The strength of black python is really terrifying. With Ye Fei’s fleshy body strength, one third skeleton was crushed. Fortunately, when it came in, the immortal Sword Soul still had some black energy remaining. .

Using these energy, Ye Fei quickly recovered the damaged skeleton. He stood up and walked to the stone tablet to study carefully.

After one hour.

“so that’s how it is, this is a Martial Dao Tablet article, which records a very difficult cultivation technique. If you want to enter the real Martial Sovereign palace, I must understand in three years You can enter the Martial Sovereign Palace after the cultivation technique on the inscription. Of course, if you give up halfway, it will be considered a failure.”

It’s an interesting test.

Don’t this Martial Sovereign Senior know that what he is best at is comprehending the cultivation technique? With the immortal Sword Soul in his hand, why three years, three hours, be sure to comprehend this cultivation technique!

Ye Fei’s body is filled with strong confidence, and at the same time he has a strong curiosity about this, “Martial Sovereign’s cultivation technique, shouldn’t it be good?”

Ye Fei As to why I didn’t see Jiang Cheng after I came in, Ye Fei guessed that maybe everyone was in a relatively independent space for the assessment of this level, which could also ensure the fairness of the assessment.

“Now it’s up to see who can comprehend this cultivation technique first! Immortal Sword Soul, show me up!”


Ye Fei His eyes flashed with rays of light, he stared at the stone tablet in front of him closely, browsing quickly, but the more he browsed, the deeper Ye Fei’s heart became.

“What’s going on, what kind of cultivation technique is this? I have an immortal Sword Soul, which can improve the perception infinitely, but I can’t understand a trace of superficial knowledge of this cultivation technique!”

Ye Fei is very shocked. Since possessing the Immortal Sword Soul, even the Demon Sovereign Sutra can be understood in a short time. Is this the master of the Martial Sovereign Palace stronger than Demon Sovereign?

“It is unlikely that the cheap Master of Demon Sovereign, but the Old Monster who did not die for 3000 years, and the owner of this Secret Realm, it is said that he only lived for 2000 years before he died. Until 500 years ago, Only then is the martial artist of the King of the Winds, and he stumbled upon the Martial Sovereign Palace he left for future generations.”

From this point, it can also be seen that the master of the Martial Sovereign Palace is not powerful, otherwise his If Secret Realm was discovered, the Imperial Family of the Snow Empire, Saint Court, and the Aristocratic Family would have come to divide it a long time ago. How could it be possible to tolerate such Secret Realm staying in a small place like King of Wind City?

“Since this Martial Sovereign is not powerful, his cultivation technique is definitely not as good as the Demon Sovereign sutra. Even the Demon Sovereign sutra, I can easily understand, why this cultivation technique, I still can’t understand it? “

Every time I comprehend, it is like looking at a flower in a mirror, and I will touch it clearly, but every time I touch it, I will find it unreal.

“The assessment of this first test is definitely not as simple as comprehending the cultivation technique! It is very likely that this cultivation technique is fake!”

Ye Fei suddenly thought of such a bold one. Thought, after all, he even used the Indestructible Sword Soul, and still couldn’t comprehend this cultivation technique, except that this cultivation technique had a problem or was simply false, he couldn’t think of other reasons.

But the problem is also coming. Since this cultivation technique is fake, the first test, the Martial Sovereign Senior, why trapped them here for three years?

“Hey, I knew this Martial Sovereign palace assessment was so weird, I should ask Brother Jiang for a strategy in advance.” Ye Fei complained secretly.

In fact, Ye Fei is completely wrong to Jiang Cheng. In fact, during the 500 years that the Martial Sovereign Palace was discovered, the assessment content of the first test will change every hundred years. The families of the Wind King City simply cannot provide much information.

The most advanced Jiang Cheng, like Ye Fei at this time, looked at the Martial Dao Tablet text in front of him, thinking and thinking, but he was puzzled for a long time.

“Is that senior just planning to trap us for three years, so I don’t want to miss the Heaven and Earth Supreme List and not be able to enter Saint Court cultivation?”

Jiang Fan, Yu Rang and The others young, talented people of King of Wind entered Secret Realm one after another, and soon they encountered the same problem.

The cultivation technique martial arts on this inscription, they simply couldn’t comprehend it, and there was a bad luck guy who tried to force cultivation, but almost got cultivation deviation and violent death.

“Damn it, I, Lin Ying, came here to clear the level and get the treasure inside. I don’t have a cultivation technique. I wasted three years of time here. I don’t care about your Secret Realm Space. Smash it for me!”

Finding that she couldn’t comprehend it, Lin Ying found a new way. She wanted to use her Golden Battle Blade forcibly to crush this space.

Of course, Lin Ying’s attempt also failed. When he was about to swing the sword, he was horrified to find that he could not use his true essence.

Lin Ying almost died of anger.


“Even the true element is imprisoned. The assessment of this first test is really abnormal. It is a fake cultivation technique, let alone three years. In 30 years, we are also impossible to realize, what is the purpose of that Senior, why did he trap us for three years?”

Ye Fei is thinking hard, and time is also in his thinking day by day In the past, his heart gradually became anxious. If he were really stuck here for three years, the Heaven and Earth Supreme List would have ended long ago. What should Xia Jun and younger sister outside do…

and many more!

Outside, inside…This Martial Sovereign palace is a dead Martial Sovereign, a kind of return for nurturing his homeland. How could he trap the younger generation for three years for no reason? As a result, the young people of King of Wind City lost the opportunity to participate in the Heaven and Earth Supreme List.

“Heaven and Earth Supreme List, three years…this Martial Sovereign Palace, every time it appears, it is always before the start of Heaven and Earth Supreme List…I understand!”

Chapter VIII 100 life reincarnation

Chapter VIII 100 life reincarnation

It is also Martial Dao old bird, so-called experience There are too many problems, and the ability to deal with problems will be improved accordingly. I have experienced the irritability and anxiety of at first.

Ye Fei’s mind suddenly had a very bold idea. With the passing of time, Ye Fei has repeatedly deduced it.

Finally, Ye Fei’s eyes showed a clear comprehension: “so that’s how it is, this is the real purpose of this level of assessment. I was wrong from the very beginning! Now I, What is needed is not comprehension, but waiting!”

To be able to endure loneliness, can we hold the prosperity!

Suddenly these two sentences appeared in his mind, Ye Fei’s heart became immersed like never before. He no longer paid attention to the fake cultivation technique in the Martial Dao Tablet article.

Ye Fei sat cross-legged silently, and began to repeatedly comprehend all the cultivation techniques he learned, martial arts, Demon Sovereign sutra, War God Dao, Heavenly Dao Sword Manual, Killing Emperor Realm Kong Quan…


I have to say that what I have learned is really complicated!

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