Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 276 Caught a little auspicious beast

Chen Feng watched the auspicious beast and its bodyguard Red King fly from the dangerous place to the core area, and immediately got a plan on his mind.

The Golden Lion King is Mr. Xiong’s younger brother, and he has been with Mr. Xiong deep in the dangerous land.

Lord Xiong is quite powerful, and there is no way for Elder Xuan, Elder Song, and Elder Lin to capture the Golden Lion King without alerting Lord Xiong.

Originally, Chen Feng was planning to settle for the next best thing and attack instead with the easy-to-catch hundred thousand year soul beast.

But after seeing the auspicious beast out looking for food, he immediately changed his mind.

While the auspicious beast was out looking for food, wouldn't it be easy and simple to catch the auspicious beast and exchange the auspicious beast for a hundred thousand year soul beast?

(In the original work, after Mr. Xuan captured the auspicious beast, he proposed to exchange it for the auspicious beast with a ten-thousand-year-old spirit beast. King Chi thought he had heard wrongly. Considering the value of the auspicious beast, Mr. Xuan asked him to get a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast. He is not surprised.)

Chen Feng, Lao Xuan, Lao Song and Lao Lin were hiding outside the dangerous place.

Chen Feng looked at the golden stream of light that the auspicious beast turned into, and gradually moved away. He immediately sent a message to the three people beside him, Mr. Xuan, "Mr. It can’t be done.”

In the dangerous place of Star Dou Forest, Chen Feng and his party did not dare to talk directly, so they all used sound transmission.

When Elder Xuan heard Chen Feng's words, he also said via voice transmission, "Boy Chen Feng, please tell me if you have any ideas." Apparently, a boring week of waiting in the Star Dou Forest made Elder Xuan a little bored.

Mr. Song on the side also sent a message, "Xiao Chen, this Golden Lion King has been staying with Mr. Xiong, and we have no way to take action. If you have any good ideas, please tell me."

Mr. Lin also nodded and told Chen Feng to just say it.

Chen Feng sent a message and said, "Mr.

As long as we capture this auspicious beast, it is easy to exchange it for a hundred thousand year soul beast. "

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Xuan Lao and the other three's eyes suddenly lit up.

Especially Mr. Xuan, when he and Chen Feng went to the Star Dou Forest last time, they met the auspicious beast and the Red King, and even fought against the Red King.

After Chen Feng said this, the more Mr. Xuan thought about it, the more he felt that the method Chen Feng said was feasible.

Why didn't he think of this good idea?

In his eyes, that Scarlet King was at most comparable to the ninety-seven titled Douluo. Compared with him, the ninety-eighth peak titled Douluo, he was far behind and was no match for him at all.

But it is much easier to deal with than the Mr. Xiong who is with the Golden Lion King.

Mr. Xiong's body is the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear. It has strong combat power. In a one-on-one fight, Mr. Xuan dare not say that he can win it. It is even possible for Mr. Xiong to kill him.

On one side are the auspicious beasts who have cultivated for ten thousand years and the Red King who is comparable to the ninety-seventh level super Douluo.

On one side was the Golden Lion King, who had some golden bloodline and could compete with a ninety-fifth-level Titled Douluo, and Mr. Xiong, who even he couldn't defeat.

And the former left the dangerous and dangerous place and flew towards the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

Is this still a choice? Persimmons need to be picked and pinched softly. Why didn't Mr. Xuan know this?

He immediately agreed to Chen Feng's method and planned to capture the auspicious beast and exchange it for a hundred thousand year soul beast.

Song Lao and Lin Lao on the side also nodded after listening to Chen Feng's words.

After all, the difficulty of taking action in a dangerous place is quite different from that of taking action in the core area or even the mixed zone of the Star Dou Forest.

It is indeed very difficult to catch a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast with strong combat power in a dangerous place. If one of them is not dealt with well, Mr. Song and Mr. Lin may even fall into trouble.

Soon, Chen Feng and his party left the dangerous place and quietly chased the auspicious beast.


The junction between the core area and the mixed area of ​​the Star Forest.

The auspicious beast scanned around with its three eyes, and soon it saw a suitable food, a bright spiritual tiger with ten thousand years of cultivation.

As an imperial auspicious beast, its food is the brains of light attribute soul beasts.

A bright spirit tiger with ten thousand years of cultivation is just right, but there are also bright attribute soul beasts with higher cultivation levels.

But Di Tian wouldn't let it eat those higher-level light attribute soul beasts.

If Ditian allowed it to eat light-attributed soul beasts with high cultivation levels, it wouldn't have to come to the mixed area of ​​the Star Dou Forest every time for food and clothing.

Instead, it should be solved directly in the most dangerous place or in the core area.

Rui Shou: (ì_í) Damn it, I have to run so far every time, really, huh!

(Based on the original work of the auspicious beasts hunting twin Cyclops in the mixed zone, and logical reasoning, the author reasonably explains why the auspicious beasts appear here)

The auspicious beast looked at the bright spirit tiger, felt his stomach growling with hunger, and immediately prepared to hunt for food.

