Wu Yue was directly confused by Chen Feng's words.

"Brother, why don't you live in the dormitory all of a sudden? Is there something wrong with me?" Wu Yue asked anxiously as she saw that Thigh suddenly stopped living in the dormitory.

Chen Feng stopped packing, turned around and smiled at Wu Yue, "Wu Yue, I'm going to live on Poseidon Island."

The words "Poseidon Island" were like a sledgehammer knocking Wu Yue over.

Wu Yue was so frightened that she sat down on the bed.

Poseidon Island! ! ! A place where only disciples from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy can live! ! Chen Feng went to live there! ! !

Wu Yue swallowed her saliva. He knew that Chen Feng would definitely fly very high in the future, but he really didn't expect that Chen Feng would fly so fast. In just a few days, he already lived on Poseidon Island.

Before he could kneel down and lick it successfully, he hugged it to his thigh, licking it.

Wu Yue even wanted to say, big brother, fly slower and let the little brother lick more, woo woo woo.

Wu Yue looked sad as she watched Chen Feng put everything into the storage soul guide, her eyes full of reluctance.

In less than half a cup of tea, Chen Feng had packed up. Chen Feng looked at the pitiful Wu Yue, patted Wu Yue's shoulder and said, "Practice hard, don't think about things that are useful or useless, and do well in the freshman assessment." Performance."

Hearing Chen Feng's comfort, Wu Yue felt a little better. Seeing that Chen Feng could still comfort herself, Wu Yue comforted herself in her heart, "Big brother comforts me, which proves that big brother still has me in his heart, and he didn't lick it in vain."

Chen Feng naturally didn't know what was going on in Wu Yue's mind, so he comforted his cheap roommate and turned around and walked out of the dormitory.

After cleaning up the dormitory, Chen Feng planned to go to Xu Sanshi to collect debts.

Chen Feng tortured Xu Sanshi yesterday. According to the bet, Xu Sanshi had to give himself five thousand gold soul coins.

It's just that Xu Sanshi was seriously injured last night and was sent for treatment, which was delayed for a day.

Although Chen Feng has now been vigorously trained by Shrek Academy and does not care about the five thousand gold soul coins, he should take what is mine and pay back what he owes me.

When Chen Feng walked out of the dormitory door, he saw Ma Xiaotao full of energy and excitement, her red eyes shining brightly, and her eyes looking at Chen Feng were a little fiery.

Chen Feng looked at Ma Xiaotao, who suddenly became aggressive, and suddenly looked confused.

What happened to Ma Xiaotao while I was away?

"Junior Chen Feng, have you packed up? Didn't you say you were going to collect debts in the afternoon? Come on, I'll go with you. If he dares not to pay back, let's see how I deal with him." After saying that, Ma Xiaotao waved his hand rather violently. Powder fist.

After a cup of tea...


At this time, Xu Sanshi was lying on the bed in the infirmary with a pale face.

Yesterday, in the spirit fight with Chen Feng, Xu Sanshi's spirit basalt shield was cut open by Chen Feng. Xu Sanshi was severely injured. He will not be able to use his spirit to fight in the short term, and it will take at least three months to recover.

In addition, after losing to Chen Feng, Chen Feng stepped on Xu Sanshi to become the most shining star in the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy, and Xu Sanshi's reputation was greatly damaged, which made Xu Sanshi even more angry.

Just when Xu Sanshi was lying on the bed feeling depressed.

"Creak!" The sound of the door being pushed open sounded.

A man and a woman walked into the medical room one after another.

When Xu Sanshi heard the door open, he thought it was Beibei coming. When he turned around, he saw the culprit who had seriously injured him, Chen Feng, walking in.

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous. Xu Sanshi roared, "Chen Feng, what are you doing!!"

"Xu Sanshi? It turns out that you owe junior Chen Feng money. Why don't you pay it back quickly?" Ma Xiaotao said with a hot temper.

At this time, Xu Sanshi noticed that there was a fiery red figure following behind Chen Feng. Xu Sanshi took a closer look and exclaimed, "Senior Xiaotao?"

