Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 83 Zhou Yi: Hibiscus, get out of here! (Additional update tomorrow)

At this time, the invigilator had already arrived at the edge of the venue. When he saw both parties standing still, he said loudly: "Both parties have the same names."

Six people on both sides walked into the wide field at the same time and stood on both sides of the field.

"Ninth freshman class, Nanmen Yun'er, a great soul master of the twenty-four agility attack system."

"Freshman class nine, Wu Yue, a great soul master of the twenty-two agility attack system."

"Freshman class nine, Chen Feng. Thirty-nine strong attack type soul master."

When Huo Yuhao and the others heard Chen Feng's words, their whole bodies shook violently and their pupils shrank. Level thirty-nine? ? ? How can it be! !

Now Chen Feng is twelve years old, three months after entering school, and his soul power has reached the terrifying level thirty-nine!

Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, Huo Yuhao, all three of them opened their eyes wide, looked at Chen Feng's unparalleledly handsome face, and swallowed their saliva.

Even Wang Dong, who has always been proud, couldn't help but be surprised. Wang Dong has always been arrogant. Although her soul power level is not high, Wang Dong has always believed that if she had not been lazy before, she would definitely be able to break through to Soul Master.

But there is also a gap between Soul Master and Soul Master. Can level 31 and level 39 be the same?

This is really unbelievable. Is this still a human being? This huge gap in soul power made the people around him look at Chen Feng as if they were looking at a monster.

Not only Huo Yuhao, but also the invigilator and Chen Feng's teammates Nanmen Yun'er and Wu Yue couldn't help but look at Chen Feng in astonishment.

Huo Yuhao and the others were silent for a long time before they came to their senses and began to report.

"Freshman Class 1, Wang Dong, a level 24 attack-type great soul master."

"Freshman class one, Xiao Xiao, a twenty-level master of control system."

"Freshman class one, Huo Yuhao, a level 12 control soul master."

After Huo Yuhao said his soul power level, his face turned red. This soul power level was really embarrassing.

Chen Feng looked at the three people opposite Huo Yuhao. Wang Dong was at the front, Xiao Xiao was in the middle, and Huo Yuhao was at the end.

Beside Chen Feng, after Nanmen Yun'er and Wu Yue had finished being surprised, there were Huo Yuhao and Huo Yuhao who dared to challenge.

Although lying flat is nice, lying down for too long can be boring.

As the game began, both sides, except Chen Feng, were possessed by martial spirits.

Yellow and purple soul rings appeared one after another, and the most eye-catching one was Wang Dong's martial soul. A pair of blue butterfly wings opened instantly, and the colors at both ends of the forewings continuously changed from dark blue, azure blue, and light blue.

The entire wing surface is like a string of bright halos embedded in the blue sky, forming a V shape, bringing light to the world. Its shape and color are incomparable and impeccably beautiful.

"Ah——" The sudden appearance of such gorgeous wings was so shocking that almost everyone who saw it, regardless of gender, exclaimed.

Those wings are so beautiful. The entire wing surface is like white waves rising on the blue sea. The color and pattern are very spectacular, purple-blue. The entire wing surface is like a string of bright flowers inlaid in the blue sky. The halo is sometimes dark blue, sometimes azure, sometimes light blue, and the white Manchu text on the wings is like inlaid jewelry, shining and very charming.

Although the wings were just illusory light and shadow, under the sunlight, they made everyone feel dazzled.

Compared with Wang Dong's Bright Goddess Butterfly, Nanmen Yoona's green wings were directly compared to dust.

Nanmen Yun'er and Wu Yue both saw Wang Dong's bright goddess butterfly for the first time, and their eyes flashed with surprise.

Chen Feng looked at Wang Dong's beautiful butterfly wings and admitted that Wang Dong's martial spirit was the most beautiful martial spirit he had ever seen.

Wu Yue looked at Huo Yuhao and the others, and then at Wang Dong. The obviously extraordinary configuration of soul rings, one yellow and one purple, made him ignore it.

Quickly scanning the next one, looking at Xiao Xiao's two yellow soul rings, tentatively, when Wu Yue shamelessly looked at Huo Yuhao's single yellow soul ring.

Wu Yue was overjoyed and said to Chen Feng, "Brother, leave that inconspicuous boy named Huo Yuhao to me. Don't worry, I will definitely capture him."

After saying that, he looked at Huo Yuhao, the little sheep, fiercely.

Nanmen Yun'er heard what Wu Yue said and said to Chen Feng, "Squad leader, leave that girl named Xiao Xiao to me. I can't beat the handsome guy named Wang Dong, so I'll leave it to you, hehe."

Chen Feng said, "Okay, you two perform well and don't be defeated by the opponent you chose."

At this time, Wang Dong, who was on the opposite side, heard that Chen Feng and the others had already begun to discuss how to knead them, and couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Although the arrogant Wang Dong admitted that he was a little bit shocked by Chen Feng, he was not a soft persimmon.

Wang Dong looked at Chen Feng with a look of unwillingness to admit defeat.

At this time, the invigilator had already arrived at the edge of the field. When he saw that both sides had finished reporting, he shouted loudly: "Both sides, prepare, the game begins!"

As soon as the invigilator finished speaking, Wu Yue and Nanmen Yuner rushed towards Huo Yuhao and Xiao Xiao.

As for Wang Dong, who was standing in the front row, he was ignored by them.

