But it is also impossible. There are only two famous people in the State of Zhao. One is Zhao Divine Sword, but it has disappeared for a thousand years. Zhao Sheng once said that after Zhao Divine Sword went to sea, he had another fortuuitous encounter and did not go to Zhong Prefecture. , But directly smashing void and went to other continents.

Since it’s not Divine Sword Zhao, and looking at Zhao Si-nian’s age, Ye Fei couldn’t help but a very strange idea emerged on his face.

Zhao Si-nian also understands what Ye Fei is thinking, she simply nodded and said: “Yes, my father is Zhao Qianjun. Of course, when he left, my mother was just pregnant, he might not know There is my daughter.”

“What, you are the daughter of Senior Brother Zhao!”

Ye Fei’s heart vomiting blood is all there, despite some speculation, Ye Fei is still a little bit It’s hard to believe that Zhao Qianjun’s demonic character still has a romantic debt in the sea of ​​chaos.

Zhao Si-nian also looked at Ye Fei in surprise, excitedly said: “You call my father Senior Brother? Have you met my father, tell me, tell me quickly!”

Because of too much excitement, the female man Zhao Simian had a personality attack, and she grabbed Ye Fei by the collar, trying to drag Ye Fei to her front.

Ye Fei’s face is black and depressed. It’s no wonder that when I saw Zhao Si-nian using the sword, he always felt very familiar. Ye Fei asked silently: “Zhao Si-nian, what you understand is swallowed sword intent?”

“Yes, Ye Fei, you just called my father Senior Brother, don’t you…” Zhao Si Nian looked at Ye Fei more excitedly.

Ye Fei silently nodded.


A dark Demon Sword has been suspended behind him. Seeing that Demon Sword, Zhao Si-nian is also slightly smiled. Behind her, there is also a dark Demon Sword, but there is no breath. Ye Fei is only powerful.

“Unexpectedly, we were out of lineage together! Ye Uncle, can you tell me about my father in the Northern Territory, and where is he now?” Zhao Si Nian put away her Demon Sword, At this time, I have completely trusted Ye Fei.

Ye Fei just wants to vomit blood.

My identity as a person who was abandoned this day is really bad luck. Whoever meets it, but when I meet Zhao Qianjun’s daughter, unfathomable mystery has one more niece. The key is that this niece looks older than him. How old is it.

“cough cough, actually I don’t know much about Senior Brother Zhao, we just happen to have the same Master.” Ye Fei thought for a while, but still couldn’t bear to tell Zhao Qianjun’s bloody experience He came out, but simply fooled a few words, and began to inquire about Zhao Qianjun’s experience outside the sea.

Zhao Si Nian just talked about her mother’s experience.

It turns out that when Zhao Qianjun entered the open sea, he did not start the killing mode all the way. When he pressured the open sea, he was like all the northern martial artists who went to sea. He was bullied a lot, once. , And almost died.

At this time, Zhao Qianjun met Zhao Missian’s mother. The woman did not dislike Zhao Qianjun’s identity as a demon, but she kindly saved him.

Under the care of that woman, the two are even more familiar breeds fondness, but Zhao Qianjun has suffered a deep love. The better the woman treats him, the more Zhao Qianjun is suspicious and dare not accept it. So after the cultivation is successful and the grievances of the Chaos Sea are resolved, Zhao Qianjun cut off this section of emotion and went to Zhong Prefecture. .

The mother of Zhao Missing also died of depression due to this unexpected blow.

Hearing this, Ye Fei couldn’t help but sigh. Although many nieces who are older than herself are very awkward, she is the daughter of Zhao Qianjun, so she can’t take care of her.

He could only look at Zhao Si-nian seriously and said: “Master, do you really want me to stay in Qunxingzhai?”

“Of course, Qun Star Island is my father My mother built it together, Ye Uncle, and you have such a connection with us, don’t you want to stay and help me through the difficulties? Let’s deal with Gou Yidao and the threat of Zheng Family together?”

Since I learned about Ye Fei With such a relationship with her father, Zhao Si-nian certainly wouldn’t be polite with Ye Fei, and forced Ye Fei to stay.

Ye Fei can only accept it, and then curiously asked: “By the way, the owner, you said Zheng Family is going to target you, why are they going to target you as a Loose Cultivator?”

Chapter 737 shows the horse’s feet

Chapter 737 shows the horse’s feet

This is also the strangest part of Ye Fei, even if Zhao Si-nian is beautiful, That character is very hot, why he must forcibly accept Zhao Sinian as a concubine, this is definitely not only the reason for Zhao Sinian’s beauty.

When dealing with Ye Fei, Zhao Si-nian also had absolute trust at this time. She did not hide it, but frowns saying: “It should be Zheng Wei who discovered my identity. I once had a fight with him. , I have used a complete swallowing sword intent, and due to my dad’s relationship, the swallowing sword intent has a great reputation in the sea of ​​chaos.”

“My mother said that when my dad first went to sea, But Martial Monarch 1st Layer, but it only took a year to become an unbeatable power in the Sea of ​​Chaos. In addition to my dad’s own talents, it is also related to his fortuitous encounter, and this A fortuitous encounter, except my mother, only I know!”


After listening carefully to Zhao Si-nian’s recount, Ye Fei finally knows why Zheng Wei has spent that many thoughts and has to take Zhao Si-nian forcibly.

Her beauty is one aspect. The secret of Zhao Qianjun that she has is the main purpose of Zheng Wei. In this way, Ye Fei really can’t stay outside. Because even without his affairs, Zheng Family would be impossible to let the Qunxingzhai go away. In that case, of course he was impossible to leave when Zhao Simian was in distress.

“Okay, nephew, bah, it’s the village owner, I decided to stay and help you, you can also call me Ye Fei.” Ye Fei said firmly.

“Okay, Ye Uncle, no, it should be Ye Fei!” Zhao Si-nian saw that Ye Fei was younger than her, and was a little depressed, so he also discussed with Ye Fei peers.

Knowing each other’s details, Ye Fei and Zhao Si-nian also became trusting each other. The two of them walked out of the grove one after the other, and they saw One-Eyed and the others, escorting the awakened Elder Liu and waiting there.

Seeing Zhao Si-nian coming out, Elder Liu’s eyes clearly flashed a touch of fear, “The master, I am not a spy, I definitely did not betray the Qunxingzhai!”

” Shut up! The surname is Liu, you are usually very stingy. Just now you excluded Brother Ye. The spy is not you, who else can be!” One-eyed and the others were very angry. If it weren’t for Zhao Si-nian’s order, they were Elder Liu just now. Killed.

Elder Liu was also ashamed, but he still yelled desperately, trying to prove his innocence, Zhao Si-nian’s eyes became extremely complicated.

“Elder Liu, don’t blame me, you know the rules of betraying Qunxingzhai.” Zhao Si-nian couldn’t bear it, but she still raised the heavy sword in her hand.

Elder Liu shouted in despair at the end: “Zhailor, you can kill me, but I am definitely not a spy!”

Then he closed his eyes and waited to die.

Zhao Si-nian’s sword has not been cut, because when she was about to do it, Ye Fei’s hand had already grabbed her sword and shook her head again.

“This Elder Liu should not be a spy!” Ye Fei said solemnly.

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