Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1073: Qingxin Sanbao

Zhou Yudun felt awkward and then joined the adventure group under Sun Quan’s soft and hard foam. XV sighed and the team became more and more difficult. Some of the resources were given to Zhou Yu as a face-to-face ceremony. “This is a new member. Meet the face, have a good preview, maybe you can use it."

“Thank you for the head of V.” Zhou Yu looked at all kinds of unspeakable games. Does this have anything to do with heart attack? I know! This is the ability of the head of the team to test me! Trial! ? The public is taken over.

XV looked at Zhou Yu, I saw your eyes, I feel that the relatives of the boss are some gods.

The sweetness of a hint of light tea came to me, and Zeng Yunli suddenly looked back and looked at Sun Meiqin's meat with the most fish in her idle tea kiln, and baked it. This kind of roasting incense belongs to the text roast, with the tea fragrance not to mention, the fish will eventually receive silk as a snack of tea is a wonderful combination, this woman is really struggling with all the things related to tea, but she is a pity What is lacking is the foundation, which is why she has been looking for her ideal tea set for so many years. The tea set she wants to find and the Jingbao master left him with the same three treasures, such as the wooden spoon brought by Jing Xuan today. This is a treasured kitchen utensil that has been soaked in the water of the stamen plant salt for more than four hundred years. Every day, it must be infested in the Tianxin stali salt for at least 12 hours. When washing, it cannot be washed with water. It must be salt water and dried. After re-entering the salt water, this maintenance gives this wooden spoon a magical power. Even if the soup is salt-free, stir it with this spoon to have a special salty taste, very salty, and the taste molecules of the Tianxin stamen salt inside The gradual washing and rinsing of the years is full of essence, and the wooden spoon itself is the black-core rosewood. This spoon is one of the three treasures of the Qingxinzhai, namely the Tianxin sandalwood spoon, and his master is famous. Baby columns knife, and the remaining two are cold iron meteorite bowl, and the four seasons fragrant beads.

"Your master passed you all the three treasures, you can." Li Lao looked at the things that Jing Xuan took out, this spoon is the baby that he dreamed of, and the chilly shovel, a bowl of ecstasy rice, warm and lively Know that the bowl of ecstasy rice is the swan song of his master, simply a single bowl of vegetarian rice jam, at that time, but the pressure to win the championship.

"You shouldn't be going to seduce Purdue." Li Lao asked seriously.

Jing Xuan nodded, Li Lao blinked slightly, this monk came true, then he could not retreat, Lao Wang knows that this bowl of rice will use the Qingxin Sambo, frowning and thinking about how to deal with it, other Lao Li are like this. .

When Sun Meiqin heard the ecstasy, it was a bit unwilling to bite his lip and hold the hand. This is the height that he can't reach. Can he still take things that can keep up with their footsteps? Even the bottom. . Suddenly it was cold, turned to look at the uncle, and stuffed his inner/trousers into his own hands. "Believe yourself, your tea ceremony, your efforts, and talent, just like this white/trousers, Although it looks like a plain white bud/silk, but he is a chilly silk fabric, the rare treasures inside and outside the double flower, the inside of the powdered camellia, it should bloom."

"Thank you, Big Brother." Sun Meiqin moved for a while, then went to the toilet to put on, washed his face with water, looked at himself in the mirror, my tea ceremony? The eyes began to be confident.

Yan Mei and other women looked at the uncle "although it is a change / state."

"But really handsome." Xiaoyetian's words made several women nod.

"It is really handsome, second only to the naked uncle." The child's words made a few women sigh, watching the child sigh again, turned to look at the party and then sighed and then continued to eat each.

"..." Fang Zhi silently looked at the sky, sister, when are you coming back.

Ye Cang looked at Jing Xuan's kitchen utensils and some understood the seriousness of the matter. Is it so powerful? Unfortunately, my sauce is not in, how to deal with it, and the shot that I took in my hand is red oil. The ring arm began to think less than a second, and the fist clapped his hand.

"My brother has to take off again, look at that confident look." Zhang Zhengxiong's words made Yanmei and others somewhat pick up. Although the red oil was very successful, he experienced every cooking after he tortured and baptized. A thrilling disaster warning.

"The unarmed fighting is about to begin." The words of Ice Cloud made everyone pay attention to the game. Zhang Shaofeng was afraid that Liu Sunca would participate, but after hearing the words of the three people hating killing, he was relieved and looked at Zhang Zhengxiong. "Go."

"Nothing anyway, I am playing, Lele, are you coming?" Zhang Zhengxiong got up, and the stunned body made Zhang Shaofeng feel pressure.

"It’s a troublesome look, Lele wants to make up." Lin Le was lying on the sofa and soft.

On the emperor's side, Sun Li Liumei picked up "There is Zhang Zhengxiong and Qin Shaotian, Yang Huo."

"No cloud monk, you have an opponent." Linghu room lazy smile.

"Winning the heart is obsessive." Wu Yun Wu Hao continues to look at his own verses. "Be more careful than you, Shen Qianyi, the president will be adults."

"Shen Qianyi..." The flat-headed man of Jinsi glasses smiled slightly. This person is the chairman of the Imperial University Student Union. "You don't talk about him first. The presidents of the students of this school have come together. Pay attention. It is not only his monster, but also Ji Shouyu of the Imperial City, Lin Yifeng of the Nebula, and Xiao Kebei of the Mountain."

"The gods fight." Ji Xue of the Imperial City looked at the imperial concubine of the emperor, and Shen Qian, who was in the sea, had to fight and swear.

"But if it is freehand, I think it should be Shen Qianyi in the end. It is difficult to say that the military blade is integrated." Wang Ming, the chief instructor of the Imperial City District, looked at the list of players.

"What about Zhang Zhengxiong?" Ji Xue asked.

"It is not clear that his performance from the racing has not yet reached Shen Qianyi, and they can be such a monster level." Wang Ming shook his head, but Zhang Zhengxiong's physical and imposing pressure was very amazing, born with a strong momentum. The warrior is also very good. As for the other people who only watched it in the ring, Zhang Zhengxiong himself was very curious. Qin Shaotian in the ninth district of Linhai knew it himself. It was his own nephew, but Zhang Shaofeng took him as the first. The first main force in the Ninth District, the other side of the sea is also worth noting that Song Qingbo in the first district, Zhao Yifei in the second district, and Zhou Ping in the seven districts. These three are second only to Shen Qianyi, and the strength is in the five schools. It can also be said that it is the leader, and the absolute main force that can compete with the manpower without cloud.

"What about me? With the words of Shen Qian, I will lose after many moves." Ji Xue laughed.

"I met Shen Qianyi. You didn't have the power to fight back. If he wants, he will be able to lay down you. He is a family of Shen who is good at assassination of the ambush." ​​Wang Ming’s words made Ji Xue spit out his tongue.

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