Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1199: Risk win

K9999 with one hand on his head, his expression is very painful, the memory of tampering, all the pain, the copying person will always be the copying person, he is still the most alternative kind of copying person, the last copy of the grasshopper, if not Angela himself Really because of the instability of the spirit to destroy, staring at the k-war, revealing a sly smile, the bandaged hand turned into a biochemical gun constantly spraying shells, k a step down, close to the ground and came to him in an instant. The kicking dragon kicked up with a fiery flame, and the k9999 barrel was pressed down by the hand, which also brought the red inflammation "rolling open!!!"

K Shenglong kicked through Chi Yan and kicked his chin, but k9999 slightly raised and rubbed his chin.

K9999 escaped from the moment, immediately stood in the chaotic position of the spiritual domain, and instantly flew k, rubbed the **** road separated by the chin, "just that's it!?k!!!".

k landing half a squat on the ground, watching k9999, to tell the truth is not so tricky than k9999 on the eight gods, to the eight gods than him, but this person's fighting style is crazy, watching the raid And the spiral sword stab!

K9999 bandage hand turned into a spiral spiked assault, k had to avoid, zero lying on the stone table, don't look over k9999, this guy will become more and more crazy in the battle, getting lost, and finally may not know What did you do, k should not be dragged on for too long, because k9999 is the stronger the Vietnam War, when he is in a state of genetic violent, even if he is difficult to beat.

For k9999, k is also his fateful enemy. The spirit feels awkward, but he is also seized by the opportunity to play in the chain. The fists and flames dance like a god, and the last continuous crow bites and turns over. K9999 hits the ground.

At this time, the appearance of k9999 on the ground is not adult, but k still feels a smile, countless huge biochemical giants like the biochemical tumor explosion, constantly driving the body to avoid, the meat pile k9999 climbed up and flew up The sky, the pain of the body, the pain of being human beings, not the human beings, the meaning of existence "no!!!"

Like the emptiness of the serpent, the entire ring is covered, k feels that all the beams are hitting themselves, the biochemical giants are constantly hammering, the light shines, k falls to the ground, and k9999 falls from the sky, and the cockroaches also It fell to the ground, but at the moment of landing, the hand was supported. The newly-invited movement caused great damage to his body, his nervous system was also permanently damaged, the memory became more and more chaotic, and the memory of the fault was lost again. Partly, looking back at Ahn'Qiraj, I suddenly found that I forgot a lot of things, even without the memory of coming to the temple here, but it doesn't matter, as long as. . Ahn'Qiraj can be by my side. . Even if she even forgets her, as long as she can see her. . I will remember the feeling of heartbeat.

k wants to get up but can't get rid of the weight of the biochemical giants' riots. Finally, he still fainted. K9999 couldn't bear the tumor in his split cell at this time, but he still won the judgment. Leting Leona, who was observing from beginning to end, shook her head, and she just wanted to support but had no chance and lost.

Eight gods clenched their teeth and looked at Zhang Zhengxiong "Next time! I will definitely come back and destroy you!! Certainly!!!"

"I finally understood." Grasshopper enjoys the embrace of snow.

Zero looked at the snow and sighed. Zhang Zhengxiong reached out and pressed his hand on his shoulder. "Others broke. Mazi, it’s not good to find a way to get it back. It’s better to be a rich man, take money to disperse them, you are overbearing. Gentle president and the like."

The zero number slammed and suddenly nodded. "It makes sense!!"

The off-court has already boiled up, and the Emperor defeated the protagonist. This is the biggest suspense tonight. The periphery is almost out of blood. Whether it is on the ground or underground, the real strength of k9999 is so terrible, it is also a sinking heart. The confrontation between Emperor Sui and the Eight Gods is also basically the same.

"This tells the truth is very exciting, fateful showdown, copy people to the body, just did not expect the protagonist actually lost." Zhongge looked at the holographic picture.

"Sui Emperor grew too fast, I don't say his attributes in the game, but his fighting consciousness, fighting instinct, and letting goose bumps." West Asia also had to admit that Zhang Zhengxiong, the new emperor, she I have looked at all the competitions of the Three Emperors from the beginning. ,

Let her grow up incredibly. The growth of the three people is not like the words. The Emperor seems to be the most normal, but the most stable, most like a true genius. From the beginning, the speed of the Emperor is as fast as possible. This guy is just not familiar with it. Once familiar is a terrible existence, and the Emperor is not the same, he is really growing up, and the growth rate is shocking and quicker to see every time in the game. The decision is getting more and more decisive. The so-called king in his eyes, the strongest professional player, is the object of time beyond, the ability to learn, the ability to learn others is more and more scalp, like a super without water Sponge, wrestling, the same tricks for him is very unlikely to hit him twice, just his confrontation with the Eight Gods is also, with his way to the body! Different from his appearance style, this is a very flexible pioneer, but it is also very horrible when it is fierce. In the language of China, it is just soft and soft, soft as water, just like a fire!

West Asia thinks of it, and then thinks that after returning, it may encounter such a professional player, and the excitement is accompanied by a little awe.

"The Emperor of the Sui Dynasty is the lowest of the three emperors, and the lowest among the three emperors, but all know that the wall of the three emperors in this lineup separates the opponent, morale perpetual motion!!" Zhao Ge thought of Zhang Zhengxiong The battle picture, b is stable and fast is the core of the three emperors, the shot must be in the basics, although always a pair of x look, but he is the most stable of the three emperors.

The emperor's surprising victory is the qualitative change of the three emperors. They often use the incredible way to open the situation in the game. The suspense of the battle is also very big. Anyone who can get up in seconds can be second. For example, Qingtian was reached by its prophecy.

In the end, it was Emperor Sui, the emperor of the Three Emperors, and he was learning from each other to promote the momentum of the game. Even if it was a disadvantage, he was in the wind! ! In this way, the combination of the Three Emperors became the nightmare of the world's professional players, the combination of dreams and the era of crushing, and the game alliance even had plans to force the agreement that the three of them could not be separated by the rules. This is also the love of the league. The voice of the fans, the three emperors were too invincible when they were together, and with the passage of time, this tacit understanding is too horrible, not to mention the addition of frenzied shadows, rainbows and small models, and even the addition of the Crimson Queen.

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