Wu Ming asked, "Chen Feng, do you have any brothers or sisters? Cousins ​​are fine, preferably similar to you, but a little different is fine. (ˇˇ)"

Chen Feng: ε=ε=ε=(◇)What’s the situation? Why do you suddenly ask me this?

Chen Feng scratched his head awkwardly, looked at Wu Ming and said, "Sister Wu Ming, I am the only one in my family."

Wu Ming sighed after hearing this, "Hey, what a pity."

Wu Ming thought to herself, "This young junior is really foul. If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to control Xiao Tao's corner. I should keep a distance from Chen Feng."

With this thought, Wu Ming stopped talking to Chen Feng and concentrated on his way.

When Chen Feng saw that Wu Ming was silent, he naturally didn't bother to say anything. He was not a licking dog and had to go up to him.

Time flew by, and soon Chen Feng and his party arrived at the outskirts of the Star Forest.

The Star Dou Forest covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers. It is the well-deserved No. 1 forest in Douluo Continent, and its area even exceeds some provinces in various countries. (More than 100,000 square kilometers, an area as large as a real province)

It is filled with all kinds of powerful soul beasts, poisonous insects and deeply hidden plant soul beasts, which are extremely dangerous. Every year, a large number of soul masters die in the process of hunting soul beasts and become fertilizer for the Star Dou Forest.

The soul master world divides the Star Dou Forest into four regions based on the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Peripheral zone, mixed zone, core zone and the place of great danger.

The outermost twenty and a half kilometers of the Star Dou Forest is the outer area. There are only some weak ten-year and century-old soul beasts active, and there are not even many thousand-year soul beasts.

The mixed zone occupies about 40 kilometers of the maximum radius of 100 kilometers. The mixed zone is more dangerous. A small Kalami like a ten-year soul beast is not worthy of living here. This place is also the place where the most diverse types of soul beasts are distributed. .

Most soul masters can find suitable soul beasts here. The mixed zone is mainly composed of hundred-year, thousand-year, and ten-thousand-year soul beasts. Most of the ten-thousand-year soul beasts are soul beasts under 20,000 years old. Ten thousand-year soul beasts are Mostly, in this area, century-old soul beasts are basically in groups, and they are even more dangerous than some ten thousand-year soul beasts. If you kill one, a group of soul beasts will fight. To a certain extent, it is more dangerous than those ten-thousand-year soul beasts. Soul beasts are still difficult to provoke.

The innermost forty kilometers radius is the core area of ​​the Star Forest. Although this area is quite vast, the number of soul beasts living there is far less than that in the mixed area.

Because those who can live here are all powerful soul beasts. Hundred-year-old soul beasts are almost extinct in this area, and even the number of thousand-year-old soul beasts is not large. Thousand-year-old soul beasts are the main theme, and occasionally the terrifying figures of hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts can be seen.

According to the research of the soul masters, a soul beast that can own a small territory in this area must have a cultivation level of at least 30,000 years.

The diameter of ten kilometers in the center of this core area is called the place of great danger, and it is also called the restricted area of ​​life. In the incomplete Star Dou Forest map, this area is always distinguished by bright red blood.

There, there live ferocious beasts that have been cultivated for more than 100,000 years. The strength of each ferocious beast can make a ninety-five-level super Douluo change his color.

Chen Feng looked at the tall and lush trees in the Star Forest, which looked like giant natural green towers.

The aura of primitive wilderness and the roars of soul beasts that came from time to time made the weakest people tremble.

The faint smell of blood in the air made Chen Feng's pupils shrink.

Shrek Academy is very good and comfortable for Chen Feng, but for Chen Feng, it is still too comfortable.

Coming to the Star Forest, the violent factor in Chen Feng's body became active, as if he couldn't wait for blood to be sprayed.

Chen Feng waved his hand to summon the Soul-Breaking Knife. The Soul-Breaking Knife followed Chen Feng's will, and the dark blade flashed with sharp edges.

After arriving at the Star Forest, under the command of Zhang Lexuan, the team began to be on alert, and everyone was possessed by martial spirits. Move quickly towards the mixed zone.

Zhang Lexuan was very powerful. With her aura that was no weaker than that of a titled Douluo, the surrounding soul beasts whimpered and ran away obediently, not daring to take action against the team at all.

Under the leadership of Zhang Lexuan, Chen Feng and his group quickly headed deep into the mixed area of ​​the Star Forest.

