glow reappears, such as python, such as Tyrant Dragon. Lin Leopard is constantly shooting, one shot is faster than one, and one shot is more ruthless, even though every shot he stabbed One shot, Ye Fei can resist.

But Ye Fei also knows that every time Purple Gold Tai Chi resists, he will consume a share of the power of war and the strength of Asura within the body.

When these two powers disappear completely, Purple Gold Tai Chi cannot be maintained, that is when he is defeated.

“Through the tenfold, it really is not so easy to deal with! Now I can only fight Level 4 at most, and I am not the opponent of Lin Leopard. What should I do?”

Ye Fei was secretly anxious. While using Purple Gold Tai Chi, he carried the infinite spear glow in the sky while his head was running fast.

Soon, Ye Fei thought of a way, that is to take the younger sister again and leave with Baili for a moment.

“However, there are not only younger sisters around me, but also Xia Jun. To use a hundred miles for a moment, I consume more than one more Primordial Spirit. It’s only four hundred miles away, and it’s hard to escape. The Lin Family’s pursuit!”

It’s just that you don’t use Baili for a moment and face the tenfold power. In this battle, it is impossible to win.

Ye Fei was suddenly caught in a dilemma.


When Ye Fei hesitated, the sky where he was fighting with Lin Leopard was silent, and suddenly a huge space vortex appeared in front of them. .

Then a golden giant sword slowly emerged from the vortex. The moment this sword appeared, suddenly, a terrifying Heaven and Earth Might caused all martial artists in the audience to kneel on the ground under pressure.

“Sovereign Item! This is a Sovereign Dao sacred sword!”

Ye Fei and Lin Bao startled at the same time! How can a Sovereign Dao Holy Artifact appear in such a place? Most importantly, it seems to be a masterless object?

The eight hundred and eighty-eighth chapter sword against the universe

The eight hundred and seventh chapter sword against the universe

Then Ye Fei’s eyes immediately became bright, except for running away , He finally thought of a better way than escape, and that was to defeat Lin Leopard.

And this Sovereign Dao sacred sword is his hope for defeating Lin Leopard.

“Must get this Sovereign Dao sacred sword!”

Suddenly such a firm thought flashed in Ye Fei’s heart. He didn’t know why a Sovereign Dao sacred without an owner. sword, why does it appear here.

Ye Fei only knows that if he controls this Sovereign Dao sacred sword, he can surpass two more levels and fight against the thoroughly ten Lin Leopard.

Not only that, the reason why Sovereign Item is more precious than Holy Artifact is that Sovereign Item can generally help martial artists and has the possibility of crossing Level 3 battles.

In other words, once Ye Fei gets this Sovereign Dao sacred sword, then even if he faces the powerhouse of Half Saint Level, fight is possible.

This is the power of Sovereign Item!

“Sovereign Dao sacred sword, how can there be an ownerless Sovereign Dao sacred sword here! No, I can’t let this kid get this sword, die for me!” Lin Leopard was crazy.

As a well-known expert of the Lin Family, Lin Bao is not a mediocre, he walks the gun road, and Ye Fei walks the sword dao. For no reason, a terrifying Sovereign Dao sacred sword appears here, fool. We all know which side this sacred sword helps.

“One shot sets the universe, Ye Fei, give me death!”

Boom ka!

Lin Leopard once again Human and Spear Unity, turned into incomparable The terrifying world of divine spear, against the sky, has unlimited power.

“Purple Gold Tai Chi!”

Ye Fei shouted, he knew that this was his last chance to win, as long as he got this sacred sword, he would have it The possibility of defeating Lin Leopard.

Spell it!

Ignoring the already weak rays of light in Purple Gold Tai Chi, Ye Fei suddenly exploded a Primordial Spirit, which was cast immediately after a hundred miles.

In the next second, Ye Fei’s body has turned into a streamer, and he rushed to the sacred sword first, grabbed the hilt of the Sovereign Dao sacred sword, and moved his whole person a hundred miles away.

“Ah, die for me!”

Seeing Ye Fei took the sacred sword first, Lin Leopard was furious, and he couldn’t catch up with Ye Fei, the huge tip of the gun Xia Jun and Ye Shanshan, who suddenly aimed at the ground, fell mercilessly.

“Are you going to die?” Xia Jun showed fear on his face.

“At least, before I die, I saw the big brother one last time!” Ye Shanshan didn’t show any fear, and even moved towards Ye Fei’s direction with a smile.

Then this smile turned into shock.

Ye Fei, of course, will not let Ye Shanshan and Xia Jun have something to do, and a Primordial Spirit will explode. He takes the Sovereign Dao sacred sword charge ahead 100 li.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei immediately exploded a second Primordial Spirit and rushed back with the Sovereign Dao sacred sword, reappears on the battlefield.

Not only that, while grasping the Sovereign Dao sacred sword, with the help of within the body of the immortal Sword Soul, Ye Fei instantly controlled the Sovereign Dao sacred sword and took this unowned sacred sword. sword, become your own weapon.

“Lin Leopard, receive my sword again, extinguish the sky!”

Sovereign Dao sacred sword releases the dazzling sword light, and the sword light finally turns into a beam of destruction , The latter came first, and cut towards Lin Bao’s back.

“Boy, I Lin Leopard wants your life!” Feeling the crisis behind him, a black smoke came out of Lin Baoqi’s head.

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