Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1036: Where to drink tea

Everyone came to the riverside in Xinghai District. A two-story wooden boat stopped at the riverside. The wooden bridge that the pier passed through was ebony. The phoenix of the ship wrote "The place to drink tea." Lin Liang originally The sandalwood and sandalwood boats were attracted by this chic, but looking at the name, it was speechless.

Pharaoh took everyone into the house, the maid did not stop Pharaoh, and smiled, "Master Wang, you are coming again."

"Well, this time I brought my friends, and the idols of your boss..." Pharaoh gestured, the two maids saw the uncle in the crowd. "Qin sister knows that he is happy and happy! Come in."

Come to the cabin on the second floor, antique decoration, hand-carved pear wood window, tea table, cushioned cushion, quaint tea scented, Lin Liang smelled the beam, the taste of tea has already entered the wood, It makes people feel good, this is a wonderful person to know tea.

"Pharaoh, how are you..." The wooden door at the end of the boat was pushed open, and the pleasant river breeze swept with a flower-like aroma. A beautiful woman dressed as a blue cheongsam appeared at the door. After that, the goose egg has a slightly pointed face, and the elegant book in the eyebrows is full of air. Xiaoye Tianzhu said, "The smell of green tea is coming."

"..." Wu Nahan Yan, then knocked her on the education road "to be polite, auntie called cultivation.. Do not spit."

"People look younger than you." Xiaoyetian's words made Wu Na's fingers creak, Xiaoyetian quickly admits.

"Haha, Nana, you..." The thorny words haven't finished yet, Xiaoyetian said seriously, "You look like her sister."

"..."." The chest is boring.

The beautiful woman saw the uncle in the crowd and said that she had stammered. "Old. Pharaoh, give me a pick up, no! Introduce a little, no, introduce the guests."

Pharaoh looked at her straight hook and looked at the uncle, Nima! I want to introduce! ? I can't say anything on the tone. "This is the boss who drinks tea, Sun Meiqin, Xiaoqin..."

Pharaoh began to introduce everyone, Sun Meiqin looked at him with no expression, this middle-aged guy who wants to thank the top is deliberate, and does not introduce me so handsome and temperamental brother.

Finally, to the uncle, the uncle took off the top hat and smiled, and Sun Meiqin rushed over. "Actually, I have always liked your dance and music talents. Can you sign me a name?"

"I listened to Lao Wang on the road, and the signature has already been signed." The uncle said with a smile.

Sun Meiqin is not clear, so sign it, is it! ! Just want to smash the cheongsam, the inner uncle cane and shook his head and smiled. "Hey, go home and look at it? It’s a bit indecent. It will be treated as a change/style, handmade bud/silk, weaving craft. It is also very good, very tasteful and very suitable for you."

"Well!?" XV and others, all sorts of words, you are the change / state! ? If someone signs the signature, they will sign in others/trousers! And what are you talking about later? ? This is called face-to-face/harassment!

When Sun Meiqin heard that he was boasting that he had a taste, he felt that his body was very numb, and he was about to shout it out, and he was going to die! ! He appreciates my taste! !

"Cough!!" Pharaoh began to remind.

"Cough cough!!!" Pharaoh saw that she did not respond and was immersed in the huge happiness and said, "We are coming to drink tea..."

Sun Meiqin put away the idiot and looked at the uncle who was panicked and left. "Oh, oh, sorry, I am dying! I am going to prepare tea and snacks for you!!!"

"Hey, let's..." Lao Li looked at her back without a word.

"This time she is sure to be willing to take out her baby." Pharaoh squatted and sat down by the window.

"What baby?" Ye Cang was curious.

"She raised the shrimp." Lao Li also sat down.

"There are strange things about shrimp." Yan Mei thought for a moment.

"Since Pharaoh said so, it must be justified." Uncle laughed.

"Her shrimp can be different. She takes the spring water phoenix phoenix shrimp seedlings, raises her cold cold tea, and changes the cold tea every day until the shrimps become more and more green. When it reaches maturity, Will no longer feed her prepared tea powder, and then three years of net shrimp body to no impurities, this tea food is formed every four years, but a treasure that only patience and persistence can taste, Xiaoqin's cooking is actually The chef world is not too good, it is not high, but it is not up to the top, but this girl has a patience and perseverance that ordinary people do not have, the attachment to the tea ceremony, the attachment to the tea meal, there are few ways that I and Lao Li have no way. The thing that is done, this shrimp is, this is not only patience, but also the understanding of tea, when to feed what tea powder, when to change what tea is very particular, belongs to her label, unique label. "Pharaoh looked out from the window, and the vast river surface was exceptionally magnificent."

"Is there a little bit more serious?" Cao Cao asked.

"Yes, ink jade bitter buckwheat noodles, this is not a special hobby can not eat." Lao Li remembered this dish, the bitter taste of the ink jade tea is simply.

"Mu Yu Kuding, I still have to drink." Lin Liang remembered the bitterness, full of extremes, but in the end, the past return to Gan is also the most in the tea, the real hard work, but the average person still not used, not yet I will start to gargle when I return to Gan.

After half a ring, Sun Meiqin and the maid did not come in the plate of the phoenix phoenix wood. The tea fragrance could smell the fragrance even if the lid was not untied. Sun Meiqin put a bowl of tea in front of Ye Cang, in the bowl. Green and swaying, undercover white jade grain, tender and fragrant.

"White tea? Or the white star of the Xingyao Mountain." Lin Liang just shut his eyes and sniffed.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to be a person who smells tea. This white star is my own planting, and I am withered. The tea I brewed for the guests is my own. All the procedures will never be allowed." Others, this is respect for the tea drinker, and also respect for their craft.” Sun Meiqin said that the slightest self-confidence raised his mouth, this is the pride of an ingenious person, Lin Liang appreciates it, no wonder she only has it every day. Receiving very few people, smelling people giving tea, and seeing the mood and coming to the right, the tea is the same thing, the taste is the gentleman's turn, although it is as light as water, but pay attention to the bottom, look down and hand Come to the tea in the bowl, the chest is stuffy, do you have any opinion on me! Give people tea, what tea does not give, give insect tea!

Lin Liang took a deep breath and smelled the tea. This fragrance is also a good thing. Although it is a kind of dried squid of some kind of tea scorpion larvae, plus a few crafts, this tea scorpion is The key is that I have little involvement in worm tea. I don’t see what worms are. Some curious look at Sun Meiqin.

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