At this time, the Tianmeng Bingcan in Chen Feng's mind became active again when he saw Chen Feng coming to the Star Forest.

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm deeply hates the Star Dou Great Forest. Those ferocious beasts in Star Dou Great Forest have absorbed Tianmeng Ice Silkworm as a power bank for tens of thousands of years, absorbing all the soul power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. What remains is the most original attribute power and spiritual power.

As soon as Tianmeng Bingcan opened his eyes after waking up, he discovered that Chen Feng's soul power cultivation level had actually reached level 40.

Tianmeng Iceworm cheered in the sea of ​​spirit, "Oh my god, how long have I been sleeping, Chen Feng, you have already exceeded level 40, great, great, great!"

Tianmeng Bingshu's cheers also woke up the sleeping Ice Emperor. When the Ice Emperor opened his eyes, he also discovered that Chen Feng's cultivation level had broken through to level 40.

So the Ice Emperor was also very happy. As soon as he opened and closed his eyes, he found that the host had broken through to level 40. This feeling of not having to worry about anything was very satisfying.

Tianmeng Bingcan saw that Chen Feng's cultivation had broken through to level 40, and he immediately asked Chen Feng, "Chen Feng, your cultivation has broken through to level 40, what kind of fourth soul ring do you want?"

As Chen Feng hurried on, he communicated with Tianmeng Iceworm in the sea of ​​​​spirits, "I hope that the fourth soul skill can be used to increase my own soul skill, whether it is an increase in strength, speed or soul power."

Tianmeng Bingcan heard Chen Feng's words and began to explore. (Tianmeng Iceworm detected the auspicious beast when Huo Yuhao obtained the third soul ring)

Just when Tianmeng Iceworm was exploring the soul beast that met Chen Feng's request.

Under the leadership of Zhang Lexuan, Chen Feng and his party also arrived at the mixed area of ​​the Star Forest.

Zhang Lexuan looked serious and said to Chen Feng and others, "Now that we have entered the mixed zone, everyone should be careful. I will assign tasks now.

Ming'er, you are responsible for protecting the rear of the team. Chen Feng, I know you have teleportation skills, so you are in the middle to ensure the safety of the team.

I ensure the safety of the front of the team and explore the way forward. Jiang Nannan, Jiang Shuiyun, Zhang Ye, Sun Jian, you guys are assisting Chen Feng, do you understand? "

Zhang Lexuan's eyes at this time were no longer gentle, but rather stern.

Wu Ming, "Sister, please leave the back of the team to me in the mixed area."

Chen Feng said, "Sister, I have no problem."

The other four people also nodded.

Zhang Lexuan is not worried about this. With Mr. Xuan in charge, the safety of Chen Feng and others is absolutely guaranteed.

Zhang Lexuan said, "If everyone is okay, then we will start exploring the mixed zone. Jiang Nannan, tell me all the soul beasts you need."


After listening to what Jiang Nannan and the other four said, Zhang Lexuan nodded, took note of it, and began to explore forward.

The exploration that Zhang Lexuan talked about did not mean exploring slowly. As the senior sister of Shrek Academy, Zhang Lexuan's mental power was extremely powerful, comparable to that of a titled Douluo, and her mental power reached the realm of tangible and intangible.

That's right, the reason why Zhang Lexuan's mental power is so strong is because the 100,000-year-old soul bone that Zhang Lexuan possesses is an extremely precious head soul bone.

This head soul bone greatly enhanced Zhang Lexuan's mental power, allowing Zhang Lexuan to have powerful mental power at the tangible and intangible level at the Contra level.

As Zhang Lexuan moved forward, her spiritual power spread outward, checking whether there were any suitable soul beasts around.

Although this soul bone is not a spiritual soul bone, and Zhang Lexuan does not have spiritual detection soul skills, with the strength of her mental power, Zhang Lexuan's detection range cannot be underestimated.

Chen Feng and others followed Zhang Lexuan's pace and kept moving forward.

Zhang Lexuan's body was shining with a layer of crystal white moonlight, and wherever she passed, all obstacles in her path were obliterated by the moonlight.

With strength comparable to that of a titled Douluo, Zhang Lexuan ran rampant in the mixed zone, taking a quarter of an hour's rest after every half an hour of exploring.

The word "exploration" does not exist, it means wreaking havoc with hard power.

