
I just thought of this and realized that a mouthful of dragon flame hadn’t sprayed Ye Fei to death. Dragon Tortoise felt humiliated and suddenly became violent.

A mouthful of dragon flame passed, followed by another dragon flame larger than before, spitting out. Suddenly, Purple Gold Tai Chi was under tremendous pressure.


In the end, Purple Gold Tai Chi is not perfect. Although it has the characteristics of invading and invincible, if the opponent’s attack exceeds the limit that Purple Gold Tai Chi can resolve, Purple Gold Tai Chi will still May be defeated head-on.

compelled by circumstances, Ye Fei can only take out the Feng Blood Sword, the whole body and the sword are unified, launching the strongest sword attack.

“Heaven, Earth and Human, three swords in one!” Ye Fei’s eyes were crazy, and all his strength turned into a billowing rainbow of swords, stabbing at Dragon Tortoise. He planned to use offense instead of defense. Look for the weak spot of Dragon Tortoise.


Failed to kill Ye Fei twice in a row, Dragon Tortoise was completely furious. Suddenly, a terrifying force of heaven and earth erupted from its body, ruthless The suppression came down. Ye Fei was shocked to discover that the three strongest swords he had gathered were all shattered by the shock.

“Ten percent of the terrain? No, this Dragon Tortoise is really going to kill me!” Ye Fei face deathly pale piece, but he is completely heavy, it is the War God Dao, at most Let him fight across two levels, and now facing the thoroughly ten-tier Dragon Tortoise, he has no chance of winning.


At the moment when Dragon Tortoise was suppressed by the power of heaven and earth, Ye Fei felt that all the bones in his body were about to be crushed, and the whole person fell in one place like a cannonball. On a desert island.

In the end, even this deserted island could not withstand the power of Dragon Tortoise, and half of the island was broken and sunk into the sea.

“Are you going to die?” Ye Fei was vomiting blood, feeling the sharp pain from the internal organs. Suddenly, he decided what, “I can die, but I can’t let Xiaocao join me Death! Xiaocao, run away!”

Critical moment, Ye Fei can no longer care about the others. He tried his best to move towards the sleeping grass and roar, hoping Xiaocao can wake up soon , And then fled from his side.


Such a loud voice finally made Xiaocao wake up from the long sleep, and then Xiaocao appeared on his face for the first time The color of great anger.

Chapter 827 Hanging Dragon Tortoise

Chapter 827 Hanging Dragon Tortoise

Xiaocao can’t believe it, she just Just sleeping, there was a big tortoise that chased Ye Fei to this point. You must know that in Xiaocao’s heart, Ye Fei is her most precious safe house.

In the beast print space, the grass eats so much that it’s good to sleep. When it’s okay, Ye Fei can lift her up. If Ye Fei is killed by this turtle, then she What to eat, where to live, who will comfort her if I feel wronged?

This tortoise is terrible!

Little grass must fiercely teach it!


With infinite anger, Xiaocao’s face was cold, his mouth was pouted, and he clenched his small fist and rushed out of the animal print space. , And rushed to the sky that huge big tortoise.

Ye Fei was immediately frightened by Xiaocao’s actions and sweated: “Xiaocao, what are you doing, I told you to run, who told you to go up and die!”


Dragon Tortoise’s huge roar completely drowned Ye Fei’s voice. The moment he saw the grass, Dragon Tortoise’s eyes flashed with ecstasy and deep greed.

Heaven and Earth Spirit Object!

This must be Heaven and Earth Spirit Object. If I eat her, I will immediately evolve into a Divine Dragon Shenfeng, and I will eat her now!

I found Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise in ecstasy, didn’t bother to kill Ye Fei at all, it was just an impatient’s bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, moved towards the grass swallowed past.

“Dragon Tortoise, you dare to hurt Xiaocao, I want your life, ah, immortal Sword Soul, wake me up!” Ye Fei went crazy.

At this time, he finally remembered that there was a secret weapon on his body. Ye Fei was ready to desperately release the immortal Sword Soul.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Dragon Tortoise issued an angry accusation and found that Dragon Tortoise did not listen to her. The grass suddenly took out a cane whip from his body, slapped it, and threw it on Dragon Tortoise’s body.


Dragon Tortoise couldn’t believe that Xiaocao’s vine whip would be terrifying, and its hard shell was cracked on the spot. The most terrifying thing was being vine After the whipping, Dragon Tortoise was horrified to find that it had fallen to the 9th layer at its tenth level.

“What kind of vine whip is in Xiaocao’s hand, it is against the sky!” Ye Fei also closed his mouth in surprise, he was ready to release the immortal Sword Soul, and went desperately with Dragon Tortoise.

As a result, he couldn’t deal with Dragon Tortoise by all means, Xiaocao solved it with a whip?


Dragon Tortoise was very dissatisfied. The eyes looking towards Xiaocao could not help becoming more tyrannical. Its huge body was fiercely like a comet, and it slammed into Xiaocao fiercely and violently. grass.

“Grass, come back soon!”

Seeing Dragon Tortoise’s actions, Ye Fei was shocked again. Just now, he saw Dragon Tortoise crush the void with his body. , Seckill the terrifying scene of Void Heavenly Ghost.

How can Xiaocao block such a terrifying attack?


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