"How could that happen?"

The eight star general was a little confused.

However, what shocked him even more was that when the middle-aged king of Wu stopped for a moment and chose to meet Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao did not stop at all.

The body just like a shell, fiercely rushed past.

With his left hand, he clenched into a fist, while his right hand held a long sword and ran through the chest of King Wu.


The middle-aged king of Wu snorted coldly, and a long sword appeared in his hand in an instant, and he met Chen Xiao directly.


The sound of clear cross blows!

And then



Fury of true Qi, constantly swept around.

Chen Xiao body quickly forward of the body finally stopped, and also back to the back to open two steps.

Although the Star King Wu did not retreat, his face was full of surprise.

Just a moment ago, he and Chen Xiao fight, even a close match!

At the same time, the long sword is offset by the pick and fly, and the left fist reaches the flesh. The huge force acts at the same time, and it is a close match!

"It's not good, it's still a little bit short!"

Chen Xiao murmured in his heart.

At this time, there was another noise outside, and a group of people rushed in again. It seemed that they were the guards and some disciples of the Fang family.

Although there are only 20 or so people, the worst accomplishments are all above the level of five-star martial arts masters.

Seeing this, Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly brightened. These people are the best nourishment for their own improvement!

Just when everyone thought that Chen Xiao would continue to fight with the king of Wu, or turn around to flee directly, Chen Xiao suddenly rushed to the eight star top general who was watching the excitement.

Even the eight star general himself did not expect this.

There are so many martial arts masters and generals who are lower than themselves. But Chen Xiao is running for himself. Does this guy think that he can kill himself, or seize himself as a hostage?

Thinking of this, the eight star general's face is also ugly, looking at Chen Xiao who rushes over, he has already emerged crazy killing intention.

There is no way for him to choose to retreat at this time!

The long sword in his hand was raised, and he bravely faced Chen Xiaoying.

And the one star king of martial arts is once again toward Chen Xiao, after all, if he can't take Chen Xiao again, he will lose his face today.


In the moment of contact between Chen Xiao and eight star generals, Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly flash a cold awn, explosive cloud finger hit again!


As the speed was too fast, the eight star generals did not even respond to it, and the body was forced to bear a blow.

Although it is not fatal, he has suffered a serious injury, so that his body reaction speed is slow.

Even if it's just a blink of an eye, it's also likely to be fatal!

Chen Xiaoshen clearly understood this truth, but the eight star general obviously did not understand it, and there was no way to understand it!

Pooh hee

The long sword stabs the opponent's chest without any fancy, and then Chen Xiao points out another move, which directly attacks his heart.


In the muffled sound, the eight star general widened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. However, a look of madness flashed on his face. He did not take care of his body's defense any more. He patted Chen Xiao's face with one hand.

Unfortunately, seriously injured, there is no way to make an effective counterattack, Chen Xiao easily avoid.


The sound of cool air was heard in one side.

When the more than 20 people who had just arrived at the meeting saw Chen Xiao kill an eight star military general so neatly, they all took a cold breath and looked into Chen Xiao's eyes, full of horror.

But. Chen Xiaoke has no time to control those people. After avoiding this guy's death attack, Chen Xiao put his hand on his shoulder, and the black fire suddenly gushed out and directly penetrated into his body. In his wide eyes, he devoured the cultivation in his body at a very fast speed.

What makes Chen Xiao frown is that the attack of the Star King Wu has also arrived. If Chen Xiao wants to continue to swallow up his accomplishments, he must take this attack hard. If he retreats, his hard won accomplishments will disappear.

Put it together!

Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed, and his left hand was still on the eight star general, but his right sword was simply stabbed out.

Once, a Star King Wu could not be so careless again. After seeing Chen Xiao's attack, he sneered and directly patted Chen Xiao in the air.

The cold strong wind howled two people, but Chen Xiao did not flash or avoid, as if they did not see at all.

However, just as the strong wind was about to roar, Chen Xiao pushed out the eight Star King Wu's corpse in his hand. At the same time, he turned around and rushed to the direction of a group of martial arts masters."Don't let him run away!" One star King Wu was in a hurry and yelled.

As soon as the words came out, a group of onlookers suddenly burst into a commotion, and several generals rushed forward to stop Chen Xiao.

This also made Chen Xiao's eyes brighten. Originally, his purpose was not to escape, but these generals. As long as he killed a few more people and swallowed up their accomplishments, Chen Xiao would be able to reach the threshold of promotion to King Wu's realm. Now these people come to the door on their own initiative, which is naturally impossible to let go.




The sword spirit is vertical and horizontal, and the strong wind is howling. In a flash, several generals are overturned by Chen Xiaofang. One of them is pinched by Chen Xiao and falls to the ground.

As for the others, they were not dead. They stood up and hurried back to the back, but how could Chen Xiao let them back away and quickly catch up with them.

"Damn it, your opponent is me!" The King Wu in the back was in a hurry. He didn't expect that Chen Xiao was not in a hurry to flee. He even slaughtered these ordinary people.

Is Chen Xiao really afraid of death?

Or did Chen Xiao not intend to go out alive from the beginning?

At the thought of this, Sun Jin felt cold in his heart. He was not afraid of you, but afraid that you would not die.

Seeing that Chen Xiao had killed three generals in a flash, Sun Jin knew that he could not continue to let Chen Xiaoshi do it. Otherwise, several generals of the Fang family would die. In his mouth, he let out a long roar, and the strong breath suddenly spread around him.

But most of the breath, mainly in the role of Chen Xiao, although not too useful, but better than nothing.

After the long scream, Sun Jin, also known as the one star king of martial arts, suddenly accelerated and rushed to Chen Xiao at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

This time, he did his best.

Chen Xiao naturally found this. The speed of the man behind him increased by at least 20%. Originally, his own liuyunbu could barely occupy the upper hand, but now his speed is a little slower. It is impossible to get rid of a Star King Wu to attack ordinary people.

However, it is no longer necessary.

Because, Chen Xiao inside the body of the true Qi, again turned to pour out!

Cultivation, breakthrough again!

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