Of course, such a rampage will inevitably break into the territory of some soul beasts.

Some spirit beasts are stupid. After their territory is invaded, they will attack the intruder regardless of the situation.

At this time, a black tiger was resting among the trees.

This fierce tiger only has a white king pattern on its forehead. The rest of its body is dark and dark. Its body is more than three meters long, and its shoulder height is about one and a half meters.

This tiger spirit beast is called Ghost Tiger. Known for its terrifying speed and attack power, it can barely be regarded as a top-level soul beast and is extremely ferocious. They will fight to the death against any opponent who dares to invade their territory.

When Chen Feng and his party arrived at its territory, the ghost tiger's ears twitched, and a pair of amber vertical pupils opened, flashing with a faint green light.

The Tianmeng Ice Silkworm in Chen Feng's spiritual sea warned, "Chen Feng, there is a five-thousand-year-old ghost tiger in the bushes on the left, be careful."

Chen Feng's mental power is also extremely powerful. Although it has not reached Zhang Lexuan's level of tangible and intangible strength comparable to that of a titled Douluo, it is easy to explore the surroundings of the team.

Chen Feng also noticed that a soul beast was approaching. He held the soul-breaking knife in his hand, and the black light on the knife flashed.

As Chen Feng waved his hand, a dark blade flashed across him.

The moment Chen Feng swung his sword, a ghost tiger suddenly jumped out of the bushes, as if it was hitting the sword itself.

Of course, this was not because the ghost tiger was stupid and hit the sword light by himself, but Chen Feng used his mental power to detect the ghost tiger's jump and swung the soul-breaking knife.

At this time, the ghost tiger has already jumped, so naturally it cannot change its body shape midway. In addition, the speed of the soul-breaking knife's blade is too fast, which creates a kind of sword light that Chen Feng releases first, and then the ghost tiger jumps out and hits it actively. Illusion.

At this time, Guihu roared, and black light rushed out from his body. A black light shield enveloped Guihu's body in an attempt to block Chen Feng's sword light.

But the power of Chen Feng's sword light is amazing, and with the blessing of the first soul skill, Chen Feng's attack power and the sharpness of the soul-breaking knife are greatly enhanced, and the penetrating power of the soul-breaking knife is also greatly improved, which is simply a defense The nemesis of soul-like skills.

The black sword light penetrated the ghost tiger's black protective shield, followed by the sound of slicing through flesh and bones.

The ghost tiger was cut neatly from the middle by Chen Feng's sword.

Blood and internal organs flowed all over the floor...

The smell of blood filled the air, and the faces of the flowers in Jiang Nannan's greenhouse tightened, obviously not used to this bloody scene.

Chen Feng breathed in the smell of blood and felt like he was back in the days when he was wandering alone and licking blood from his knife.

Wu Ming, on the other hand, gave Chen Feng a thumbs up, "Chen Feng, your sword is really clean and neat. This ghost tiger is at least a soul beast of more than five thousand years. I didn't expect it to be solved so easily. After we go back, the two of us will Let’s learn from each other.”

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Okay, Sister Wu Ming, let's learn from each other after we get back!"

At this time, Zhang Lexuan's voice sounded from the front, "Ming'er, Chen Feng, don't chat and be careful."

Chen Feng and his group moved forward, going deeper and deeper into the mixed zone. Then it’s time to explore horizontally. If you explore vertically, if you continue walking, you’ll reach the core area of ​​the Star Forest.

Looking for soul rings for Jiang Nannan and others obviously does not require going to the core area.

As time went by, Chen Feng and his team found suitable soul beasts for Jiang Nannan, Jiang Shuiyun, Sun Jian, Zhang Yan and others.

The sky is dark and night is falling. The Star Forest is even more dangerous at night. Many terrifying spirit beasts appear at night.

Roaring, roaring, neighing, chirping of insects and chirping of birds... made the Star Dou Forest extremely lively, but the wailing that came along with the wind from time to time added a bit of splendor to the night.

Twenty kilometers away, five men in black robes looked at the seven soul masters directly in front of them.

"Brother, you have met some good people."

"Second brother, it's the same old rules, I'm going to pull out my soul."

These men in black robes ignored the horrified looks of the seven soul masters in front of them and were discussing among themselves...

"Who...are you?"

My head is dizzy, the weather is cooling down, book friends, please keep warm.

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