Soon Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao walked towards the cafeteria of the inner courtyard disciples of Shrek Academy.

Compared to the outer courtyard, the canteen in the inner courtyard is open all day, and the food cooked is more nutritious and nutritious.

Ma Xiaotao and Chen Feng both consumed a lot of food. Looking at the delicacies cooked with unknown ingredients, they ate quickly.

After eating, Ma Xiaotao saw some food oil remaining on Chen Feng's lips, and thoughtfully took out a handkerchief from the soul guide and wiped it with Chen Feng.

After filling their stomachs, the two of them walked towards the attic together.

At this time, there were several figures standing above the Poseidon Pavilion.

One was wearing clean white clothes, the other was dirty, with disheveled hair, holding a drumstick in his hand, and a wine gourd hanging from his waist, and there was an old woman with gray hair and kind eyes.

The one in white is Yan Shaozhe, the one who looks as dirty as a beggar is Mr. Xuan, and the old woman is Mr. Lin Huiqun, the master of Jubao Pavilion.

Yan Shaozhe was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped when he saw the gentle and virtuous look of his disciple Ma Xiaotao. this his disciple Ma Xiaotao? ? Am I not dazzled? ? ? ? When did Xiao Tao become so gentle? He, the teacher, couldn't control that hot temper.

Mr. Lin on the side looked at the golden couple and nodded with satisfaction, "Xiao Tao has grown up. These two really match each other. There is a slight age gap, but it doesn't matter."

Mr. Xuan looked at Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao, opened the wine gourd and took a sip happily, "Hey, this little difference is nothing. Chen Feng and Xiaotao are extremely talented. Their martial souls are ice and fire. They practice together and complement each other." , the future is limitless, with them, Shrek will be worry-free for the next three hundred years."

Yan Shaozhe looked at his disciple. There seemed to be something wrong with the way he walked. His brows were furrowed. This must be developing too fast! !

At this time, all three people saw that something was wrong.

The three pavilion elders looked at each other. At this time, the three of them had only one thought. Did Xiao Tao force Chen Feng? ?

After all, there is a huge gap in cultivation between one Soul Lord and the other Soul Emperor, plus the martial spirit Evil Fire Phoenix... everyone knows that it is normal to be unable to control one's impulses.

Mr. Xuan observed the two people for a while and said, "It doesn't feel like force. This guy Chen Feng seems to be quite happy. It should be a sign of mutual affection."

Yan Shaozhe and Mr. Lin looked at the two people holding hands and being quite intimate, and nodded in agreement.

Yan Shaozhe said, "Leave these to the teacher. The teacher said that he wants to meet Chen Feng tonight. With the teacher's wisdom, everything will not be a problem."

Elder Xuan and Elder Lin nodded. No one in the entire Shrek Academy was unconvinced by Elder Mu.

Since Mr. Mu is going to fight in person, they don't have to think about anything anymore.

The three old men disappeared instantly.

At this time, Tianmeng and Ice Emperor in Chen Feng's spiritual sea said to Chen Feng, "Chen Feng, the person observing you has disappeared."

Chen Feng's expression remained normal. Chen Feng was not a spy. As long as his secrets were not exposed, Chen Feng had nothing to fear.

Chen Feng came to Shrek for a simple purpose. He wanted to rest against a big tree to enjoy the shade and get training from Shrek. In addition, there were many talented girls in Shrek Academy, so it would be convenient for him to practice his skills.

During this period, Chen Feng will also get honors for Shrek Academy.

Chen Feng still plans to take the position of the master of the Poseidon Pavilion...

When Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao were about to enter the house.

A voice stopped Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng!" Yan Shaozhe, who was dressed in white, called out to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao looked back together.

Ma Xiaotao said, "Teacher, why are you here?"

Yan Shaozhe's brows jumped, why am I here? (;`O)o

After hearing what his disciple Ma Xiaotao said, Yan Shaozhe didn't even need to confirm it. It was 100% that his disciple Ma Xiaotao took the initiative.

Yan Shaozhe said angrily to Ma Xiaotao, "What, your master, I can't come yet?"

Ma Xiaotao hummed, "Teacher, tell me if you have anything to do, I'm busy!"

(▼ dishes ▼ # ) I have a boyfriend and I forgot about the master!

Yan Shaozhe rolled his eyes at Ma Xiaotao angrily and said to Chen Feng. "Chen Feng, come with me, my teacher wants to see you."

Chen Feng pretended to be excited and said, "Is that the ninety-nine-level peak powerhouse you mentioned before?!!"

Yan Shaozhe looked quite proud and said mysteriously to Chen Feng, "Come with me and you will know."

Yan Shaozhe led Chen Feng along a path toward the Poseidon Pavilion carved from a golden tree.

Ma Xiaotao next to Chen Feng also wanted to follow. Yan Shaozhe said, "Xiao Tao, please stop following."

Ma Xiaotao pursed her lips and looked unhappy. Upon seeing this, Chen Feng comforted her.

Ma Xiaotao turned her anger into joy, kissed Chen Feng on the face, watched Chen Feng go away, and then walked back to the house.

Yan Shaozhe watched the two people flirting without him, and could only sigh, youth is good.

Under the leadership of Yan Shaozhe, Chen Feng soon arrived at Poseidon Pavilion.

Yan Shaozhe faced the Poseidon Pavilion and bowed.

"Teacher, Chen Feng is here."

"Let him come in." An old voice sounded in the Poseidon Pavilion.

As Mu En's voice sounded, Tianmeng, Ice Silkworm and Ice Emperor in Chen Feng's spiritual sea remained silent, fearing that they would be discovered by this extremely terrifying human being if they made any move.

Yan Shaozhe motioned for Chen Feng to come in. Chen Feng pretended to be excited, clenched his fist, and made his heart beat slightly faster.

For a level ninety-nine extreme Douluo, being too calm is a problem.

Chen Feng walked into the first floor of Poseidon Pavilion. Everything here is so quaint. There is only one long table in the center of the wide hall.

At the other end of the long table, there was a blurry person lying on a lounge chair.

Chen Feng knew very well that sitting there was the Optimus Prime of Shrek Academy, Level 99 Extreme Douluo Muen.

"Boy Chen Feng, I have met my senior."

Mr. Mu waved to Chen Feng.

"Don't be nervous, come here, kid."

"Yes, senior." Chen Feng stepped forward and came to the recliner.

I saw a face that was in its final years but full of a gentle smile.

"The old man watching the dormitory door?"

When Mr. Mu heard Chen Feng's words, he immediately laughed, "Yes, I am the old man who guards the gate of the dormitory."

A golden light flashed in Mr. Mu's eyes, "Chen Feng, can I ask you a question? What do you mean?"

Chen Feng pondered for a moment without saying a word, because this question cannot be answered with words.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's eyes became strong and domineering, and his mental and soul power merged with Chen Feng's fierce and domineering sword intent.

In an instant, the sword intent was everywhere, and the wide hall was enveloped by the sword intent.

Chen Feng's sword intention is full of domineering and unyielding. This is the result of Chen Feng's talent not to be resigned to mediocrity when he was weak, and his ambition to compete with God.

To understand a person, just understand his thoughts.

Facing Chen Feng's intention, Mu En smiled, and his old body's thoughts bloomed!

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