Because in the eyes of Wu Yue and Nanmen Yun'er, Wang Dong, who was selected by Chen Feng, was already a corpse... Bah, he was already the one who was going to die.

Wang Dong looked at Wu Yue and Nanmen Yuner who ignored him and passed by him. Wang Dong naturally would not let his opponents pass by him.

The second soul ring on her body lit up, it was a purple thousand-year soul ring.

Wang Dong's wings transformed into the butterfly spirit of the goddess of light also shone brightly.

On the blue wings, the golden light patterns burst out with intense brilliance like small suns that were ignited.

These light patterns were all concentrated on the front wings. His left front wing suddenly turned to face Wu Yue, and the right front wing faced Nanmen Yuner. The golden light patterns on the two wings shone brightly at the same time.

Wang Dong's entire body was rendered golden at this moment, and he almost instantly became the most dazzling presence among all sixteen venues in the competition.

On the high platform watching the game, even the teachers who had not paid attention to their side of the game immediately averted their eyes. What they saw was a pair of dazzling wings launching powerful attacks to the front and back at the same time. .

Wang Dong’s Light Goddess Butterfly’s second soul skill is the Light of the Butterfly God.

But when these teachers saw Chen Feng on the court, they all shook their heads. Although these teachers did not know the specific situation of Chen Feng, they were sure that Chen Feng was definitely beyond their imagination. Otherwise, the senior leaders of the college would not be able to show up. As soon as he entered school, Chen Feng was admitted to the inner courtyard.

Moreover, they had heard about Chen Feng's defeat of Xu Sanshi, the twin star from the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy.

Xu Sanshi is a thirty-nine other soul master. He is not Chen Feng's opponent. Wang Dong, who is only a great soul master at the moment, is naturally not sure that he is Chen Feng's opponent.

Mu Jin, who was in the stands, was happy at this time. Looking at Zhou Yi, whose face was no longer livid, but darkened, she said, "Hey, Teacher Zhou, we are really destined. You are the seed player in our class. We met the second-seeded player in our class in the round robin, and we met the first-seeded player in our class in the knockout round. It was a coincidence.”

"Teacher Zhou, do you want to continue making a bet? If my student loses, I won't take the soul bone you lost to me. If you lose, how about asking Fan Yu to make me a melee soul guide? Sample?"

Zhou Yi looked at Hibiscus, who was all beating up, and couldn't help but cursed, "Hibiscus, get out of here!!"

Zhou Yi: (▼DRAN▼ # )

Hibiscus: ( ̄y▽ ̄)~* covered her mouth and snickered.

Mu Jin smiled and said, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't expect Teacher Zhou to be so funny, goose goose~"

Seeing Zhou Yi break her guard, Mu Jin couldn't help laughing. The more unhappy Zhou Yi was, the more excited Mu Jin became.

Zhou Yi snorted coldly. This time she would not be provoked by Mu Jin again. Do she really think Zhou Yi was taken advantage of? She would never be knocked down twice in the same place.

And Zhou Yi didn't know anything. Her husband was Fan Yu. Fan Yu told her that Chen Feng's status was so high that even he was far behind. She also told Zhou Yi not to treat Chen Feng like an ordinary student.

Zhou Yi saw Mu Jin's proud smile and was furious, but had no choice but to run away out of sight and out of mind.

This is the assessment area.

Wang Dong used his second soul skill, Butterfly God's Light, and aimed it at Wu Yue and Nanmen Yun'er, and then the golden light ball attacked the two of them.

But Wu Yue and Nanmen Yun'er didn't care. They didn't even hide and continued to rush towards Huo Yuhao and Xiao Xiao.

Because Chen Feng is here! !


Chen Feng's figure instantly appeared in front of Wang Dong.

The golden ball of light headed towards Wu Yue and Nanmen Yun'er.

Chen Feng's big ice crystal hands pinched the ball of light transformed by Wang Dong's Butterfly God's Light, and then froze it.

Chen Feng squeezed it with his big hand, and the light of the Butterfly God turned into ice crystals all over the sky, which was really beautiful.

Wang Dong looked at Chen Feng who came to him, and subconsciously flapped his wings, wanting to take off and stay away from Chen Feng, the source of danger.

But when Chen Feng saw Wang Dong trying to fly into the air, the corners of his mouth raised and a smile appeared.

Just when Wang Dong flew into the air and thought he was out of danger, he suddenly felt a cold feeling on his neck.

The terrifying low temperature instantly sealed Wang Dong.

Under the control of Chen Feng's Soul Douluo level mental power, the ice was just right, not only freezing people to death, but also making them incapacitated.

As for why not use the soul-breaking knife? Chen Feng didn't want Wang Dong to be split into two.

Wang Dong's big pink-blue eyes stared blankly at him being sealed in ice crystals. He was conscious, but unable to move.

At the same time, Wu Yue looked at Huo Yuhao, used her first soul skill, Wind Protection, and rushed towards Huo Yuhao quickly.

Huo Yuhao is no match for Wu Yue, the great beast soul master. Although it is good to have a weak first soul skill, it can only weaken Wu Yue by 20% at most.

But the weakened Wu Yue was far beyond what Huo Yuhao could handle.

Huo Yuhao mustered up the courage and used the Tang Sect's unique skills, the Purple Demon Eyes and Xuan Yu Hands. He took out the hidden weapon given to him by Teacher Tang Ya from the storage soul guide, and faced Wu Yue with a set of fairy flowers.

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