Hibiscus on the podium heard the noisy discussions in the class.

Taking the handout, he patted the blackboard and said sternly, "Jing Jing, are you sure you can pass the freshman assessment in two months? Listen carefully."

Hearing Teacher Mujin's words, the discussion in the classroom suddenly stopped, but there were still many female students secretly looking at Chen Feng.

Although most girls knew that it was impossible for Chen Feng to like them, their hearts were still full of longing and yearning.

Chen Feng was sitting on a chair. His figure stood out in the sunlight through the window. His figure was tall and straight, his face was handsome, his skin was faintly fluorescent, and his eyes were deep and bright.

Compared with other male students in the class, Chen Feng is really a person of two dimensions.

It's no wonder that these female students don't listen to the lectures well. Don't blame them for not paying attention. Chen Feng is really fascinating...

Ning Tian's big aqua-blue eyes looked at Chen Feng fieryly, and thought to himself, "Entering the inner courtyard just after enrolling in school. Such talent... is destined to become an unparalleled powerhouse in the future."

Wu Feng's red eyes looked at Chen Feng and then at Ning Tian, ​​and he was immediately confused.

Wu Feng had a new problem in his mind, "Ning Tian wants to pursue Chen Feng, then I should..."

Nanmen Yun'er liked Chen Feng's appearance very much, and looked at Chen Feng tenderly with her dark green eyes.

Chen Feng sat on a chair and listened to Hibiscus talking about combat skills on the podium.

Chen Feng immediately lost interest. Regarding his fighting skills, Chen Feng didn't boast about how powerful he was, but he was definitely much better than the students in these ivory towers.

Chen Feng started doing what he wanted to do.

Nowadays, Chen Feng's soul power cultivation level is three levels away from the level 40 soul sect. The step-by-step training requires at least a year. However, with Ma Xiaotao and Chen Feng practicing together, Chen Feng can compress this time to half a year.

If you want to quickly break through to the Soul Sect with your soul power in a short period of time, then there is only one way, and that is to progress with a woman with advanced cultivation.

In addition to soul power cultivation, Chen Feng's technique Yin Yang Jue has entered the plain area.

If you want to break through the Yin Yang Jue from the late entry-level stage of the first level to the small success of the second level, it will also take time and effort.

When the Yin Yang Jue breaks through to the second level, Chen Feng will be able to practice soul fusion.

Chen Feng looked at Hibiscus who was giving a lecture on the podium, closed his eyes and began to practice.

Mu Jin on the podium watched Chen Feng close his eyes under the podium and didn't care. Mu Jin knew that Chen Feng was a student he couldn't teach. It’s not even clear who will teach whom.

Just when Chen Feng was transitioning to the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy.

Poseidon Pavilion in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy.

Several elders of Poseidon Pavilion were sitting on the seats in the hall of Poseidon Pavilion. Listening to a hunched middle-aged man describing what happened in the cafeteria in the morning.

This middle-aged man is the person in charge of the cafeteria in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy. He is a Soul Saint-level food-based soul master named Chen Guangsheng.

What happened in the cafeteria of the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy in the morning, this middle-aged soul saint told the elders of the Poseidon Pavilion without missing a word.

After listening to this, the old men in the hall waved their hands to signal the middle-aged Soul Saint to go down.

Four people were sitting around a long oval table in the center of the hall.

As for the other pavilion elders, they are naturally doing their own things. For example, Xian Lin'er and Qian Duoduo, the two deans of the soul guidance department, are studying soul guidance devices.

Yan Shaozhe and Cai Meier also have to manage the huge martial arts department.

There are also some elders who manage many things, such as Lin Huiqun and Elder Lin. He is not only the Pavilion Elder of Poseidon Pavilion, but also the Pavilion Master of Jubao Pavilion.

Therefore, most of the elders in Poseidon Pavilion hold important positions. Now, there are several elders sitting in the hall who usually have nothing to do and do nothing.

For example, there is a certain Mr. Xuan who wears a beggar's costume and eats meat and drinks and does nothing. His only serious job is to protect the students.

The other three are Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Song, and Mr. Mu, the pillar of the Poseidon Pavilion.

Mr. Zhuang is a gray-haired old man, a healing soul master. He practices a plant-based martial spirit and is best at healing (he was treated by Huo Yuhao many times in the original work). He is relatively leisurely on weekdays, and there are very few people who need his treatment.

Mrs. Song is an old woman, Wuhun Qingying Condor, Ninety-seven Super Douluo, the mother of Xian Lin'er, the dean of the soul guidance department, and the pillar of the soul guidance department.

At this time, the four people sitting in the hall of Poseidon Pavilion were all white-haired old men. Sitting positions vary.

Mr. Zhuang sat upright on the chair, with green vines spreading from his body. The rich aura of life on his body made the few gray-haired old men in the hall feel comfortable.

Mr. Xuan sat on the first seat on the left, chewing a chicken leg in his left hand and holding a wine gourd in his right hand.

Mr. Song looked like a kind-hearted old lady.

Mr. Mu, who was sitting in the main seat, was still lying on the recliner and couldn't see clearly.

"I didn't expect the two children, Xiao Tao and Chen Feng, to get along so well." Mr. Song was the first to speak.

Mr. Xuan, who was sitting in the first place on the left, was eating a chicken leg and said in a vague voice, "Xiao Tao must have a good figure and good looks, and she is also very talented. It is normal for this boy Chen Feng to like Xiao Tao."

Mr. Zhuang on the side listened to Mr. Xuan, who had been single for more than two hundred years. He looked very understanding and said disdainfully, "Xuanzi, how do you know anything about an old bachelor who has been single for more than two hundred years? Listen to what Chen Guangsheng said. Yes, at first glance, Xiao Tao was completely eaten by that boy Chen Feng."

When Chicken Leg Douluo Mr. Xuan heard that Mr. Zhuang actually said that he was an old bachelor who had been single for more than two hundred years, he said angrily, "What old bachelor? I have spent my whole life on training and Shrek Academy. If I want to find , I’ve been looking for it a long time ago, hum.”

After listening to this, Mun En, who was lying on the recliner at this time, joked, "Xuanzi, then you should find one, otherwise this life will be unsatisfactory."

Hearing Mr. Mu say these words, the other elders present in the Poseidon Pavilion hall had strange expressions on their faces, and Mr. Zhuang across from him burst out laughing.

Mr. Zhuang directly said, "Mr. Mu, I think it's not that Mr. Xuan doesn't want to, but that he is powerless, hahahahaha."

When Mr. Xuan was exposed, he said angrily: "Mr. Zhuang, who do you think is weak-minded?"

Mr. Zhuang said with a smile: "Mr. Xuan, you are over 200 years old. We won't laugh at you. Just admit it."

"Hahahaha... all the elders of Poseidon Pavilion present burst into laughter.

Xuan Lao's old face suddenly turned red, and he slapped the table angrily and shouted: "Don't laugh, don't laugh."

It didn't matter that he shouted, the elders laughed even harder. Even Mr. Mu had a smile on his face.

"Okay, enough of the joking." Elder Mu tapped the table with his fingers, and all the elders fell silent.

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