The auspicious beast turned into a golden light, with four claws like dragons, exuding bright golden flames, and rushed towards the bright spiritual tiger.

When the bright spirit tiger saw the auspicious beast charging towards him, he was so frightened that he ran away without even daring to resist.

But how can a bright spiritual tiger with a cultivation level of less than ten thousand years outrun the auspicious beast?

Although the auspicious beast has only been cultivated for fifteen thousand years, it has near-extreme light and fire attributes. Even its body is extremely powerful because of the bloodline of the golden dragon. Its strength is not that of a bright spirit tiger. Touching porcelain.

Soon the bright spirit tiger was caught by the auspicious beast, and then a golden ball of light directly penetrated the skull of the bright spirit tiger.

Just when Rui Shou was about to taste the brains of the Bright Spirit Tiger.

Four humans, three old and one young, suddenly appeared.

Xuan Lao looked at the auspicious beast and waved his big hand. The earth-yellow energy turned into a big hand, grabbing the auspicious beast in the palm of his hand like a chicken.

"Ah!!" A bright light burst out from the auspicious beast, and he tried his best, but still couldn't break free from Xuan Lao's shackles.

As the cry of the auspicious beast sounded, a dark red figure appeared.

He is the bodyguard of the emperor's auspicious beast, the three-eyed golden eagle, the eighth among the ten most ferocious beasts, and the Red King whose cultivation has reached 300,000 years.

The Red King is more than five meters long and extremely majestic. It looks like a dog or a lion, with three identical beast heads. The beast's head is more than one meter in diameter, and its red-gold canine teeth are sharp and terrifying.

King Chi looked at Elder Xuan, Elder Song, and Elder Lin, and suddenly felt an explosion of pressure.

Not long ago, he fought with Xuanzi, and he knew very well about Xuanzi's strength. He was no match for this sloppy old human man.

And besides Xuanzi, the other two old human women also put a lot of pressure on it.

Although it doesn't feel as powerful as Mr. Xuan, it is definitely a master among Super Douluo.

As for Chen Feng, he was ignored by the Red King. People under the title Douluo were just bugs in the eyes of the Red King and could be easily crushed to death.

The Red King had three heads and six cold eyes looking at Old Xuan, Old Song and Old Lin, and said with suppressed anger, "Asshole, do you know who you are arresting? What you are holding is the Emperor's auspicious beast. How dare you touch it?" It is the enemy of all the spirit beasts in our entire Star Dou Forest."

Listening to the words of the Red King, Mr. Xuan said: "Don't scare me by opening your mouth or shutting up. If you really scare me, I will squeeze it with my big hand and any imperial beast will be a corpse."

After speaking, Mr. Xuan squeezed his big hand slightly, and a look of pain suddenly appeared on the face of Rui Shou, who was pinched by the big khaki hand.

King Chi was so frightened when he saw Xuanzi pinching the Emperor's auspicious beast that he quickly said: "Xuanzi, stop it. The Emperor's auspicious beast is the only one on the continent today.

If it dies, the entire Star Dou Forest will go crazy. When the time comes, I, the Star Dou Forest, will launch a wave of beasts and destroy your Shrek Academy! ! "

Seeing that the Red King was not sensible at all and still threatening him, Mr.

Emperor’s auspicious beast: (”><)”

The Red King saw the emperor's auspicious beast's face deformed in pain when he was pinched, and he immediately did not dare to say any more threatening words.

The Red King softened and said in a low voice, "How can you let the auspicious beast go?"

Elder Xuan looked at the Red King who was subdued, his face was calm, but his heart was filled with joy. Naturally, he would not really kill the Emperor's auspicious beast. Although Elder Xuan was a bit unreliable.

But we also know the importance of the Emperor's auspicious beast to the Star Dou Forest. After all, according to the ancient records of Shrek Academy, the Emperor's auspicious beast can increase the cultivation speed of the surrounding soul beasts.

If he really killed the Emperor's auspicious beast, the Star Dou Forest might really launch a wave of beasts to attack Shrek Academy.

Mr. Xuan immediately loosened his khaki-colored hand that held the Emperor's auspicious beast.

The pained expression on the Emperor's auspicious beast's face disappeared, and he gasped for air. It was obvious that he had been pinched just now and couldn't breathe.

Mr. Xuan said to the Red King: "Our students at Shrek Academy are now missing a soul ring. I think this emperor's auspicious beast is just right."

When the Red King heard that Xuanzi wanted to turn the Imperial Beast into a soul ring, he immediately became anxious and said quickly: "No way. The power of the Emperor's Beast cannot be absorbed by us humans at all, and it will not be of any benefit to you humans. , if you want to absorb the soul ring, I can find other soul beasts!"

(The original book said that it cannot be absorbed. Unless the auspicious beast takes the initiative to sacrifice, the soul master cannot absorb the soul ring of the auspicious beast in the normal way)."

