Ye Fei shook his head. Originally, he felt that using Dragon Tortoise to destroy Holy Land might be a bit cruel, but after seeing those tortured children and this huge bloody wealth, Ye Fei felt that he The start is still light, he should kill all the wicked people with one sword and one sword.

“However, although Xingyue Holy Land is destroyed, there is still a Young Master who took my younger sister to the City of Wind. He had better not hurt my younger sister, otherwise, I will definitely let him die very ugly !” A fierce light flashed in Ye Fei’s eyes.

Then, he rushed into this treasure house and ransacked it. I can use the high grade Spirit Stone by myself. The low grade Spirit Stone will all be left as snacks.

“Fuck, there are fifty sacred bones in total, instead of the twenty or so I previously estimated. No wonder Xingyue Holy Land didn’t respond much to Hu Yanchao stole ten sacred bones. This is typical Rich wealth!”

“Very good, with these Spirit Stones and sacred bones, I can finally rest assured that continuous breakthrough!” Ye Fei quickly swept away the Spirit Stone sacred bones on the ground.

Just when he was going to clean up the medicine pill and weapons and other debris, suddenly, a stone slab under the altar table attracted Ye Fei’s attention.

Chapter 856 The Half Magic Scripture

Chapter 856 The Half Magic Scripture

Usually the most unremarkable place is also The easiest place to hide treasure.

Ye Fei has experienced this lesson more than once. At first glance, the slate may be a little weird. He immediately pushed the altar aside and lifted the slate fiercely.

“haha, the Holy Land of the stars and the moon is actually cunning. It actually hid a cultivation technique martial arts in the cracks of the stone slabs. Fortunately, I found it.”

Ye Fei picked up the cultivation technique booklet hidden under the stone slab, and found that the material in this booklet was very peculiar. It was actually a kind of peculiar ominous beast skin he had never seen before, with many star-like words written on it.

“This is the star graphics and text drawn by Martial Sovereign with Power of Stars. This star and moon is Holy Land not simple. This cultivation technique is clearly a classic!”

The complete Martial Dao is divided into cultivation technique and martial arts.

Among the cultivation techniques, the cultivation technique, created by Martial Sovereign, is usually called the classic, which represents the essence of Martial Dao. The Martial Emperor created the Dao canon. At the same time, above the classics and the Dao canon, there are The legendary scripture represents the limit of Martial Dao.

But the divinity is the same as Martial God, illusory, at least Heavenly Martial Continent, Ye Fei has never heard of a divinity.

It is the War God Tao of Ye Fei cultivation, and it is just Taoism.

“Unexpectedly, Xingyue Holy Land also hides a classic, but I have to read it carefully! Immortal Sword Soul, help me quickly understand it!”

Ye Fei is alone, he certainly has no scruples, he releases the immortal Sword Soul, and uses the black energy released by Sword Soul to frantically improve his perception.

Originally a classic, at a normal speed, without 10-15 days, many geniuses who are against the sky, it is difficult to fully understand. Many martial artists with insufficient perception will take several years, even It takes several decades to comprehend some furs, and that is the real Haoshou poor experience.

But Ye Fei, under the immortal Sword Soul’s infinite perception promotion, he only spent an hour and read this classic in his hand.

“I said, how did this classic comprehend so quickly, it turns out that it is not complete, but only one of the volumes, the star Moon Demon of Holy Land of Xingyue, is the Qing Family according to this It’s a classic fur, and it’s a lot of magic tricks to create it!”

Ye Fei looked at the Moon Demon Sutra in his hand, and shook his head helplessly, if it was done. He is still interested in learning the classics, but this half of the classics is of little use. On the contrary, he is wasting his time.

“But this classic, although I don’t have the skills to learn, but I can keep it as a reference.” Ye Fei looked at the star Moon Demon in his hand after thinking about it, and put it away.

Finally, he swept all the things in the treasure house into the space belt. Even so, Ye Fei filled up ten space belts and emptied the treasure house of Xingyue Holy Land. .

For these treasures of Holy Land, Ye Fei did not intend to sell them, but moved in his heart, secretly thought: “The so-called richness is better than returning home. Now I emptied a treasure house of Holy Land. , If you can think of a way to bring these things back to Ye Family. Then Ye Family has a Holy Land resource. Even if you don’t create a kingdom, Ye Family will become the uncrowned king in the Northern Territory! Uncle Sword and the others will also live. It’s safer!”

In the end, the tomb guard in the Northern Territory gave Ye Fei a little pressure, even if he didn’t know what Wang Qing had sealed behind the stone gate.

But Ye Fei knows that with the strength of the Northern Territory, once the thing behind the stone gate runs out, the Northern Territory will immediately the people are plunged into an abyss of misery.

“Although I am a bit unwilling, but within 100 years, I still have to find a way to break through Martial Sovereign, and then go back to the Northern Territory to explore the details of the stone gate.”

Ye Fei walked out while pondering.

Holy Land after Dragon Tortoise ravaged, has already turned into complete ruins, Hu Yanchao is in the ruins, quickly searching for the space belt of those dead.

Xia Jun was on the side, helping to sort out the tendons and veins of the children within the body, as well as various internal injuries. Xia Jun cursed as he healed: “These bastard of the stars and moon Holy Land, they are Let these children practice Star Moon Demon skills as soon as possible, and inject demonic energy into them within the body, paralyzing their souls. Maybe this is to damage their Martial Dao foundation.”

” Don’t worry, their foundation will not be damaged. I can also remove the demonic energy of their within the body!” Ye Fei walked over and smiled. Anyway, I have also understood the Star Moon Demon Sutra. Even if Ye Fei does not plan to cultivation, with his perception, just removing the demonic energy, there is still no problem.

“Big Brother Ye, remove the demonic energy within the body, will we be better? We will be like normal children, able to live, cultivation, and protect ourselves?” Skinny The little girl walked over, and she stretched out her skinny arms very embarrassingly.

“Can my hands return to the way they were before?” The little girl said, tears could not help falling. Looking at Xia Jun’s inexplicable sadness, he quickly turned his head away.

It’s also the Titaned Martial Monarch anyway. If you cry in front of a group of children, it would be shameful.

Ye Fei sighed as he looked at the little girl, and he had understood the Star Moon Demon Sutra. He already knew that the little girl became like this, that is, within the body was infused with too much demonic energy, thus Lose her vitality within the body.

If there is no accident, within ten years, even if the people of Qing Family do not deprive her of her special physique, she will be killed by the demonic energy within the body.

“Yes, I promise, you will become the same as before. You can cultivation and protect yourself with your own strength. Your physique is very special. As long as you work hard, you will be better than most Martial artist, go further!”

Ye Fei looked at the little girl very seriously, and then suddenly a shining Purple Gold rays of light appeared in his hand, slowly transporting it to the little girl’s within the body.

“Big brother, you…”

Xia Jun was shocked, because at this time Ye Fei’s body burned, it was Life Source Blood Essence, and blood essence was the source of life. Once the blood essence is exhausted, even the most powerful martial artist will die.

“Don’t worry! To get rid of their demonic energy, you must need Life Source Blood Essence. With my Primordial Spirit, even if I consume half of the blood essence, there will be no problem!” Ye Fei His face is full of confidence.

At the same time, twelve dazzling Purple Gold rays of light emerged from behind him. These rays of light were as dazzling as the sun.

Xia Jun just remembered that Ye Fei has twelve Primordial Spirits, and that life force is twelve times stronger than martial artists of the same level.

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