Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 43 Yan Shaozhe: A false alarm (3K more updates)

As Chen Feng's thoughts flickered, Chen Feng looked at a male student at the front of the team who asked him to jump in, "Brother Feng, please."

Chen Feng did not accept their kindness and stood directly behind the queue to get food.

Since there is a cafeteria for each grade, and Chen Feng eats top-notch dishes, there are very few people queuing up, so Chen Feng quickly got there.

While Chen Feng was eating in the cafeteria, a handsome young man with black hair and blue eyes walked into the cafeteria.

After seeing Chen Feng, his eyes lit up. After finishing his meal, he ran to Chen Feng's side and had dinner with Chen Feng.

The person who came was none other than Wu Yue. Wu Yue had always believed that Chen Feng's future achievements would be unimaginable. After seeing Chen Feng easily defeat the academy's twin star Xu Sanshi yesterday, she became even more excited.

Although Wu Yue had little knowledge and could not tell that Chen Feng's second martial spirit was the ultimate ice, nor could he tell what Chen Feng's final method was, he could still see the twin martial spirits.

After Wu Yue watched the game, she was so excited that she was about to climax. His eldest brother Chen Feng actually defeated Xu Sanshi, the twin star of Shrek Academy, the soul master who was not yet twelve years old, the powerful twin martial souls, and the disciples who were far beyond his peers. level combat effectiveness.

That's it, the future titled Douluo will be able to control it with both hands. Super Douluo is a sure thing.

Wu Yue thought that this kind of person was in the same dormitory with him because God allowed him to hug him.

After the game, Wu Yue was surrounded by many girls, asking him for news about Chen Feng.

But who is Wu Yue? He is Chen Feng's (self-confessed) loyal younger brother. How could he expose his eldest brother's information?

Wu Yue: "I refused directly on horseback. Did you know that I am Chen Feng's younger brother? You actually want me to reveal the information about my eldest brother. You have already taken it (crossed out). You don't want to know the information about your eldest brother from me." "

Originally, Wu Yue was already waiting for Chen Feng to come back in the dormitory, and she was so attentive. Who would have thought that Chen Feng didn't come back all night yesterday.

When Wu Yue came to the cafeteria this morning, when she saw Chen Feng, she was like a cat that smelled fishy smell, and came to Chen Feng's side, riding forward and backward.

"Brother, I'm here. Brother, why didn't you go back to the dormitory yesterday?" Wu Yue asked doubtfully.

Upon hearing Wu Yue's question, Chen Feng glanced at Wu Yue with a half-smile.

Chen Feng had no intention of answering Wu Yue's question. Chen Feng was not the kind of man who liked to show off what happened in bed.

Wu Yue looked at Chen Feng's half-smiling expression and suddenly felt itchy on his face. I want to use a big mouth to relieve the itching.

Wu Yue shook her head, feeling like she was crazy. Seeing that Chen Feng didn't want to answer her question, Wu Yue quickly said, "Ahem, brother, I have to eat and I have to go to class later. By the way, brother, there were a lot of beauties asking me yesterday. ?You don’t know, they are really more beautiful than the other..."

Chen Feng listened silently as Wu Yue reported information to him.

He learned that after the soul fighting competition ended last night, in addition to a few girls from the ninth class of freshmen, there were also many senior girls from other classes who came to see him.

Soon Chen Feng and Wu Yue finished breakfast, and then Chen Feng and Wu Yue rushed towards the freshman teaching building.

Soon Chen Feng and Wu Yue came to the freshman class nine classroom.

As soon as Chen Feng entered the classroom, he immediately attracted the attention of the entire class.

"Monitor!! Awesome!!"

"Squad leader!!! The strongest!!"

"Monitor, I love you..."

The whole class was noisy for a while.

Chen Feng pressed his hand to signal the people around him to be quiet.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Feng pressed his hand, the whole class suddenly stopped.

Chen Feng said, "Okay, we are all classmates, don't do these vain things, everyone study hard and prepare for the freshman assessment in three months."

As soon as Chen Feng sat down, Wu Yue next to him was signaled by a blond girl's eyes before she could sit down. She then obediently gave up her seat and sat in the back row.

Chen Feng glanced around and saw Ning Tian with short blond hair sitting next to him.

Next to her, Nanmen Yun'er was blocked by Wu Feng.

Chen Feng looked at Ning Tian with little interest in the mature elder sister Ling Luochen who had just tasted the delicious food.

A girl like Ning Tian is really not attractive enough, and if she really wants to be with Ning Tian now, with the urine of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, she will definitely have to be with Ning Tian for the rest of her life. Don't even think about other girls in the short term, otherwise The Nine Treasure Glazed Sect will not make it easy for you, and the sect's binding force is even greater, so Chen Feng naturally has very little interest at this time.

At this time, Ning Tian didn't know that Chen Feng was not interested in him, so he looked at Chen Feng with fiery eyes.

Ning Tian saw Chen Feng's amazing strength last night and directly concluded that Chen Feng would stand at the top of the Douluo Continent in the future and was the best candidate for his partner, and even planned to take the initiative to pursue him.

In Ning Tian's view, he was the young master of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and he took the initiative to pursue him. Who could refuse the assistance of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect?

So Ning Tian has been trying to establish relations with Chen Feng throughout the morning.

"Chen Feng, what are your daily hobbies?"

Chen Feng: "I don't have any hobbies."

"Chen Feng, what do you like to eat?"

"I'm not picky about delicious food."

"Chen Feng, let's discuss what the teacher said in this class."


The morning passed and the bell rang.

Chen Feng and most of the students in the class walked out of the classroom and went to the cafeteria to eat.