Mr. Xuan thought to himself, "This guy Chen Feng has a very good brain. According to what he told me, he could confuse the Red King in just a few words."

At this time, Chen Feng was hiding behind Xuan Lao and the others, eating melons and watching the show safely.

Mr. Xuan said to Red King, "Red King, okay, since you said so, it's not non-negotiable. Let's do this. Find me a hundred thousand year old soul beast with spiritual attributes and replace this auspicious beast."

After hearing this, King Chi suddenly cursed, "Xuanzi, don't bully others too much. Spiritual attribute soul beasts are already rare. Our Star Dou Forest does not have any spiritual attribute soul beasts that are 100,000 years old."

Xuan Lao said, "Since there is no such thing, I will settle for the next best thing. Just give me a soul beast with a noble bloodline. I think the Golden Lion King of your Star Dou Forest is very suitable. He is the one."

After hearing Mr. Xuan's request, the Red King was still so excessive and said angrily, "Xuanzi, the Golden Lion King has noble blood and is expected to break through the 100,000-year cultivation level in the future. Your request is too much and I can't agree to it!!"

Mr. Xuan hummed, "This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what can work?"

The Red King said with a ferocious face, "One hundred thousand year soul beasts are so rare, at most I can provide you with one ninety thousand year old soul beast."

Mr. Xuan said, "In that case, I will take the auspicious beast back. I don't believe what you said, that the soul ring of the auspicious beast cannot be absorbed."

The Red King immediately surrendered again. If Ditian knew that he had lost the treasure of the auspicious beast, he would definitely not be able to spare him.

The Red King gritted his teeth and said, "Xuanzi, okay, okay, ordinary hundred thousand year soul beasts can do it, but don't think about it for the Golden Lion King. I can agree to it, and Mr. Xiong behind the Golden Lion King doesn't agree either!"

Mr. Xuan said coldly: "Since you can't make the decision, then tell the person who can make the decision to give you two hours. Don't wait until the time comes."

Old Xuan's soul power burst out, "Red King, I'll wait for you in the south outside the Star Dou Forest. Remember, you only have two hours."

Flames burst out from Chi Wang's body, turning the surrounding ground into magma, "Okay, okay!! Just wait for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Red King turned into a dark red light and disappeared instantly.

Apparently he was going back to the land of great danger to find Ditian.

Seeing that the Red King disappeared, Mr. Xuan laughed loudly and said to Chen Feng, "Boy Chen Feng, your brain is really useful. The Red King immediately gave in."

Old Song on the side said, "Are there any risks in this?"

Mr. Lin smiled and said, "Hunting a hundred thousand year old soul beast is just as risky. We have the Emperor's auspicious beast in our hands, and the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest dare not do anything."

A quarter of an hour later, south of the outer edge of the Star Dou Forest.

At this time, the emperor's auspicious beast, the three-eyed golden eagle, was firmly restrained. He stared at Chen Feng, who had had a double relationship, and said angrily, "Cunning human, let me go!"

The three-eyed golden beast speaks human words, and the voice is clear and sweet, and the waves are more and more moving, but the words that come out next are completely opposite to that beautiful voice.

"If you don't let me go, I want you to die a miserable death and have bad luck again and again, and then let the ferocious beasts of the Star Dou Forest kill you all!!"

Chen Feng listened to the curse of the auspicious beast with a calm expression. The power of destiny of the three-eyed golden beast of the emperor auspicious beast sounds grand, but in fact it is just that.

At most, the red Eye of Destiny on the forehead emits a ray and hits a person, which can make people unlucky for a while, and the degree of unlucky is not great. For a strong man who has great power at his disposal, it is like a breeze blowing on his face. It has no effect.

Chen Feng looked at the auspicious beast and had to admit that although the emperor's auspicious beast, the three-eyed golden eagle, was a soul beast, its appearance was very gorgeous and beautiful.

The same hair, auspicious beast's whole body seems to be translucent crystal, full of strange texture.

The overall shape is like a lion, but its four claws are like dragons, and there is a ball of golden flames under each dragon claw. The mouth is also longer than that of the lion soul beast, and under the hair, there is a layer of fine golden scales with excellent defense.

The three eyes are even more beautiful. The two normal eyes are shining with bright gold, while the third eye in the middle of the forehead has a vertical pupil, which emits a strange red light.

Chen Feng came to Ruishu's side, touched the hair that felt so good, and said with a smile, "You have such a bad temper, but you'd better keep your voice down. No matter how loud you shout, it's useless. Why waste your time?" Woolen cloth?"

Mr. Xuan on the side looked at the auspicious beast and smiled, not knowing what he was thinking of, "Chen Feng, I have a record in a classic from ancient times in our Shrek Academy. Where the auspicious beast is, all beasts are sheltered, and it belongs to the supreme , people can be attracted, now is the perfect time to try it.”

Emperor’s auspicious beast: (╬◣д◢)

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