Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1056: Intermission

Ye Cang came to sit next to Jing Xuan, and then he relaxed and planted it on the bar. Jing Xuan reached out to help Ye Cang instantly get up, his eyes changed, and he was filled with Dharma and peace.

"Master, no, three Tibetans, is it you?" Jing Xuan saw such a peaceful and philanthropic look like a bodhisattva.

"Where is the saying of the Sayādaw? All honors are nothing but clouds, you respect me, don't respect me, everything is empty, but those who cultivate themselves are humble to everything." Ye Cang took a sip of wine and ate A piece of meat.

"The disciple understands." Jing Xuan looked at him and he was still unwell at this time.

Ye Cang smiled and pointed at the glass. "What is it here?"


"No, it's water."

"What am I eating?" Ye Yang put a piece of juicy meat into his mouth.

"It's meat."

"No, no, it's wood."


"Don't you understand?"

"The disciple is not clear. I also hope that the three Tibetan masters will show."

Ye Cang shook his head and smiled a little. "You need to know, you can't say it, you can't be anxious."

"It is the disciple who is too anxious to commit the greed and let the three Tibetan masters laugh."

"Good, this little brother is the golden body of my world..." Ye Cang said here, his eyes turned into a stunned moment, as if to say oh, how come I got here, what happened, drink a piece? "Quiet Master, how can I...".

"Little master, you are just a little drunk." Jing Xuanhe respected the road.

"Oh, then I am gone." Ye Cang also reunited with ten, shook his head and wondered how he got there from here.

Wu Na looked at her eyes, especially when Ye Cang got up and turned back to Jing Xuan, the slightly swelled corner of the mouth, and behind him was the tribute of Jing Xuan’s thanks to him. In contrast, it seemed as if he saw the devil’s success in playing with toys. In the shadow, your conscience really won't hurt! ? In the Chrysanthemum Cup, the three mothers and daughters are swindled out of the house and they are still swearing. This is really beginning to extend the claws to the monks. The inexplicable distressed Jing Xuan, watching the pharaoh who chats with Zeng Yunli, the secret, Slag man! Your Jing Xuan master has been deceived and will not come to accompany him.

Intermission, holographic image implant sponsorship, playing the magical girl Xiao Cang collection, and 12 episodes of holographic animation "Magic girl Xiao Cang · can not break free of love hugs hanging articles" comprehensive production is expected to start logging in next month The holographic TV channel, followed by the official setting of the game league of Sanzong Masters and Ai Lili, is the intensity of G·GX·EX·? ? ? The permanent league limits the role, non-special circumstances are only used for entertainment unofficial X-hero series games, Jing Xuan looks at the sky holographic picture in the dark, the huge moon under the next closed eyed black silk dress girl legs crossed, Hands with lotus prints, wearing Buddha Xia, closed eyes surrounded by countless mantras and Buddha's overflowing knife blades, suddenly opened their eyes, eyes full of peace and wisdom, reaching out to the screen as if pulling people Going ashore and whispering, "Bodhi has no trees, and the mirror is not Taiwan. There is nothing in it. Where should it be dusty? Don't be obsessed with it. Let me go. Find the true knowledge and feel super."

But as the egg in the final picture, the moonlight illuminates the huge shadow of Ai Lili on the oblique side of the ground. It turns out that the shadow of a devil full of fangs and teeth is smirking. I have seen the Chrysanthemum Cup and know what this egg is. meaning.

Some people like Yan Mei and Wu Na can't stand these people. Several women decided to go shopping. Wu Na was afraid that Xiao Yetian didn't take care of herself. If they learned bad things in these people, they would be bad. They took the small hands and walked together.

On the other side, XV and Xiao Wang, the blade quickly rushed back to the warehouse where the ingredients were rented. The master Zhang quickly rushed to unload the goods and looked at them. They were all treasures, the best quality in the best, looking at them from the front. The mushroom man stunned. "This is."

"This stuff can be fresh soup, and aphrodisiac!" XV laughed.

Li Lao was also surprised to catch the mushroom man and looked at "good guys, which is more rare than a fairy bean, or a living thing."

"It's not a living thing. Xiao Tianjie has analyzed it. It just has a little more perceptive cells than ordinary fungi, and the worm is a lower class creature, even lower, no pain, but it must be The nerves returned." XV's words made Li Lao nod. He continued to find the new world like Zhang Lao, and most of them had never seen it. For example, this is a parasitic product of both mushrooms and crabs. Thick and mellow spores, Li Lao don't look over the big basket of fruits of various shapes and colors that are played for children. They are big and still so bright. "Is this?"

"This is also the specialty of our manor. The sky is full of different colors and different tastes. The red one looks like the root Yang X is the red hanging horse root that Lao Li and Lao Wang often use." Wang Xiaodao, but the word Yang X makes Master Zhang very tasteless. He hates others and says that the word frowns seriously and says "Yang X is indecent, or *** is better."

"Ha!?" Xiao Wang stunned, God his mother Yang X is not ya called XX, this is still considering the adjectives that are not swearing.

XV and Xiao Wang, the blade smashed together to carry a huge glass cylinder placed on the trolley of the magnetic suspension friction wheel, the two old smelled the wine "wine fish?"

"This wine is."

“The best Jimo wine!”

"A hundred years of light bamboo green!"

The two looked at each other with their eyes.

"Zhang Lao, your nose is afraid of being old."

"Fart! Kid! You can't smell the rich old-fashioned wine!"

"The wine tastes light and mellow, with a hint of bamboo leaves. Where is the yellow wine of Jimo old wine? You are afraid that it is not a distinction between yellow and white wine."

"Don't argue, Li Lao, Master Zhang, this water is like this. Everyone has a taste in their mouths, and there are even different smells. So it is called Wanjiu. This fish is The most delicious fish in the pool of Wanjiuquan is called the most fish.” The blade wipes the sweat on the head, and this is also the individual strength of Lima. Is Lao Li so powerful? One person can carry this stuff. With the play, the chefs are the blame king! ?

"Wan wine, the most fish, the name is so simple and rude? I like it. I ordered the fish bones." Zhang Lao jumped into the bathtub and reached for a handful of water to drink "It is indeed the taste of Jimo old wine, very pure positive, It was the same as the taste of my father at home. It was amazing."

Li Lao also took a sip, and the taste of the kid, the same day that I opened the seal of the altar, a hundred years of light bamboo clear, looking at the ingredients that I did not even know, Cang Tian Le Manor? It seems that I have to go to see and see.

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