Before Xu Sanshi could ask doubtfully, "Senior Xiaotao, why are you with Chen Feng..." he was interrupted by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at Xu Sanshi on the hospital bed and said, "Xu Sanshi, you lost the soul fight. According to the bet, you need to give me five thousand gold soul coins."

Xu Sanshi said angrily, "Damn, you are so cruel, and you still have the nerve to come to me to ask for a debt? Do you know how long I have to lie down? Want money? Not a cent!!"

Just as Xu Sanshi finished speaking, Ma Xiaotao next to Chen Feng was blazing with fire. Under the control of Ma Xiaotao's superb soul power, there was no damage to the medical room.

Ma Xiaotao clenched her fists and looked at Xu Sanshi with fiery red eyes, her meaning self-evident.

Xu Sanshi looked at Ma Xiaotao as if he was going to beat him up if he didn't give it to him.

I couldn't help but wipe my cold sweat, and said with a dry smile, "Senior Xiaotao, I'm just kidding. Am I, Xu Sanshi, the kind of person who refuses to admit defeat? I'll give it right now."

Xu Sanshi asked tentatively, "Senior Xiaotao, what is your relationship with Chen Feng?"

Ma Xiaotao said in a cold voice, "Xu Sanshi, Chen Feng is my junior. Hurry up. If you don't get it, I will do it myself."

When Xu Sanshi heard that Ma Xiaotao wanted to do it himself, he quickly said, "No, no, no, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself."

Xu Sanshi thought to himself, "If I let you take it, you won't have to pay for it."

Xu Sanshi gritted his teeth, opened the storage soul guide, took out a card, and a small white jade porcelain bottle and threw it at Chen Feng.

Xu Sanshi said distressedly, "Chen Feng, this card contains three thousand gold soul coins, and this small bottle contains Xuanshui Dan. In terms of value, it is comparable to two thousand gold soul coins."

Chen Feng opened the porcelain bottle, poured out the elixir, and watched.

This Xuanshui Pill is a dark blue pill, about the size of a cherry, with many white textures of different shades on it.

After pouring out of the porcelain bottle, a layer of light mist filled the area around the elixir. A hint of the fresh aroma lingers in the air, and the smell is already refreshing.

After looking at it, Chen Feng said to Xu Sanshi, "Xu Sanshi, next time you want to take revenge, come to me at any time. Just remember to bring the elixir."

When Xu Sanshi heard Chen Feng's arrogant provocation, he was about to curse. He glanced at Ma Xiaotao next to him and immediately swallowed the words in his mouth.

Xu Sanshi secretly said, "I can bear it!! I can bear it!!!"

Xu Sanshi said with a twisted smile on his face, "Junior Chen Feng is amazingly powerful. How can I be your opponent? Since the money has been paid back, please take it back. I won't give it away."

When Chen Feng saw that the debt was recovered, he stopped staying and left the treatment room with Ma Xiaotao.

As soon as Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao left, Xu Sanshi, who was so angry that his liver ached, secretly cursed, "That stinky bitch Ma Xiaotao fell in love with this pretty boy Chen Feng at the first sight. Why is God so unfair!! Let Chen Feng, the little thief, Being flamboyant and domineering, surrounded by beautiful women, makes me angry!!"

Because he was seriously injured and too angry, Xu Sanshi couldn't catch his breath and fell on the bed, fainting...

Poseidon Lake.

Ma Xiaotao happily walked with Chen Feng towards Poseidon Island in the center of the lake.

On the way, Ma Xiaotao hesitated to speak. Ma Xiaotao secretly said, "Xiao Tao, why are you embarrassed to speak? This is what Master said, let Chen Feng live with you for the convenience of cultivation."

Ma Xiaotao looked at the handsome young man beside her and spoke while holding back her shyness.

"Junior Chen Feng, um, our martial arts match well together, how about you and me live together."

Chen Feng: (Д*)

Ma Xiaotao explained anxiously, "It's just a simple practice together at night. The two of us complement each other with ice and fire, so we are very suitable for practicing together!"

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