angry sigh of North Heavenly King was heard. Hearing this sigh, most of the 90,000 martial artists blocked outside the Imperial Palace bowed their heads. Especially those martial artists of Martial King Realm.

When they saw some Martial Venerable Realm martial artists who were inferior to them, they all relied on their strong will and reluctantly rushed into the Imperial Palace. Many people were ashamed and unable to show one’s face, and others simply Sitting on the ground, he started to cry.

Sighs, shame, and crying sounds everywhere.

Looking at these people outside, Ye Fei also secretly shivered inwardly. Of course, the hundred thousand martial artist participated in the ranking list, and the first round eliminated a full 90%. This shows how strict the ranking list is. .

“Now enter the next round, Scaling Heaven Stairs!” In the depths of the Imperial Palace, the Beiyang Kingdom Lord is expressionless, and he can’t see the emotions, sorrows, sorrows and joys. With a wave of his hand, in front of the huge square of the Imperial Palace, suddenly There appeared a ten thousand zhang high mountain, and above the high mountain, there was a stone step with no end in sight, winding to the clouds.

“This is the assessment of the second test of the rankings?” Ye Fei looked at the steps very carefully. From the steps, he felt an invisible pressure.

As for the martial artists who rushed in, their expressions became very solemn. The three of Long Gang stood beside Ye Fei, pointed to the steps and said to Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, don’t underestimate it. This level, the past assessments of local rankings, and 99% of martial artists, are all compromised here.”

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