Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1043: Peony Pool

Everyone followed Lao Li and his son to the Peony Pond. They watched the surrounding exhibitions. The layout was very tasteful. The furnishings, including the furnishings, were also real antiques, not fakes. A beautiful woman with a tall man on the head. I haven't seen a lot of high school students at the age of twenty, and I looked at Li Lao, and then bowed his head and was ashamed.

"Son, this is Miss Chen."

"Old Li sighed." Fifty-four mothers, hello. . ”

The woman said that she hated her face and walked away.

"Bad boy, people haven't passed the door yet."

"When are you going to pass."

"Tomorrow morning."

"Then I didn't make a mistake."

The latter XV and others have only reverence for Li Lao, and Yan Mei and others are even more obsessed with Lao Li. In such an unfair environment, his character is the most serious person among us. . It belongs to the existence of a few normal people in the house of Cang Tianle.

When I came to the locker room of Peony Pool, Li Lao said to the wife of the public. "I want to accompany my son and their friends tonight. You should have a rest early. It is not good. You should talk to each other and don't bother our father and son to get together."

"Know it! Master.. Darling, dear, baby..." Mrs.

"The Peony Pool is Dianchi Lake, and the women are on the right side." Li Lao reminded the thorns and others.

Men and women change clothes separately and enter the Peony Pool. Unlike ordinary hot spring pools, the hot spring pools here are hardly repaired, and the huge hot spring pools are also different in depth. The middle two boulders will be separated from each other to form two pools. However, the gap between the cool boulder species can just pass a person, so it is also called the peony pool.

On the edge of the hot springs, the medicinal hot springs are more and more fragrant and fragrant. Liu Bei feels warm when he gets into the water, and the temperature is just right. The whole body feels very relaxed and can only rest on the shore.

Ye Cang and others are not so annoying. In the past, they both listened to what Lao Li and his son had listened to. They chose to relax and relax their body and relax their body. Jia Yu could not help but sigh again that this is called life. Sure enough, good people have good news. This kind of life is a gift to my kind man.

Lin Liang and Li Lao have been seen several times, but there is no intersection, so it is no stranger to Peony Pool. Compared with Peony Pool, he prefers to be soaked in the wine and cough. . However, the hot springs here have a characteristic, that is, there is a faint bean fragrance. This bean is very elegant, and it is not common among people to distinguish it in the pharmacological taste. Don’t look over Huang Zhong’s “you What are you doing?"

"Drinking water. This water is so good to soak and comfortable, it is better to drink it, no worse than the tea on the boat." Huang Zhong's words let the whole fruit Lin Liang use his feather fan to cover his head.

“Really?” Lin Liang just soaked it. He didn’t drink this water. Considering the hot spring, he drank a taste. It’s really elegant and chic. It has a unique pharmacological taste. The bean flavor is really a second. The taste buds are provoked in the mouth, it is very gentle, but there is a suffocation. . . When I tasted it, I saw Lin Le, who was looking at herself, and the very slight fluctuations in the water flow from the hot springs he touched, and suddenly stopped.

"Sorry, I was too comfortable for a while." The main feeling is that it is a swimming pool. I can't help myself." Lin Le stunned and explained it.

"Lele, doing beautiful." Linsen laughed and looked at Lin Liang.

Lin Liang quickly spit it out, although he still drank a small mouth feather fan and waved the surrounding cubic spa to be turned into a water polo into the water outlet. Looking at the Linsen version of Lin Le is helpless, choose not to pay attention .

Ye Cang and Sun Quan are together, mainly because Sun Quan floats around with a few large ice cubes, and the temperature of this hot spring wants to dissolve the ice produced by Sun Quan for a very long time, so it leads to the hot spring temperature of Sun Quan’s side. Only about 30 degrees, Ye Cang does not like to soak too hot, come over and Sun Quan here bubble, and then put the beer on the ice and ice, hot spring ice beer for Ye Cang, this is one of the bliss The kind of refreshment is the ultimate pleasure! !

Lao Li and his son had been in the hot spring for a long time, and Li Lao took the lead to break the silence. "I heard that your wife is a child."

"Well, it’s the people in the martial arts. I am older." Lao Li’s words made Li Lao’s smile. “It’s a big deal, and the big woman holds the gold bricks.”

Lao Li smiled bitterly, he is more than 100 years old, and you have several rounds of "hey, wedding day. You.. Will you come?"

"Crap!! I will definitely go, I am you!" The son is married to the old man to be in the system!!"

"That me." Lao Li also wants to say that he was interrupted by Li Lao. Li Lao took his son's shoulder and leaned back together. "Okay, you should let go of the previous things. I have already let go. We are always fathers and sons." But when you listened to me, I didn't go to the island."

Li Lao said that he paused here. "If you go, everyone has their own chances. Otherwise, you will not meet the present wife. Give me a look at her long hair?"

Lao Li turned out the photo, Li Laopin said that "there are beautiful people, the temperament is dusty, but the eyebrows are not too light. In short, you ask for more happiness, but you and her from the face are the match of heaven and earth. Happy and happy, and children and grandchildren."

Lao Li shrugged his shoulders. He was too happy to be happy. It was good to live. As for the children and grandchildren, her age is probably. . . Just thinking of it, Lao Li received the newsletter, and he was very good at it.

"Lang Jun, I... I... I... have it."

"With, what?" Lao Li suddenly thought of the question he was still thinking about, "Children?"

"Yeah. I look inside, it's a dragon and a baby."

Lao Li is now awkward in his mind, dragon and phoenix, dragon and phoenix, and then ecstatically shouted, "Is it a dragon and a baby?!!!"

"Well, husband, don't call such a big voice, I hang up, the master is calling me."

Susie hangs up the communication, and Lao Li looks at his father as he looks at the mental retardation. "Hey! She, she is pregnant with a baby! I want to be a father! What to do!!?"

Li Laoxian was calm and nodded. "How much is it."

Then I took out a cigarette, but took it back, and slammed it and found that it was not a cigarette butt, and threw it on the shore. I took a deep bite and took a deep breath. Then I burst into tears. "I want to be a grandfather." Rui, calm, you have to be calm! Come one?"

Lao Li quickly took over the smoke point, and the father and son smoked very nervously.

Lin Liang and others heard the conversation between the two people, and they congratulated Lao Li. Ye Cang thought that the people of the manor began to grow up more and more, and his food city and the reserve service were born.

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