Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1182: Flower month mirror

Ye Cang said that before the pretend temptation, he immediately began to sneak out of the eight-year-old girl, and Yabuki really grabbed the first hand and began to parry. The fierce fist made Ye Cang’s heart tremble, and his own wind blade was fundamental. Can't stop his punches, this is the hegemony, the icicles are the same, the last four elements fit a quick punch and hit his face, but Yabuki is also like the unstoppable overlord, along the Ye Cang hit the strength of his face, turned around is a heavy punch forced through the elements of the flying Ye Cang, spit out two teeth, some taboo looking at Ye Cang, this guy is very powerful, if not my head iron, It must have been defeated by this punch. The strength of the four elements plus such a quick and powerful jab, the head is now awkward, the foot is already unstable, the force is squatting, and one hand is supported on the ground.

Ye Cang felt that he was hit by a missile. The bones of his chest were at least broken. Like a broken kite flying out of the ring, four young boys hurriedly jumped and hugged Ye Cang. Just supporting the hard-to-receive effect, they immediately got the goal. Forced to come back.

Limasu's avatar began to treat Ye Cang, giving priority to the treatment of minor bruises on the face. Ye Cang said silently, "Will you treat it! Nima gives priority to treating the injured area!! Chest!!"

Kagura Thousand Cranes is a priority treatment face that you said yourself. . Turning slowly, I stepped onto the platform and lifted up "I really, let me see how much you have grown."

"Thousand Cranes sister, then you are optimistic." Yabuki really rubbed the blood of his mouth and slowly stood up, took a deep breath, stepped on the small step and re-established the posture.

Kagura Katsuhe did not dare to care about it. Several phantoms smashed away. Yahweh’s hand was a fireless ghost, dispelled the phantom, and landed a stride of meteors, which was extremely fast and bitter!

After a heavy fist, Kagura turned and turned, and the hand held down the bite and unloaded force. When one palm hit his chest and forced to retreat, Yabuki’s kick also hit her, and both of them retreated.

Kagura Thousand Cranes open the blood to run away, dispelling their own sense of frustration, arranging! ! Numerous phantom dances with the attack and attacked Yabuki, and the foundation of the zero skills was also able to complete the blast.

Yabuki Shingo continued to attack hard, but always noticed the movement of the Kagura Thousand Cranes, screaming, rushing up without breaking through, rushing forward, shouldering the landslide with his shoulders, Kagura The crane feels the pain of the broken hand from the finger to the wrist, frowning and facing the hard and the light wave is also hit by Yabuki, and Yabuki really feels that his right shoulder is dislocated and the two hit each other. It’s hard to play with the right hand.

Yabuki Shingo turned over and volleyed under the volley. The Kagura Thousand Cranes stepped back and single-handedly unloaded, and the gap in strength made her fall into the wind, and her heavy strength was awkward.

opportunity! Yabuki really slammed into the dislocated shoulder and hit the thousand cranes. The left hand locked the throat and started, Master! This is my new trick! ! Qin Yue·No! The sturdy wrist brought the neck of the Kagura Thousand Cranes to the ground, but the touch of the mountain that touched the ground did not come, but the phantom collapsed, and the supernatural speed of the Kagura crane was not far away. A stab boxer knife was cut in his throat, and a faint fainting sensation came from him. His brain was black and fell to the ground.

Shenle Qianhe secretly, this kid is getting more and more powerful, and he is almost unable to convince him. It is not the **** violent walk that makes his own simulation of the image of the flower month. I am afraid that it is me who is stunned, watching the moon and the bombardment. The terrible cobweb on the ground cracked the ground.

"This kid is all good, that is, his brain is not good. How can the gods and thousands of cranes be so easy to make big mistakes." No. 0 regrets watching Yao Bianzhen.

"If I remember correctly, these days are the entrance exams... It seems that he has to read another year of high school." Snow looked at Yao Bing really whispered.

". . . . . . ."

Ye Cang got up and got up, and looked at the Kagura crane that came to receive treatment. "NICE, the idiot is very good."

"I will help you with urgent treatment first. It may be a little painful. Toon, the young child is holding her."

"...", don't, don't, don't!!! Ah!! My hand!!!"

Ye Cang kindly walked to the Red Pills team and looked at the sharp wounds that had not been treated well. "I am quite close to him. It hurts him so hard, I can't bear it. It's better for me to help you, although it hurts, you see The toon is alive and kicking and eating."

"That, okay." Red pill stared at Ye Cang, then slowly nodded, although there was a screaming scream, but after his treatment, the treatment was very good.

"However, he woke up and needed you to press it." Ye Cang smiled incomparably.

"I understand." Goro Goro also agreed, after all, they have won, there is no need to squat.

"That's the beginning." Ye Cang put the cloth into the blade of the blade, and then took out the backpack doctor's parents and looked at the blade of Limasu's warm treatment. He took the wrench and interrupted him. A rib "I said that you don't have a good look at the bones in the treatment. They are all a little bit deformed and can only be interrupted."

The blade suddenly woke up and looked very incomprehensible, but the mouth was a cloth group, and both hands and feet were pressed by the gate Goro and the red pill. The eyes saw the gentleness of Ye Cang as the delightful smile of the family and suddenly understood, lying! !

Then Ye Cang violently from the skin outside the bones from time to time also twisted the bones and turned a 360-degree turn, let Limasu treat "so many wounds outside, you do not give priority! This cave is so wet, there are so many fungal mushrooms over there. What to do if you are completely infected!? Old alcoholic, your wine is a spirit, give it to me!"

Zhen Yuanzhai throws out the wine gourd "This kid is really scary."

Ye Cang began to use wine to soak the wound. "Salt is also a good disinfectant. Wind oil can reduce his pain. There is a recipe in my hometown where he can rub some oil to relieve pain and achieve analgesia."

"Huaxia Medical is really incredible." Red Pill suddenly realized that poisoning and poisoning, pain and pain, seems to be such a reason. "That's more, the more painful and painful the better."

"Not too much, a whole bottle." Ye Cang shook his head and took a serious science, then pulled the scarf and slammed into the mosaic.

"The treatment effect is remarkable!! He is very fierce!!" The door Wulang is pleased.

"Cao Jingjing said that his two teammates had problems in their brains. It was really true. They would not fight with the two teams to participate in any fighting games in the future." Kagura Thousand Cranes looked at the path of the blade.

Yan Mei looked at Gong Sun’s face with red face. "What are you thinking about?"

"I also want to play with Afan." Gong Sunqian began to breathe.

"....." Fang gave a silent voice, but Gongsun Qian looked at him "sister, almost forgot, I really don't dislike with you."

"I am not a sister!! You are a change!"

On the sidelines, I looked at the blade and suffered various kinds of torture. Zhongge Khanyan said, "That, we still cut the picture to other places."

"This person is too bad, it is not a human." West Asia looked at Zhongge is recording what "?"

"Nothing, just write down your sentence, wait for him to tell him that it is estimated that you are coming back to meet him." Zhao Ge laughed.


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