Chapter 630 This girl turned out to be a pervert!

   "Are you surprised? It's okay, I'm counting on you, there's no shame in it."

  Xuanling's voice was a bit softer than before.

   After finishing speaking, he smiled darkly at Yunran.

  Yun Ran's cold eyebrows were gathered together, and her voice was indifferent: "You have wasted so much effort to plot against us, why?"

   Unexpectedly, Xuanling looked past her and looked at Mo Beiyuan behind her.

   "Of course I am for the handsome man behind you. Besides, there is someone who has always wanted you, so I will dedicate you to him."

  Yun Ran's eyes darkened, and his eyelashes drooped slightly.

  The target of Xuanling is her and Mo Beiyuan, Yunran can understand.

   But he left Mo Beiyuan and gave her away, which Yun Ran couldn't understand.

   "What do you mean by leaving Mo Beiyuan behind? He has no grudge against you, does he?"

Xuanling stopped pretending now, picked up the veil to cover the corners of his mouth, and laughed coquettishly: "Little girl, what do you think? What do you think I kept him for? Of course it is, you and him What did you do!"

  Yunran's delicate brows frowned more and more tightly, disgusted by his words.

   This girl turned out to be a pervert!

  She felt right before, no wonder he kept looking at Mo Beiyuan like that.

  It turned out that he had his eye on Mo Beiyuan.

   Feng Chen and Huo Chanyi also widened their eyes when they heard the words.

  If this young man in Xuanyi took a fancy to Yun Ran, they would still understand such a conspiracy!

  But it's really hard for them to understand when they fell in love with Mo Beiyuan and did these things.

  After the young man in Xuanyi finished speaking, he gave an order to the guards behind him: "Go and take that man from the secret passage to my yard."

  Yunran: "..."

  Yunran never expected that things would develop and Mo Beiyuan would be robbed by someone.

  She didn't even need to look behind to know how ugly Mo Beiyuan's face was at the moment.

   It is estimated that he wants to kill someone now.

Now how to do?

  When they came in, the hidden guards stayed outside the hall.

   There are many broken rules in this refining session, and the hidden guards stay far away.

  Even if they shouted loudly at this moment, the hidden guards couldn't hear them.

  Now, the only option is for Little Sweet Cake to call in the little monkey who was playing with her, and let the spirit monkey call the dark guard over.

  The monkey was conceived by the aura of heaven and earth, even if it is separated by a long distance, as long as Tiangui yells, it will seek the sound.

   "Sweet cake, you heard from mother that these scoundrels are going to take your father away, can you call Bangbang in?"

   Who knew that Xiaotuanzi completely missed the point of her words, and all her thoughts were on the matter of "the big villain wants to catch her father".

   "Take Daddy away! These big villains want to take Daddy away! Then beat them up with sweet cakes."

  Yun Ran was dumbfounded by her.

   Wait, no!

   It stands to reason that they were all hit by the trick, their bodies couldn't move and they couldn't speak, and even when they spoke, they didn't have enough breath.

  But why is her Xiaotuanzi's voice so loud?

   Just when Yunran was wondering what was going on with her Xiaotuanzi.

  Xiao Tuanzi asked again in a childlike voice: "Mother, Tian Gao, don't play with the one-two-three wooden man, and beat up the big bad guy."

  Yun Ran: "One, two, three wooden people?"

  Wait, her Xiaotuanzi probably thinks that all of them are playing games with her because they are all frozen here!

   Playing is still a motionless wooden man!

   Don't say how surprised Yunran is now.

  Even Mo Beiyuan has just realized a problem, that is, the little dumpling in his arms has never been caught!

  (end of this chapter)

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