So Ye Fei can’t refuse, so guess Wang Hong’s space belt was forced to Ye Fei.

“Guess Senior, what are you…” Ye Fei was still angry, but he was an 8th layer Martial Lord. How could he be stronger than that guess, and finally the space belt fell on him. Hands.

That guess also laughed: “Young Master Ye, I told you clearly, I just want to make friends with you! If you don’t accept it, then you look down on my guess!”


It is worthy of being the Southland Barbarian Race. This gift is so direct. Ye Fei has no reason to refuse, so he can only accept it and say: “Then I owe Senior a love. Senior will just call my name in the future.”

Aside from Wang Bai’s relationship, Ye Fei is actually very willing to make friends with someone who is truly powerful.

“Okay, Ye Fei, we will be friends from now on, we will see you in Zhong Prefecture, you can go now.” Then I am very happy to guess, but don’t underestimate the change of title, it also means Then, Ye Fei recognized Na Guai.

But guess not at all. Tell Ye Fei more. After getting in the relationship, he was a little bit twitched and wanted Ye Fei to leave quickly.

Ye Fei’s complexion also became weird, vaguely, he already understood what he was going to do, he also sweated immediately, turned and left quickly.

Sure enough.

Seeing Ye Fei leaving, there are no outsiders around, so I hurried to the sky, the old face blushed and yelled three times: “Wang Bai, Wang Bai, you are the most handsome, you are World’s First handsome!”


After shouting this eye-popping heartbeat incantation, it was so powerful that I almost didn’t vomit. At the same time, a strange rune flew out of him and gradually disappeared into the void.

The eyes of the guess also became dull, and the memory quickly lost, and he completely forgot what he said to Ye Fei.

“The existence is too terrifying. Not only do I forget what happened before, but even the name of the existence does not raise the slightest recollection.” The guessing eyes flashed with deep fear .

However, after seeing the direction Ye Fei was leaving, the eyes of that guess suddenly brightened again. After the fear, he became excited again: “I can meet such an existence, maybe it is me The chance to guess I, I guess the greatest Accomplishment in this life, I guess Heavenspan Great Saint is over, but if I can get that person’s advice, maybe I may still become a Martial Sovereign!”

Of course, the guess also has self-knowledge, knowing that he has a small power, it can’t touch such an existence, but it doesn’t matter, it is natural, then the guess will set his eyes in the direction where Ye Fei left.

“The existence seems to be very concerned about Ye Fei. He controlled me twice in a row and sent messages to Ye Fei. If I can protect Ye Fei secretly, there may be a chance to contact that existence , Get guidance! That’s right, that’s it. As long as I follow Ye Fei secretly, it’s very possible!”

A clear comprehension flashed in his eyes, and he carried the golden war chariot happily , Immediately hide in the high altitude and refine it.

Like the old man’s fishing rod, the ancient breaking the formation cart is also a rare treasure. It is still necessary to be able to display the huge might Holy Artifact of formidable power.

The ancestors of Wang Hong got this treasure by chance before they escaped Heavenly Dao Saint Court, went to the sea of ​​chaos to develop, and established the current Heavenly Sword Sect.

A piece of heaven and earth that exist in the dark at the same time.

There are terrifying ominous beasts everywhere, and some of them have achieved great power, and some have the terrifying power of Heavenspan Great Saint when they are born.

This is the restricted area of ​​Human Race and the paradise of ominous beast.

But in this paradise, all the ominous beasts squatted on the ground, and their eyes showed complex emotions of anger, fear and unwillingness.

Because at this time, their Old Ancestor, a huge monster dragon, was being stomped on the head by a person, and hit the ground violently. As the person hit, he shook his head regretfully and sighed: “Hey, brother Ah, why don’t you listen to what I said, Wang Bai, I am the kind of person who will cheat your brother, really the grass on you, I can’t afford to offend her, you dare to take her with you…”

Chapter 793 Heavenly Dao Sword Manual

Chapter 793 Heavenly Dao Sword Manual

Just one thing, Wang Bai will be right He slammed the demon dragon’s head with a punch, and the demon dragon that smashed kept screaming, begging for mercy and roaring: “Who the hell are you, our demon dragon clan has been hiding here, why can you find it easily? “

“Why, because I am handsome enough! My rays of light can shine on any dark corner of this world, do you want to live?” Wang Bai asked.

“Yes!” Yaolong hurriedly replied, for fear of answering late, he would be punched to death by the terrifying human in front of him.

“Very well, then I will ask you very seriously, is Wang Baishuai handsome? Am I World’s First handsome?” Wang Bai looked serious.

The demon dragon almost rolled his eyes when he heard it, but the form was not as good as the human form. The demon dragon Old Ancestor had to bow his head and praised against his will: “You are handsome, you are indeed World’s First handsome.”

“Yes, you have the foresight, but unfortunately you are not sincere enough. Since I am so handsome, how can you just say it once, so let’s repeat what you just said 1,000,000 times, and I will let you go, no Take your Demon Dragon Heart!” Wang Bai seemed embarrassed.

When the monster dragon heard this remark, his huge body immediately stiffened: “What, 1,000,000 times?” Just saying it once, the monster dragon became sick.

Said it ten times, the monster dragon will vomit. If it is 1,000,000 times… it is more disgusting than death. The monster dragon immediately roared: “The dignity of my monster Dragon Race Don’t be insulted, roar!”

After finishing speaking, the monster dragon suddenly jumped into the air, and with Wang Bai, they crashed into a magnificent dragon mountain in the distance.

bang! The huge Longshan was suddenly smashed into two pieces by the waist. Wang Bai is still clothes whiter than snow, standing in the sky with great grace, his tone is melancholy and depressed.

“Hey, in Wang Bai’s life, the fault lies in the fact that he is so handsome. He has reached the point where he is sorrowful and jealous. You are a monster dragon, even if I am not handsome. , I can’t commit a suicide ashamed. It’s a crime!” Suddenly, Wang Bai waved his hand, and the sky of the entire demon Dragon Race suddenly collapsed. There was no longer Wang Bai’s silhouette, a group of demon Dragons. Race’s expert also stood up from prostrate with a confused look, completely unaware of what happened.

Then, they were shocked to find that they didn’t know why they couldn’t think about it, and they crashed and died on Longshan.


“This Wang Bai is nothing but a thing. Next time I meet, I will have to beat him up.” Ye Fei returned to Divine Fist Sect, thinking more and more Is angry.

Where did the poor little girl such as Xiaocao provoke Wang Bai, and Wang Bai of Ling actually became murderous towards Xiaocao.

Through Wang Bai’s warning, Ye Fei also felt tremendous pressure.

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