70% power, Golden Dragon 18 kicks!

Zheng Jing Zhenyuan exploded, forming a golden dragon of vitality and blood, which was kicked out by him. A total of 18 golden dragons, Eighteen legs, kicked at Ye Fei violently.

Especially this time, he still used 70% of his strength. With such strength, even an 8th layer Martial Lord may be seriously injured by Zheng Jing’s kick, even more how This is enough Eighteen.

“Ten Martial Lord, really terrifying! But I am not impossible to defeat!”

I feel the exquisiteness of Zheng Jing’s leg technique, Ye Fei’s vision is wide open at the same time The sword light is also non-stop, with the twelve Primordial Spirit within the body, running wildly.

Sword light spirals one after another, forming a full 36 terrifying sword storm, rolling toward the eighteen terrifying Golden Dragons ahead.

Only in the blink of an eye, the sky full of Golden Dragon is once again infinitely weakened by the continuous sword light of Ye Fei, and then burst into a scattered flow of true essence.

“If the quality is insufficient, then use the quantity to make up for it. Ten Martial Lord’s attacks are only this!” Ye Fei’s body, the sword light continued to form, and soon formed a full seventy two vortex of the sword , Whistling all around in his body, also prevented Zheng Jing from approaching.

Zheng Jing’s whole person is as if was struck by lightning, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, he can activate eighteen legs in one breath, that is he is the tenfold Martial Lord, his own Primordial Spirit Already extremely powerful.

But what is going on in front of this kid, he is just a 3rd-layer Martial Lord, and his Primordial Spirit should be very weak. How could he support the continuous consumption of big moves?

Be aware that Ye Fei, a Sword Art that can weaken the enemy’s attack, is a very difficult to deal with trick. Such a trick should cost a lot of real money. Why Ye Fei It’s so easy to release, it’s easier than eating and drinking?

Of course, this is also because Zheng Jing didn’t know that Ye Fei had twelve Primordial Spirits. The true essence might be stronger than his ten-fold Martial Lord. Otherwise, he would have to vomit blood with anger.

The 740th Chapter Six Taboo Outbreak

The 740th Chapter Six Taboo Outbreak

“Kill, go alone, I don’t believe it, you are a 3rd -Layer Martial Lord, it can turn the sky!” Zheng Jing angry roar, seeing that 70% of his power could not be suppressed to Ye Fei, he decisively increased his power to 80%.

Boom ka!

Ten Martial Lord 80% of the power stepped on, what terrifying is that, Zheng Jing, who launched the trick, is invisible in front of everyone, becoming incomparable Standing tall, he is like a giant walking in the sky, trying to trample Ye Fei alive.

War Demon Golden Body!

Feeling the improvement of the opponent’s strength, Ye Fei also unceremoniously increased his defensive power. He pushed the war demon golden body to the limit. At the same time, the seventy two roads spinning around him The vortex of the sword, forming the seventy two terrifying sword light, all cut to Zheng Jing’s foot in the air.

“Ye Fei, do you think that more sword light is useful? Don’t forget that I am a ten-fold Martial Lord. Our battle strength is the difference between Heaven and Earth!”

hong long long!

The terrifying leg shadows kept falling, forming countless terrifying golden beams of light, continuously shattering the vortex of Ye Fei’s sword.

In the end, the vortex of the sword can weaken the enemy’s attack, but it can only weaken 70% at most, and the remaining 30% strength is enough to crush the sword energy condensed by Ye Fei.

“Without this weird sword of vortex, I see how you ant is my opponent.” Zheng Jing took the last kick and shattered the vortex of sword that blocked him.

At the same time, his right foot kicked forward violently, in the sky, a ball of light flashing with thunder and lightning had appeared, and with an aura of destruction, it hit Ye Fei’s body.

“Very good, that’s my Zheng Family Absolute Art, lightning feet, Zheng Jing, don’t kill him yet, we have to ask his inheritance!” Zheng Weiwei reminded.

“hahaha, rest assured, I will not kill him, but I will abolish his hands and feet first, let him know that irritating ten Martial Lords like me is the worst mistake in his life The decision!” Zheng Jing was indifferent, his hands behind ones back, a victor.

He didn’t notice. Facing his lightning feet, Ye Fei’s eyes showed not fear, but thick fighting intent!

“The ten-fold Martial Lord is indeed strong, but you are still a lot short of abolishing my hands and feet. The sword of heavenly destruction, burial style!”

Seeing Heaven The Sealing sword is not an opponent, Ye Fei was forced to use the martial arts sword, the great emperor martial arts, and his sword light became extremely slow.

But attracted by Ye Fei sword light, this area seems to have become slow. The lightning that originally kicked Ye Fei, finally stopped in mid-air, and was easily flashed from the side by Ye Fei Past.

“You also receive my sword! Swallow sword intent, swallow the sky!”

Ye Fei suddenly roared, behind him, a dark Demon Sword emerged instantly, Ye Fei’s eyes were indifferent, grabbing this Demon Sword, and suddenly slashed forward. The world in front was suddenly split into two, and a huge black sword shadow appeared, tearing the void.

“Not good, that is the Emperor Sword Art. Is this the Holy Sect inheritance he got? Wind and thunder legs!” Zheng Jing’s face became solemn for the first time.

He kicked out with his left foot, and a lightning burst out, kicked out with his right foot, and another hurricane broke out. In the impact of wind and thunder, in the sky suddenly burst out a huge cloud of destruction. The individual wrapped in at the same time.

The most terrifying thing is that this wind lightning group is controlled by Zheng Jing. He doesn’t have to worry about being injured at all, but Ye Fei. The moment he was involved, he was caught in the wind and thunder. Package, the feeling of suffocation.

“Is this the strength of the ten-fold Martial Lord? Now I am really far from the ten-fold Martial Lord.” Ye Fei sighed softly, not depressed in his eyes, but even more The fierce fighting intent turned into scarlet flame and burned on Ye Fei’s body.

“War God Tao, strength of Asura, Taboo Domain, explode for me!”


Under the pressure of death, Ye Fei finally Turning the strongest means, Strength of Asura, into operation, twelve Primordial Spirits within the body wake up at the same time, instantly pushing Ye Fei into a very terrifying state.

This state is the Taboo Domain of ancient geniuses. Every genius who enters this field has the ability to skip grades to challenge.

Ye Fei’s own battle strength reached 1,000,000 before going to sea. After being promoted to Martial Monarch 3rd Layer, he raised his battle strength by 600,000. On this basis, Ye Fei can also open Taboo Domain and cross 2-levels to fight.

In the instant of kung fu, Ye Fei’s battle strength surged to 2,000,000, which happened to reach the ten Martial Lord level.

“Destroying the sky!”

As the battle strength increased, Ye Fei’s eyes became extremely crazy, like a bloodthirsty madman, he carried a raging fire The Phoenix Blood Sword slashed forward again.

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