Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1008: Demina and Agaros

Ye Cang looked up at the sky in the Agalos battle against Mina "good, this magic level."

"The title of the Queen of the Pass is not white, she is proficient in all the magic of the system, even if Hilfilis is inferior to her sister Mina in magical ability." Utis elegantly sitting on the sofa Ye Cang is drinking tea next to it.

A quick spell, Demina's hands greeted six giant ice dragons whistling to Agaros.

And Agalos just throws out the blue-blue energy dagger. When each small dagger hits the ice dragon, the whole horrible ice dragon begins to be broken down into the most primitive magic and is broken in the air. Use all kinds of curses, but Agaros is only cold cracked, no pressure at all.

"Have you stopped?" Agaros looked at the gasping 忒Mina faintly.

"I know that all my magic has been seen by you. Magic will not be useful once you have used it once, but... I learned new magic during this time. This is my gift to you. My teacher." De Mina's words made Agaros frown slightly, and that was probably not the magic of the elemental system.

A magical force that made him feel uncomfortable spread, the sky was covered with a reddish color, and this magic was full of evil spirits. Agaros shook his head. "You actually gave up your elf as the last dignity of the elf to serve." The evil spirit is a vein, and when I first saw you, the unclear feeling was right. I should not let you study abnormally in the magic. When I started to detect it, I should stop you. This is my millennium. The first time you neglect your duties, until you want to smear the arcane and magic, and go to no return."

Agaros recalls the elf girl in the magical forest who was greeted by the twigs of the world tree and filled with curiosity. The eyes were full of curiosity about magic, innocent and invisible, and gradually lost on the road of power and magic. The attempt to pollute the world tree became her source of strength, and she created too many sins with arcaneism, until she finally had to hand the blade of the once innocent girl, the girl who brought her real magical world to her, although she never received it. She is a disciple, but she is already a teacher and a disciple. . I am duty-bound.

"I have dignity in your eyes?" Demina laughed at herself.

"Sure enough, the elders of Agalos are ruthless." Ye Cang began to supplement the brain from the dialogue.

"Pesticide." Shakespeares quickly rushed to fill the knife.

"..." Utis Kay, are you usually ridiculing the magician's nightmare in the Temple of Agalos? But the magician is not afraid of him, Lu Jiaxi is watching how he killed the president of the last magic association, and chatting with him several times can hear his fear of Agaros is the fear from the bones." Sorcerer. Can Agalos crack it?".

The giants built by the evil spirits were not reacted in the first shot. The evil spirits ran through the body of Agaros and the giants held them in their hands. Then they put them in their mouths, and Mina was somewhat lost. Muttering, "Is it over?"

"The elders of Agaros!!!" Ye Cang quickly wanted to not return to the temple with mystery. .

"Don't underestimate Agaros, no one knows how long he has lived. How much magic knowledge he has mastered." Udys laughed.

An arcane singularity was born. Agaros was born again from the arcane singularity. He reached out to the giant's body. In an instant, the cult giants became dissipated as molecules. "Is this the structure of fel energy? It seems that I know The magic circuit of a sorcerer is broken down."

忒米娜 seems to have understood the general, the power of an arc of art and the ecstasy of the ecstasy let her completely fall off the air, and Agaros reached out and caught it. "You become like this, it is my fault." ”

"I.. just think. Let you look at my efforts, care more about me, why don't you see me..." Mina's body began to crack. "The last time you killed me." At that time, it is also like a princess holding me, maybe only when I am doing something wrong, you will hold me in my arms, take a good look at me. This is my last time, my teacher."

Agalos’s life for thousands of years has been indifferent to feelings. At this time, looking at the smiling Minamia’s mind, I seem to see the girl under the tree again.

"Can the magic of fire and water be a compound magic?"

"Yes, it can be done with arcane bonding, although the magic effect of the compound is not great."

"Arcane, the mother said that you are the most powerful arcane master, can you teach me arcane?"


"I beg you, teach me, teach me!!"

Agaros showed a sad feeling on his face, and Mina reached out and touched his face. "I thought you really didn't have feelings..."

"Goodbye, Demi Na." Agaros said softly, and Mina nodded and smiled and closed her eyes. "Goodbye."

Ye Cang walked over and looked at Mina. "You are not a grandmother, you are going to die."

"Sage is an adult, she has been cursed by Asen Roche's anti-sorrow, and the evil spirits are back, no treatment can save her. This is her own choice." Agaros shook his head, Ye Cang tried to lose With two healing spells, Mina is obviously a little better.

"Ha?..." Agaros looked at the cracked 忒米娜 actually turned better again, what treatment! ? It is possible to circumvent the curse of the prohibition.

忒 Mina also feels that the body that has swallowed quickly has stopped, and is recovering with a trend of improvement.

"Sage, you.. This is." Agaros lost his voice.

Ye Cangwen patted his shoulder with a heavy heart. "Old, I can be the Six Sages, and you are just a little elder, this. There is still a reason."

Ye Cang dark road, his own characteristics chaotic soup · delicious (all treatment magic / treatment effect must be effective, can not be dispelled) and chaotic soup · greasy (all treatment effects must be to disperse toxins) can be.

"I see your sincere eyes, I know that you are definitely not a bad person. I definitely want to join our goddess association to become a member of the world." Ye Cang smiled and reached out, and Mina was a little embarrassed, she was With the determination to die, now. . Don't look over at Agaros and nod. "The goddess really wants to accept me?"

"Of course, our goddess welcomes all kinds of girls who are lost, young women, as long as they are sincere, and convert to my six gods, are our companions, not limited to race, not limited to everything, as long as they have a sincere heart. Come, Aga Elder Los, give her a contract first, then from the six three.. cough, choose one of the goddess as their own patron saint." Ye Cang originally wanted to let Argaros take out the slave contract directly, but look What is what Agalos tells is a bit like giving a face, taking a step back, betraying the contract, then losing two more water systems and natural healing, and continuing to restore the magic, then take Minami to the sofa and continue. Start brainwashing.

Agaros looked at Mina, who was taken away by the face of the Buddha and the smile of the Buddha. Some of them looked complicated and they did something wrong. . Then sit down and rest for a while to smooth out the magical fluctuations.

When Agaros stood up, 忒米娜 has become the standard costume of the goddess, the lower opening, the lower open chest, is already starting to make hair. . Shakespeares handed a series of scissors and blows props alongside, and then looked at her own eyes with a kind of retaliating cold smile, this woman! ! !

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