Ning Tian looked at Chen Feng's disappearing figure and the lack of progress in the strategy, and couldn't help but sigh. He is indeed a genius, but he is not good at strategy.

However, human nature is base, and what you can't get is the best. Chen Feng's indifference inspired Ning Tian's fighting spirit.

Soon, there were not many people left in the classroom. Only Nanmen Yun'er, who had dark green hair, and three girls, Wu Feng and Ning Tian, ​​remained in the classroom.

Nanmen Yun'er smiled and said, "Ning Tian, ​​it seems that Chen Feng doesn't like you? Ho ho ho ho ho~"

Ning Tian hit a snag with Chen Feng, and naturally felt unhappy. He said to Nanmen Yun'er in a cold voice, "It's just a temporary setback."

After saying that, Wu Feng and Wu Feng walked out of the freshman teaching building and walked towards the cafeteria.

Ning Tian secretly thought, "Chen Feng, sooner or later, I will make you fall in love with me. I am the young master of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, and I am the most suitable for you."

Wu Feng behind Ning Tian sighed, and his sizable chest trembled with the sigh, causing the male students around him to swallow their saliva.

Wu Feng's cold eyes glared fiercely at the male students peeking around, scaring several freshmen male students into fleeing.

Shrek Academy is not allowed to fight against lower-grade students except for senior students, but it has never been taboo for students of the same grade to attack each other, as long as they are not maimed or killed.

Wu Feng's fiery temper and strength as a level 25 great soul master are still very intimidating to the new male students.

Wu Feng scared away a few cowards and suddenly felt much better.

Originally, Wu Feng thought that he didn't like men, but only liked Ning Tian. However, Chen Feng's appearance made Wu Feng a little confused. At least, Wu Feng thought that he didn't hate Chen Feng, and even had a slight liking for it...

Wu Feng shook his head and said to himself, "I'm only eleven years old. I'm still young. I might be able to figure out whether I like men or Ningtian in a few years."

After figuring out the problems that had troubled him in the past two days, Wu Feng became energetic and walked with Ning Tian towards the Shrek Academy freshman cafeteria.


at the same time.

Shrek Academy, Poseidon Island.

Yan Shaozhe's office.

Yan Shaozhe was in a good mood. After discussion among the elders of Poseidon Pavilion last night, he finally decided how to train Chen Feng, and most importantly, how to deepen the relationship between Chen Feng and Shrek Academy.

The person who proposed the method was naturally Yan Shaozhe. He proposed to match Chen Feng, a peerless genius with the ultimate ice martial soul, with his disciple Ma Xiaotao.

This will not only eliminate Ma Xiaotao's evil fire problem, but also speed up growth if the two of them practice together.

Moreover, having Ma Xiaotao as the link between Chen Feng and Shrek Academy can also make Chen Feng have a good impression of Shrek Academy. In addition, Shrek Academy will provide Chen Feng with resources and shelter to help him obtain the soul ring...etc.

Yan Shaozhe believed that Chen Feng, who was alone, would definitely consider Shrek Academy as his home in the future.

This is sincerity for sincerity. Yan Shaozhe's proposal was unanimously recognized by everyone in Poseidon Pavilion.

In the end, the Poseidon Pavilion meeting handed over this important task to Yan Shaozhe to carry out.

Yan Shaozhe just sent someone to notify his disciple Ma Xiaotao to come to his office. Yan Shaozhe took out a bag of tea leaves from the box on the table.

Then put the tea leaves in the teapot, brew the hot water, pour out the first pot of tea, and then pour hot water to make tea. Anyone who knows how to drink tea knows that the second pot of tea is the best. Yan Shaozhe waited leisurely for his disciples Ma Xiaotao arrived, took out a teacup, poured a cup of tea, and tasted it.


A fiery red figure rushed into Yan Shaozhe's office with a whoosh, and the office door was knocked directly with a sound.

Yan Shaozhe shook his head and said, "You should change your irritable temper. Otherwise, who will dare to want you in the future?"

Ma Xiaotao ignored her teacher's words. She had just come out of the solitary room and was obviously not in a good mood.

"Teacher, what are you calling me for? I am at the critical moment of breaking through level 64!"

Yan Shaozhe was shocked when he heard what his disciple Ma Xiaotao said. Breaking through level 64? ? Yan Shaozhe clearly remembers that his disciple broke through level 63 just two months ago! Are you going to break through level 64 so soon? ?

Yan Shaozhe immediately took a closer look at his disciple and found that his disciple did not have much evil fire on his body.

This is incredible! Logically speaking, if your disciples practice for a long time, they will accumulate a lot of evil fire. Why did they accumulate so little this time?

Yan Shaozhe looked ugly and crushed the tea cup in his hand. He looked at his disciple Ma Xiaotao and said, "Xiao Tao, are you using another method to vent the evil fire!!!"

Yan Shaozhe was extremely anxious. If his disciple Ma Xiaotao really vented his evil fire in another way, he would not do this mission anymore and go directly to explain the situation to Mr. Mu and quickly change the plan.

Ma Xiaotao heard that her master had misunderstood her and said quickly, "Master, what are you talking about? How could I vent the evil fire in another way? I practiced so quickly this time, thanks to the fact that I met a man named Chen Feng before. Junior, he has completely purified the evil fire for me. Without the trouble of evil fire, my cultivation speed will naturally be greatly accelerated."

Yan Shaozhe's eyes suddenly lit up, "Xiao Tao, who do you think gave you the evil fire to purify?"

Ma Xiaotao smiled happily and said, "Chen Feng."

Yan Shaozhe wiped the sweat from his head and said to himself: "It was a false alarm. It scared me."

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