Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1093: morning glory

"People brains are divided, let's go, the explosion is so loud, and soon it will be surrounded by people." Sun Yi reminded.

"There are a total of 16 brains, and we are eight people." Ye Cang will strip the fresh brains together with the leaves, and scan the circle to determine the number and then say.

Sun Yi and Zhou Wei silently looked at the sky with some sadness.

"I want to eat 4!!!" Jia Wei was unceremonious, thick pus ran down his mouth.

Ye Cang did not say anything to let him take four, he ate two, Lele ate two, Zhang Zhengxiong ate three, the rest more or less divided and eaten, all got knowledge and The ability, Jia Wei is mastering the new zombie magic, the resurrection of the body on the ground into a brainless zombie as a servant, Ye Cang gained a new specialization and self-hormone ability, Zhang Zhengxiong obtained shaman skills through knowledge I was able to perceive the fire in the element, and my hands ignited a big fire. I was very satisfied and smashed my hand to extinguish the flame.

Lin Le’s tail became a wildfire, and Huang Zhong got the ability to use the heart to shake the skin. The muscles were more full, and Zhang Zhengxiong might not be able to lose strength.

"Wow, the five bully super bully dogs." Yan Mei looked at Huang Zhong that the devil's muscles were more horrible than Zhang Zhengxiong's look. Although the size is small, the power looks terrible.

"Only I feel like the elder brother in the cat and the mouse. It is still a multi-legged version of the zombie."

Wu Na became so sentimental at the moment, and Bingyun looked at Wu Na’s sad look and asked, “What?”

"Just think of it, Tom and Jerry's last, time has passed, Tom is old, the hostess has exchanged a new cat to bully it, and it is just unable to kneel outside the mouse hole covered with cobwebs, expecting to wait for that once Time, waiting for Jerry, until I have been sleeping forever, hey, old man, I am coming." Wu Na’s words made Bingyun feel a little sad, "Hey?"

"In order to protect Tom and the wild dog, I’m fighting."

The thorn feels weird, how do you feel that the cats and mice you see are different from what I see "Where did you see it?".

"My mind..." Wu Na sighed.

"..."." The two looked at her without words.

The picture returned to Ye Cang, everyone looked at Sun Yi with an idea, Sun Yi looked at the familiar eyes, you are a beast! ? Don't look over at Zhou Wei's arm on Zhang Zhengxiong's arm. I also sighed and said, "What do you want to do."

"After the aid, the plan of the military." Jia Zhang pinched his chin and took off his teeth and rubbed the remaining flesh and blood, and then put it back.

"But we need a bait, little brother, you are the right person to choose." Cao Cao laughed.

"This is the result of everyone's vote." Ye Cang patted its shoulder, then took two bunches of grapes under his arm and placed them in his hand. The pumpkin light on his back was also tied to his back (no Use it, can't grow out.) "Good dry, have meat to eat."

After a brief discussion, Sun Yi stood on the edge of the blasting hole and pretended to indulge in eating the body and did not run away. In her mind, Ye Cong taught her own lines, roughly like this, Ha! what! what! Found by you! what! what! what! Stupid bad py human! Come and catch me! ! what! what! what! Twisting the buttocks, this is Lin Lejiao, and then they chase, run by themselves, but also run around the hole of the pothole, and then pretend to accidentally drop the pothole, the white-haired devil wants to find a chance to detonate me Carrying the pumpkin lantern, hit the enemy.

Sun Yi blinked and it was not easy to earn credits.

"Bugu!" Lin Le’s voice came, Sun Yi got up and someone came!

Sun Yi looked at the hundreds of humans who came to the opposite side of the potholes. They continued to calmly eat the bodies, and then don’t look over the humans with the soldiers in them. A lot of mutant plants "Ha! Ha! Ha! . . ."

The words have not been finished yet.

"The slaughter him!!!" headed the head of the village chief, "I actually killed my old Marry!"

Sun Yi began to run but the foot rolled into the pothole, and the villagers stepped down the downhill **** and went down to death!!

Countless steel forks, swords come, Ye Cang hit a ring.


Sun Yi was blown into the meat, and the people under the potholes were also seriously wounded. The close is directly killed, the village chief suddenly feels bad, and the doll skin is removed. Jia Wei The basics are all in the potholes, and the enhanced version of the cloud of erosion is lost in the potholes, and the screams are endless.

The dignified and elegant woman on the side of the village chief stood up to a big tree with a few frightened village women. She sneaked through a village woman and took a bite in the neck and quickly drained her. Blood, like garbage, was thrown on the ground, and then gracefully returned to the tree less than one meter in diameter. Repeatedly, several village women were all sucked up with blood, and the woman looked at Zhang Zhengxiong and others who took it out elegantly. I went out to wipe the mouth with a handkerchief. "Zombies, stupid people, but we can’t beat them together. It’s the existence of these stupid things. If you look at this, if you have hope, I will help you. This old thing can't be dealt with well. He is a mixture of trumpet flowers and piranhas."

"Blood family, once before the arrival of Princess Serrech and the werewolf is a villain, after the massacre, although still look down on the zombies, but it is a friendly army, right, the blood family before Serrech did not come, this villain is not killing, very The few people who kill are basically taking a lot of blood and taking a sustainable development path. Some people also go to them regularly to enjoy the pleasure of being sucked by blood. Although they are hated by humans, they can’t say hate, and they also Very proud, seeing human beings is a blood bank package that can communicate but is mentally retarded." Xiaoye Tian said.

"What about the werewolf?"

"It will force humans to help them raise livestock, and then come back to eat, arrogant, tempered, and arrogant, but basically will not kill." Xiaoyetian's words make the thorns and other people all kinds of shame, lying, so **** and violent The restricted-level game, even before the basic background is still the direction of the supply.

On the court, Zhang Zhengxiong went up and was very difficult to move with a lot of trumpet. "Brother, the sound wave attack of this thing is not good!!"

"Disperse, around." Ye Cang nodded.

When Sun Quan was not close, he was shot by the thick blade of the vine, and his body was cut out of several incisive cuts. How did this ghost find me?

"Echo positioning." Xiaoye Tianhuan arm was analyzed off-site.

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