This makes those students who were expelled for unfounded reasons even more unhappy. Why shouldn't a weakling like Huo Yuhao be expelled? So these expelled students and their parents came to the Shrek Academy Teaching Office to ask for an explanation.

So the Teaching Office came forward under pressure and severely reprimanded Zhou Yi, which made Zhou Yi restrain himself.

The top floor of the teachers' office building.

One man looked to be in his fifties, tall, with a dark face and a stern look on his face. At this time, he was sitting on the chair behind his desk, dealing with the mess Zhou Yi had caused.

He is Du Weilun, the teaching director of Shrek Academy's Martial Arts Department, and he has great power. His status is only lower than the two deans of the martial arts department.

Du Weilun had a headache when he saw the accusations on the table. These students who came to Shrek Academy were either rich or noble. How could he be willing to see his children expelled for unfounded reasons?

Du Weilun was furious and cursed in his mind, "This Zhou Yi really doesn't know what to say. If her husband hadn't been an eighth-level soul master, Fan Yu, I would have fired her long ago."

Thinking of this, Du Weilun couldn't help but sigh. With Fan Yu here, unless the dean personally takes action to expel Zhou Yi, no one can do anything to Zhou Yi.

Even though he and Fan Yu were both Soul Douluo cultivators, his theoretical status as head instructor was much inferior to that of Fan Yu, the future heir to the dean of the Soul Guidance Department.

Since he couldn't be fired, Du Weilun had no choice but to solve Zhou Yi's mess.

At this time, a teacher next to Du Weilun was also working hard to help Du Weilun deal with the mess left by Zhou Yi.

The teacher said angrily, "Director Du, Zhou Yi expelling students at will is not only irresponsible to the college, but also unfair to the new students.

Even if those students are wrong. But it’s not expulsion, not to mention that some students just talked back to Zhou Yi. It’s really hard to believe that students are expelled for such a trivial matter... I think this Zhou Yi is just to improve the admission rate."

"Hey -" Du Weilun sighed. Even though he was a dean, he was also in a difficult situation.

"Okay, let's not mention Zhou Yi. I will report this matter to the dean later. Let's handle the complaints from the parents of these students first." Du Weilun's tone was not very good either.


Classroom of Class 9, freshmen students.

At this time, the class bell had already rang, but everyone in the ninth class of freshmen was quite excited at this time.

We will be divided into groups later, and everyone’s face is full of excitement and worry.

Whether to stay or go depends on the results of the assessment.

At the same time, I was secretly praying that I would be able to hold him in my lap.

At this time, everyone in the ninth class of freshmen secretly looked at Chen Feng, who was sitting on the chair with his eyes closed, praying silently.

"God willing, let me and the squad leader be on the same team."

"Poseidon bless me and let me match Chen Feng."


Because the freshman assessment is a three-person team battle, if you have a good thigh, bah, having a good teammate is half the battle.

If there is a useless teammate who is holding him back, then there will definitely be no chance in the freshman assessment.

Just when all the students in the ninth class of freshmen were praying silently.

A crisp sound of footsteps came from far away, and when Hibiscus walked onto the podium holding a stack of paper, the classroom suddenly became quiet.

Hibiscus stood on the podium and looked at the students sitting under the podium.

Then he distributed the paper in his hand.

"I won't repeat many things. I have said it more than once in the past three months. After the assessment of freshmen, you will have to teach students according to their aptitude. Write down the direction of your future cultivation and give it to me later. Now I will start. Group.”

"There are a total of one hundred and five people in our class, excluding a few students who left the soul guidance department. There are still ninety-nine people left. They can be divided into thirty-three groups.

"The first group, Chen Feng, Wu Yue, Nanmen Yuner."

"The second group, Ning Tian, ​​Wu Feng...Zhang Mengmeng"

"The third group……"

"These are all separated by my careful consideration based on the characteristics and complementarity of your martial spirits. Anyone who is not satisfied with the grouping can raise questions with me. But only this morning."

Several people with poor cultivation and weak strength said, "Teacher, we have objections. Why did the squad leader assign two great soul masters to form a team? The squad leader is so strong that he can kill anyone he leads. Teacher, there are still more in our class." There are many first-level students, why not..."

Mu Jin said angrily, "Chen Feng is strong, and that's his own. You don't want to practice hard on weekdays, you just want others to fly with you? If Chen Feng flies with you, is that your level? Okay, Chen Feng The grouping is like this, others have any objections."

At this time, because Hibiscus got angry, the class instantly became quiet.

Mu Jin said, "Today's class is cancelled. If there is no problem, you can leave now."

"But I suggest you seize the time and interact with your teammates more. If you want to pass the assessment. Also, keep the people in the first and second groups."

It didn't take long for many students in the ninth class of freshmen to hand in blank sheets of paper with their future cultivation tendencies written on them, and then walked out of the classroom with their teammates.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Teacher Mujin, you can actually team me up with two first-level students."

Mu Jin said gently, "How can this be so? The freshman assessment is inherently an assessment. It would be unfair to those students who have worked hard to practice and let these people who have not reached the standard pass the assessment with you."

When Chen Feng heard what Mu Jin said, he smiled and said nothing more. It's not that Chen Feng looked down on these peers.

One cut at a time is modesty, and one cut at a time is truth.

Mujin is full of confidence in the seed team she has selected, "I can tell you that the rewards for the champions in the assessment are extremely generous. Although you all have extremely impressive backgrounds, this championship reward cannot be ignored for you. Yes. Okay, you go and rest."

The six people walked out of the classroom. Nanmen Yun'er blinked at Chen Feng and said, "Monitor, since there are no classes today, let's go to the training ground in the morning to get familiar with each other. I know the monitor is very powerful, but...but I also want to be here." Do your best in the competition~”

Wu Yue looked at Chen Feng and said flatteringly, "Brother, there are no classes today, and the seniors in the inner courtyard don't have a rest. Why don't we go to Shrek City to relax?"

Chen Feng said, "Then let's go to the training ground first, and then go to Shrek City for a stroll."

The trio of Wu Feng, Ning Tian, ​​and Zhang Mengmeng looked at each other and Ning Tian said, "Let's find a place to discuss tactics?"

Zhang Mengmeng said firmly, "Even if you can't beat the squad leader, it's still good to get the runner-up."

At the same time, the first class of freshmen.

Wang Dong looked at Huo Yuhao, who was in the same group as him, and couldn't help but feel a little worried...

My whole body was numb. They said the title of my book was rubbish and not useful. I changed it and was criticized wildly by the boss. Dear friends, please save the children.

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